Les Cahiers du CIÉRA

Managing editor(s): Séraphin Guy Balla Ndegue (codirecteur), Roxanne Blanchard-Gagné (codirectrice), Maurice J. Kistabish (codirecteur)



The Cahiers du CIÉRA are the biannual publication of the Center interuniversitaire en d'études et Recherches autochtones (CIÉRA), which brings together members of the Quebec university community (Université Laval, Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université du Québec en Outaouais and Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue), Canada and elsewhere. The CIÉRA's mission is to conduct studies and research on Indigenous issues in Canada and elsewhere in the world, favoring collaborative and participatory approaches with Indigenous communities and Nations.

The Cahiers du CIÉRA offer the university community and the general public texts that concern contemporary issues, creations, ideas and initiatives by and about Indigenous peoples. Since the publication of the first issue in April 2008, the journal has adressed a multitude of themes in connection with the following research axes: culture and history; living conditions and environment; legal status and political mobilization; education and language; health and healing. Authors include members of the CIÉRA as well as other researchers, intellectuals, creators and other contributors. In addition, Les Cahiers du CIÉRA's mandate is to promote Indigenous and student voices.

Student involvement
Founded in the spring of 2008, the journal is the result of an initiative of CIÉRA student researchers. The latter continue to be involved in all of the Cahiers’ activities, thus playing a central and lasting role in the educational mission of the journal. The objective is to stimulate and support publishing and editorial opportunities for new researchers, whether they are Indigenous or non-Indigenous, as well as to artists, practitioners and representatives of organizations working with or in Indigenous communities.

Indigenous Voices
The Cahiers du CIÉRA recognize the need for Indigenous self-representation and the amplification of community voices. In addition to regularly publishing Indigenous authors, in 2020, the journal embarked on a path to begin decolonizing its practices. The purpose of this initiative is to guide the journal in the revision of its operations in order to better highlight Indigenous knowledge and perspectives, and to contribute to the deconstruction of the colonial structures still in place in the research and publishing world.  




Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA)

Université Laval

Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, bureau 0450

1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines

Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6


Phone : 418 656-7596

Fax : 418 656-3023




Back issues (6 issues)

Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.

Editorial policy and ethics


Two issues of the Cahiers du CIÉRA are published each year.

- One issue focuses on the theme of the CIÉRA annual conference. At the end of each conference, contributors are invited to reformulate their presentation in the form of an article. Other texts can be added if they correspond to the issues raised during the conference.
- One issue on a theme proposed by an editing team related to current issues in research and in Indigenous communities. A call for contributions is sent out once the theme has been approved by the editorial committee.
- For both issues, additional contributions on other themes may also be accepted, provided they address contemporary issues that concern Indigenous communities or minority groups.

Types of accepted publications 
The Cahiers du CIÉRA publishes different types of contributions:
• Scientific articles with double-blind peer review;
• Research notes;
• Interviews with key people in Indigenous socio-political, cultural and artistic life;
• Other publications: life stories, testimonies, poetry, artistic works, graphic presentations or any other proposal related to the theme of the issue;
• Conference proceedings, following the annual CIÉRA conference;
• Book reviews.

Peer-reviewed evaluation process for scientific articles
Scientific articles are evaluated in two stages:
(1) Internal evaluation by the editorial board (approximately 2 months after receipt of the submission): first selection of articles on the basis of their thematic relevance, and possible correction suggestions to the author before proceeding to peer review.
(2) External double-blind peer review by two anonymous reviewers (4 to 5 months after receipt of submission): reviewer reports including a recommendation of acceptance (with or without modification) or rejection. In the event of major contradictions between the two reviewers, the manuscript will be reviewed by a third anonymous reviewer.

Internal evaluation process for other publications
Upon receipt of the manuscripts, the members of the editorial committee make an initial selection on the basis of thematic relevance. Manuscripts are then reviewed internally by members of the editorial committee, editorial board, coordination team, and directorship. The editorial committee approves the preliminary corrections requested by the proofreaders. If necessary, requests for corrections are then submitted to the authors, who make the necessary changes and resubmit the text to the editorial committee. This checks the incorporation of requests for modifications and the justifications provided by the authors.


Since 2020, the Cahiers du CIÉRA have been distributed in open access via the Érudit platform. The articles are covered by a CC BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license. The latter allows articles to be downloaded and shared as long as the authors are credited with their name and without modifying them in any way, nor using them for commercial purposes.
Archived issues remain accessible online on the CIÉRA website: https://www.ciera.ulaval.ca/cahiers-du-ciera.

The journal only publishes original work. The reproduction of articles or the republication of a translated article is exceptional and must be validated by a majority vote of the editorial board members. The editing committee responsible for the issue in which this article will be published presents its justification for the republication to the members of the editorial committee. If approved, the latter proceed to evaluate the text internally, in the light of the Cahiers’ evaluation grid. The editorial board must ensure that this practice remains exceptional.

Information for contributors

Submission process

Authors should submit their publications by email to the coordination of the Cahiers du CIÉRA (cahiersduciera@ciera.ulaval.ca).

Submitted publications should be formatted as follows : 1.5 line spacing, justified, Times New Roman font, font size 12 - bibliography included.

The outline of the text must be as follows:
• Publication title
• Author's name and full professional titles or roles (titles or roles, departments or services or divisions and institutions or organizations)
• Abstract (maximum 200 words) and 5 keywords.
• Text of the publication (between 6000 and 8000 words)
• Footnotes (maximum 15 words)
• List of references (works cited)
• Bibliography (works consulted)
• Biographical sketch of the author (approximately 150 words)
Graphs, tables and photos should be presented on separate pages. Their position must be indicated in the text (e.g, table 1).

References cited

In the text, references are indicated according to the model (Authors, Date: page number or paragraph number for online documents).

For example :
Larose, Bourque, Terrisse, Kurtness 2001: 155.
Larose, Bourque, Terrisse, Kurtness 2001: § 7.


At the end of the text, the references cited are indicated as follows:

For a book or a report:
NAME OF AUTHOR / AUTHOR, First name (s), Year of publication, Title, Place of publication: Name of publisher.

CASTELLANO, Marlene Brant, Lynne DAVIS, et Louise LAHACHE (Dirs.), 2001, Aboriginal Education : Fulfilling the Promise, Vancouver : University of British Colombia Press.

For a journal article:
NAME OF AUTHOR / AUTHOR, First name (s), Year of publication, "Title of article", Journal name, Volume (Number): first and last pages of the article.

LAROSE, François, Jimmy BOURQUE, Bernard TERRISSE, et Jacques KURTNESS, 2001, « La résilience scolaire comme indice d'acculturation chez les autochtones : bilan de recherches en milieux innus », Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation, 27(1) : 151-180.

For an article in a collective work:
NAME OF AUTHOR / AUTHOR, First name (s), Year of publication, “Title of article”, in First name (s) Last name (s) of publication director (s), Title of book, Place of publication: Name of publisher, pp. first and last pages of the chapter.

HAMPTON, Eber, 2001, « First Nations-Controlled University Education in Canada », in Marlene B. Castellano, L. Davis, et L. Lahache (Dirs), Aboriginal Education : Fulfilling the Promise, Vancouver : University of British Colombia Press, pp. 208-221

Policy on Ethnonyms
Authors are urged to indicate the standards to which they abide with regard to their use of ethnonyms, within the framework of their article or other type of publication. It is expected that at least one footnote will explain the logics of agreement (in gender and in number or not, according to the rules of the French language office or according to the rules of the language used) and that they respect these standards consistently and uniformly throughout their contribution.


Policy on Inclusive Writing 
The Cahiers du CIÉRA aim to enable authors to express themselves through more inclusive writing and to be able to make all gender identities visible through their texts.
Authors are therefore urged to indicate the standards to which they abide in their use of inclusive writing in their article or other type of publication. It is expected that at least one footnote will explain the logics of their chosen inclusive style and that their text will respect these standards consistently and uniformly throughout the contribution.


Editorial board

Solen Roth, Invited Professor, Université de Montréal, CIÉRA-Montréal
Marie-Charlotte Franco, CIÉRA Postdoctoral Fellow, CIÉRA-Montréal, Université de Montréal

Roxane Blanchard-Gagné, PhD student, Population Studies, Institut national de la recherche scientifique - INRS

Editorial Board
Stéphanie Boulais, PhD student, Anthropology, Université Laval 
Carole Delamour, Postdoctoral Fellow, Anthropology, Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM
Julie Graff, PhD student, Art History, Université de Montréal
Raphaël Preux, PhD student, Anthropology, Université de Montréal
Maude Darsigny-Trépanier, PhD student, Art History, Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM
Daphnée Yiannaki, PhD Student, Museology, Université du Québec à Montréal - UQAM
Fernande Abanda Ngono, PhD student, Social Sciences, Université du Québec en Outaouais - UQO