La Disposition préliminaire du Code civil du Québec fait appel à la notion de droit commun. Cependant, de quel droit commun s’agit-il ? L’auteur constate la multiplicité historique des droits communs de l’Europe, y compris le ius commune, la common law et le droit commun français. Ce dernier serait devenu transnational en caractère, ayant le Code civil français comme élément contemporain important, mais comprenant aussi les principes généraux du droit. Le Code civil se situerait donc à l’intérieur d’une grande tradition juridique transnationale.
The Preliminary Provision of the Civil Code of Québec refers to the concept of jus commune. Yet to just which jus commune is it referring ? The author reviews the historic multiplicity of jura communia in Europe, including the jus commune, the common law and the general law of France. The latter has become transnational in character with the French Civil Code as an important contemporary element, but also including the general principles of law. As such, the Civil code should thus take its place within the framework of a much broader transnational legal tradition.
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