Art/Research International
A Transdisciplinary Journal

Volume 8, Number 2, 2024 (Re)crafting Creative Criticality: Indigenous Intergenerational Rhythms and Post–COVID Desires Guest-edited by Ruth Faleolo and 'Inoke Hafoka

Cover Image: Relic

Artist: Tali Alisa Hafoka

72” x 24” (Two 36” x 24”) Oil on Canvas 2010

Once, every part of the coconut tree had multiple practical uses that supported daily life (upper panel). Today, many of the coconut tree’s uses have been replaced by other materials. For some, the role of the coconut tree has been reduced to merely decorative (lower panel - topiary pot), creating an atmosphere of paradise, and garnishing your slice of coconut cake. We can also view the role of the coconut tree as being repurposed. There is a new function to the coconut tree due to the time, space, and location to allow for the sense of usefulness.

Table of contents (16 articles)

Art/Research Editorial

Section One: Experiential and Creative Criticality

  1. Understanding Diaspora Pasifika (Sāmoan and Tongan) Intergenerational Sense-Making and Meaning-Making through Imageries
  2. Engaging with Tapa and Ngatu: Creating Space for Storying About Tongan Identity and Culture in Aotearoa New Zealand
  3. An Artiture of Formerly Incarcerated Tongan Students in Community College
  4. Tongan Crip Gang: A Tongan American Identity

Section Two: Relationality

  1. Mana Moana: Understanding the Place of Moana in Aotearoa’s Architecture
  2. Living in the Telling: Indigenous Storytelling of Post–COVID Desires for Academia
  3. Finding Harmony between Decolonization and Christianity in Academia
  4. Audacious Dancing: Growing Pasifika Leaders for South Auckland through the Performing Arts

Section Three: Intergenerational Echoes

  1. Interweaving Creative Critical Sense-Making through a Body of Koloa: An Exploratory Examination of Falanoa as an Intergenerational Arts-Based Research Method
  2. Moana (Pacific) Expressions of Design: Setting the Conditions for Intergenerational inquiries through Learning and Creative Practice
  3. Indigenous Intergenerational Relational Rhythms: Sustaining Tongan Language and Culture Across Time (Tā) and Space (Vā)
  4. Our Search for Intergenerational Rhythms as Tongan Global Scholars

Art/Research Reviews

  1. Sacred Vā-Rhythms: A Book Review of Winston Halapua's Waves of God's Embrace, Sacred Perspectives from the Ocean (2008)
  2. Tauhi Vā, A Tongan Artistic Tradition Continues in Academic Research: A Book Review of Tēvita O. Ka‘ili’s Marking Indigeneity: The Tongan Art of Sociospatial Relations (2017)


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