Art/Design Education Resiliency: “Staying with the Trouble” references Donna Haraway’s call to commit to, and persevere in, realising connections as kin in a distressed world. Pam Patterson reviews a community research project, COVID-Anxiety, looking at the promise of laterally structured and collegially organized art educational communities of practice. Independent self-facilitated research communities such as these composed of students, staff, and faculty can inform research and build capacity for practice in art education. Comparing this success to the failed establishment of a Disability Caucus that followed, she pursues an explicatory reflective writing that locates her study in time, place, and situation. She further uses these reflections to develop a metatext that identifies a theory around dialogic/dialect process use for the establishment – and potential success – of co-learning art and design educational communities of practice (CoPs).
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Biographical note
Pam Patterson (PhD) has had an active and varied career in the arts. Her research, performance, visual work, curating, and teaching have focused on embodiment in art practice, the “body” or haptic in art, women and health, disability, women’s studies and art education. She is currently Assistant Professor Cross Disciplinary Arts (Art & Design Education), Co-Leader Creative Research Inclusive Practices (CRIP) Lab, and Artistic Director 113Research Project Gallery at OCADU, and research fellow Art Education, NSCAD. As a queer disability artist, Patterson has exhibited and performed across Canada and internationally.
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