Comparative and International Education Éducation comparée et internationale
Editor(s): Kumari Beck (Editor), Eva Lemaire (Editor), Dale M. McCartney (Associate Editor)
Comparative and International Education (formerly known as Canadian and International Education) has been the official, bilingual, peer-reviewed journal of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada since 1972. It is devoted to publishing scholarly writing on education (formal and non-formal) in a globalized world, from comparative and international perspectives. CIE welcomes Canadian comparative studies including research on indigenous and cross-cultural research and as well comparative research on other education settings and topics. The journal accepts manuscripts in both French and English that use a variety of methodological approaches, draw upon a wide range of theoretical frameworks, and speak to diverse contexts. The journal is published twice a year. It is indexed by Proquest, EBSCO, the Canadian Education Index and the Sociology of Education Abstracts.
Back issues (8 issues)
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Editorial board
Editorial Team
Kumari Beck, Simon Fraser University (Editor, English)
Eva Lemaire, University of Alberta (Editor, French)
Crystena A. H. Parker-Shandal, University of Waterloo (Editor, Book Reviews)
Dale M. McCartney, University of the Fraser Valley (Associate Editor)
Elaine Teng, University of British Columbia (Journal Manager)
Yu Guo, University of British Columbia (Journal Manager)
Rim Fathallah, University of Toronto (Editorial Assistant, French)
Marianne A. Larsen, Western University (Editor, Emeritus)