Du XVIe siècle, datent les premiers contrats d’assurance maritime souscrits en Grande-Bretagne. Au siècle suivant, apparaissent les premières compagnies d’assurance. Par la suite, une industrie verra le jour et ne cessera de se développer autour de la Phoenix, du Sun Fire Office, de la Prudential et du Lloyd’s. Cette industrie a accompagné et favorisé l’essor de l’Empire britannique au XIXe siècle et demeure, de nos jours encore, le miroir des mutations économiques, sociales et financières de la Grande-Bretagne. C’est cette indissociabilité et ce renouveau permanents que tente de décrire, malgré sa brièveté, l’étude que voici.
The very first insurance policies underwritten in Great-Britain date back to the 16th century. The first British insurance companies appeared in the following century and gave birth to an industry that would thrive and develop around such leading lights as the Phoenix, the Sun Fire Office, the Prudential and Lloyd’s. This industry clearly was instrumental in the expansion of the British Empire throughout the 19th century and today still reflects all the economic, social and financial changes taking place in Britain. However short it is, this study attempts to highlight the close ties between insurance and the evolution of British society over the centuries.