Accélération des restructurations économiques, dynamisme du marché financier confèrent à l’OPA de sérieuses vertus économiques que tempèrent cependant certains excès liés à un surendettement parfois manifeste. Mais le développement des OPA illustre surtout le grand retour du capital sur la scène économique.
The magazine Vif Argent (no. 72) recently published a very interesting article on takeover bids by a group of collaborators from the Department of Financial Studies of Crédit Commercial de France. We wish to thank the editor of Vif Argent for having given us the authorization to publish the above-mentioned article in which we learn that presenting a takeover bid is never an easy task. lt is of utmost importance that it not appear to be a strictly financial operation, but rather an economic one. Does a nation's economy benefit from takeover bids? This is a question pondered in the following text.
Download the article in PDF to read it.