Art/Design Education Resiliency: Co-generatively in a Community of Practice is a co-authored dialogic/dialectic conversation among co-founders of the Creative Research Inclusive Practices (CRIP) Lab located at OCAD University. Founders are Pam Patterson, Faculty of Art, and School of Graduate Studies, OCAD U; Roman Romanov, Faculty of Design, OCAD U; and Matt Hawthorn, Head Design, University of Derby. The three have named their collective research practice as a form of snorkelling1! They swim the surface of discourse in play, deep diving into projects or exhibitions when paradoxical or multi-positional situations arise. It is a critical and yet deeply pleasurable discursive practice.
- Benjamin, W. (June 13, 2021, Edition). The Work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. Lulu.com/Amazon.ca.
- Berger, J. (1972). Ways of seeing. Penguin Books.
- Bharucha, R. (1997). When ‘Eternal India’ meets the YPO, Third Text, 11(39), 39-58.
- Burger, P. (1984 ). Theory of the avant garde, University of Minnesota Press.
- Courtney, R. (1992). Toward a theory of curriculum. Unpublished manuscript, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
- Deleuze, G. (1992) Expressionism in philosophy: Spinoza. Zone Books.
- Heisinger-Nixon, D. (2017). On Crip horizons. Disability Studies Quarterly, 37 (3). https://dsq-sds.org/index.php/dsq/article/view/5961/4696
- Lee, S. (2019). Crip horizons: Disability art futurism. Akimbo https://akimbo.ca/akimblog/crip-horizons-disability-art-futurism-by-sean-lee/. September 26.
- LOHA, Big Blue Bus Stop - Big Blue Bus Stops — LOHA: Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (loharchitects.com). (Retrieved Aug 25, 2023).
- Marin, L. & Imperial, B. (Producers), Taylor, A. (Director). (2008). Examined life [Motion Picture]. Zeitgeist Films.
- Noddings, N. (1988). An Ethic of caring and its implications for instructional arrangements. American Journal of Education, 96 (2), 215-230.
- Robson, J. (2001). Norman, in Hawthorn, M. The Degenerate Art Book, Arnolfini Gallery.
- Stilgoe, J. R. (1998). Outside lies magic. Bloomsbury Press.
- Woodward, S. (2017). How can we move towards meaningful access for all? Rick Hansen Foundation Blog. https://www.rickhansen.com/news-stories/blog/how-can-we-move-towards-meaningful-access-all