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In the September 2006 issue of Les Cahiers de Droit, I presented a glowing assessment of Ms. Mailhot’s 2nd edition of Les bons mots du civil et du pénal[1]. That appreciation also stands today for the 3rd edition. The changes in the new edition are not many in number. Nonetheless, what readers will genuinely appreciate is to be found in the volume’s greatly enlarged index, namely 51 new pages of well-illustrated details concerning the contents. As such, research for key-words and expressions is greatly facilitated and this edition’s value has more than doubled over the previous one.
Other content changes include many discreet additions that update or complement the previous edition. Pagination of the table of contents and ensuing chapters is unchanged up to page 306 despite the very succinct add-ons. This means that researchers familiar with the previous edition will have no difficulty finding their way through this one, but with far greater ease. Another plus for Ms. Mailhot and her readers.
Madeleine Mailhot, Les bons mots du civil et du pénal.Lexique français-anglais des expressions juridiques. Phraséologie, terminologie, exercices et tableaux, 2e éd., Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur, 2005, 332 p., recensé dans Wallace Schwab, « Les bons mots du civil et du pénal », (2006) 47 C. de D. 597.