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Bariteau, Claude. "Raymond BRETON, Gilles HOULE, Gary CALDWELL, Edmund MOKRZYCKI, et Edmund WHUK-LIPINSKI (dir.) : National Survival in Dependent Societies. Social Change in Canada and Poland , Ottawa, Carleton University Press, Carleton Library Series 162, 1990, 389 p., tabl., réf." Anthropologie et Sociétés, volume 16, number 1, 1992, p. 123–127.
Bariteau, C. (1992). Review of [Raymond BRETON, Gilles HOULE, Gary CALDWELL, Edmund MOKRZYCKI, et Edmund WHUK-LIPINSKI (dir.) : National Survival in Dependent Societies. Social Change in Canada and Poland , Ottawa, Carleton University Press, Carleton Library Series 162, 1990, 389 p., tabl., réf.] Anthropologie et Sociétés, 16(1), 123–127.
- Chicago
Bariteau, Claude "Raymond BRETON, Gilles HOULE, Gary CALDWELL, Edmund MOKRZYCKI, et Edmund WHUK-LIPINSKI (dir.) : National Survival in Dependent Societies. Social Change in Canada and Poland , Ottawa, Carleton University Press, Carleton Library Series 162, 1990, 389 p., tabl., réf.". Anthropologie et Sociétés 16, no. 1 (1992) : 123–127.
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