- Equity,
- Diversity,
- and Inclusion,
- mental health,
- care,
- social justice,
- student perspective
Mots-clés :
- Équité,
- diversité et inclusion,
- santé mentale,
- soins,
- justice sociale,
- point de vue des étudiants
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Biographical note
Shanice Bernicky (she/her, elle) is a PhD student in Carleton University’s School of Journalism and Communication. She specializes in the research-creation research method to explore themes such as Black hair, heritage, multi-racial identity, and equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Settler-Canadian arts and culture sector.
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- James, Carl E. 2021. “Towards Equity in Education for Black Students in the Greater Toronto Area.” In Colour Matters: Essays on the Experiences, Education, and Pursuits of Black Youth, edited by Carl E. James, 283-308. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.
- Statistics Canada. 2022. Highest Level of Education by Census Year, Visible Minority and Generation Status: Canada, Provinces and Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census agglomerations. Statistics Canada. December 9. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=9810042901
- Scarborough Charter on anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education: Principles, Actions, and Accountabilities. 2021. National Dialogues and Action for Inclusive Higher Education and Communities. https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/