A specimen of an aphantomartid trigonotarbid arachnid. Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1884), found in the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian C. Minio Formation) coalfields of New Brunswick, Canada, is only the second North American localily for this species Trigonotarbids are uncommon fossils in Carboniferous deposits, most described specimens being found in Europe Recent revision of the family Aphantomartidae identified only one genus with two species, which range from the Lower Carboniferous (Visean) lo the Lower Permian (Assclian). The specimen is the only aphantomartid trigonotarbid described from the Maritimes Basin of the Kuramencan Coal Province.
l.e specimen d'arachnide aphantomanidc tngonotarbidc Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1884) decouvcrt dans dcs terrains houillers du Carboniferc supcricur (Formation du Westphalian C de Minto) du Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada, constitue la deuxicme localisation dc cet cspecc en AmeYiquc du Nord. Les trigonotarbides constituent dcs fossiles rarcs dans les gites du Carbonif'ere, la majorite dcs specimens dccrits ayant etc trouves en Huropc. Une revision rcccnic dc la famillc dcs Aphantomartidae a defini I'existcnce d'un scul genre comportant deux cspeccs, dont la presence s'etend du Carboniferc infericur (Viscen) au Permicn infericur (Asselicn) Lc specimen cite rcpnJscnie Ic scul irigonotarbidc aphanlomartidc decrit pmvenant du bassin dcs Mantimes de la province euramericainc
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