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De Koninck, Rodolphe. "Sandhu, Kernial Singh et Wheatley, Paul, éds. (1989) Management of Success. The Moulding of Modern Singapore. Sinapour, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1 134 p. / Tay Kheng Soon (1989) Mega-Cities in the Tropics. Towards an Architectural Agenda for the Future. Singapour, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 83 p." Cahiers de géographie du Québec, volume 35, number 94, 1991, p. 203–205.
De Koninck, R. (1991). Review of [Sandhu, Kernial Singh et Wheatley, Paul, éds. (1989) Management of Success. The Moulding of Modern Singapore. Sinapour, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1 134 p. / Tay Kheng Soon (1989) Mega-Cities in the Tropics. Towards an Architectural Agenda for the Future. Singapour, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 83 p.] Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 35(94), 203–205.
- Chicago
De Koninck, Rodolphe "Sandhu, Kernial Singh et Wheatley, Paul, éds. (1989) Management of Success. The Moulding of Modern Singapore. Sinapour, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1 134 p. / Tay Kheng Soon (1989) Mega-Cities in the Tropics. Towards an Architectural Agenda for the Future. Singapour, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 83 p.". Cahiers de géographie du Québec 35, no. 94 (1991) : 203–205.
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