The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the strategies used by the gambling industry to influence the reforming of the state online monopoly into a licensing system in Sweden in 2019, and to weaken state online monopoly in Finland. Methodologically, this study used primary data from 9 expert interviews in both countries and secondary data from prior literature, which were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results identified five main political strategies used by the gambling industry: (1) Information, through lobbying politicians; (2) Constituency Building, through forming an alliance with interest groups; (3) Policy Substitution, through promoting alternative policies and self-regulation; (4) Legal Infringements; and (5) Regulatory Redundancy. The study concluded that the involvement of the gambling industry in policy-making influenced the change of the state online monopoly into a licensing system in Sweden in 2019 and is weakening the state online monopoly in Finland.
- case study,
- gambling,
- monopoly,
- policy,
- Finland,
- Sweden
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