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Crowley, John M. "Lantis, David W. (in collaboration with Steiner, Rodney, and Karinen, Arthur E.). California : Land of Contrast. Belmont (Calif.), Wadswirth Publishing Co., 1963. xvii plus 509 pp., maps, photos, appendices, bibliography, index / Wills, Bernt Lloyd. North Dakota : the Northern Prairie State. Ann Arbor (Mich.), Edwards Brothers, 1963. xi plus 318 pp., maps, photos, tables, index." Cahiers de géographie du Québec, volume 10, number 19, 1965, p. 154–159.
Crowley, J. M. (1965). Review of [Lantis, David W. (in collaboration with Steiner, Rodney, and Karinen, Arthur E.). California : Land of Contrast. Belmont (Calif.), Wadswirth Publishing Co., 1963. xvii plus 509 pp., maps, photos, appendices, bibliography, index / Wills, Bernt Lloyd. North Dakota : the Northern Prairie State. Ann Arbor (Mich.), Edwards Brothers, 1963. xi plus 318 pp., maps, photos, tables, index.] Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 10(19), 154–159.
- Chicago
Crowley, John M. "Lantis, David W. (in collaboration with Steiner, Rodney, and Karinen, Arthur E.). California : Land of Contrast. Belmont (Calif.), Wadswirth Publishing Co., 1963. xvii plus 509 pp., maps, photos, appendices, bibliography, index / Wills, Bernt Lloyd. North Dakota : the Northern Prairie State. Ann Arbor (Mich.), Edwards Brothers, 1963. xi plus 318 pp., maps, photos, tables, index.". Cahiers de géographie du Québec 10, no. 19 (1965) : 154–159.
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