Art/Research International
A Transdisciplinary Journal

Volume 7, Number 2, 2022 Poetic Inquiry for Synchrony & Love: A New Order of Gravity

Table of contents (20 articles)

Art/Research Editorial

Art/Research Theoretical Musings

  1. Art/Research Theoretical Musings: Artwork
  2. Small Sounds in Familiar Places: A Poetic-Visual Inquiry on the Gravity and Synchrony of Love in Pandemic Times
  3. Exiled Poetics: Glück, Darwish, and A Transnational Edenic Imagination
  4. Joy in the Dirt: Discovering Indenture's Wild Places
  5. (In)Habitings: A Poiesis of Presence/Absence in Love and Longing

Art/Research In Action

  1. Art/Research in Action: Artwork
  2. Without Words: Breathing Within the Echoes of Circular (Un)Certainty
  3. Grief-Writing: Navigating Ecological Suffering Through a Relational Pedagogy
  4. Gasp. Struggle. Let Go
  5. Where Does It Hurt? A Poetic Holding of Existential Hurt
  6. Tracing Paths of Love through Poetic Inquiry
  7. Snow in Summer: Poetic Teachings from Cottonwood and Ponderosa

Art/Research Reviews

  1. Art/Research Reviews: Artwork
  2. Review of “Doing Poetic Inquiry” by Helen Owton (2017)
  3. A Journey to the Death: Book Review of "The Spaces In Between" by Carl Leggo and Kimberley Holmes
  4. A Review of "The Marrow of Longing" by Celeste Nazeli Snowber
  5. Poetic Inquiry Coming of Age: A Review of "Poetry, Poetic Inquiry and Rwanda: Engaging with the Lives of Others" by Laura Apol


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