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Broek, Jan O. M. "Crone, G.A. Background to Geography. London, Museum Press Limited, 1964, 224 pp., plates, sketch-maps and diagrams / Warntz, William. Geographers and What They Do. New York, Franklin Watts, Incoroporated, 1964, 149 pp." Cahiers de géographie du Québec, volume 10, number 19, 1965, p. 147–148.
Broek, J. O. M. (1965). Review of [Crone, G.A. Background to Geography. London, Museum Press Limited, 1964, 224 pp., plates, sketch-maps and diagrams / Warntz, William. Geographers and What They Do. New York, Franklin Watts, Incoroporated, 1964, 149 pp.] Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 10(19), 147–148.
- Chicago
Broek, Jan O. M. "Crone, G.A. Background to Geography. London, Museum Press Limited, 1964, 224 pp., plates, sketch-maps and diagrams / Warntz, William. Geographers and What They Do. New York, Franklin Watts, Incoroporated, 1964, 149 pp.". Cahiers de géographie du Québec 10, no. 19 (1965) : 147–148.
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