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Dufournaud, Christian and Jean Raveneau. "Board, Christopher, Chorley, Richard S., Haggett, Peter, Stoddart, David R., edit. Progress in Geography. International Reviews of Current Research. London, Edard Arnold. Volume 2, 1970, 235 pages. Volume 3, 1971, 231 pages." Cahiers de géographie du Québec, volume 16, number 38, 1972, p. 341–343.
Dufournaud, C. & Raveneau, J. (1972). Review of [Board, Christopher, Chorley, Richard S., Haggett, Peter, Stoddart, David R., edit. Progress in Geography. International Reviews of Current Research. London, Edard Arnold. Volume 2, 1970, 235 pages. Volume 3, 1971, 231 pages.] Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 16(38), 341–343.
- Chicago
Dufournaud, Christian and Raveneau, Jean "Board, Christopher, Chorley, Richard S., Haggett, Peter, Stoddart, David R., edit. Progress in Geography. International Reviews of Current Research. London, Edard Arnold. Volume 2, 1970, 235 pages. Volume 3, 1971, 231 pages.". Cahiers de géographie du Québec 16, no. 38 (1972) : 341–343.
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