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Mirandette, Marie C. "Hollywood, implacable enfer / COSTES, Jean-Philippe. Hollywood Inferno. La divine comédie du star-system, Montréal, Liber, 2023, 190 p." Ciné-Bulles, volume 41, number 3, summer 2023, p. 55–55.
Mirandette, M. C. (2023). Review of [Hollywood, implacable enfer / COSTES, Jean-Philippe. Hollywood Inferno. La divine comédie du star-system, Montréal, Liber, 2023, 190 p.] Ciné-Bulles, 41(3), 55–55.
- Chicago
Mirandette, Marie C. "Hollywood, implacable enfer / COSTES, Jean-Philippe. Hollywood Inferno. La divine comédie du star-system, Montréal, Liber, 2023, 190 p.". Ciné-Bulles 41, no. 3 (2023) : 55–55.
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