Volume 37, Number 2-3, Summer 2001
Table of contents (7 articles)
The New Cornwall syenogranite, Nova Scotia: petrology and geochemistry
G. Pe-Piper and S. Ingram
pp. 133–151
The New Cornwall syenogranite is a 1.7 km2 intrusion at the southern margin of the Whale Lake mon7ogranitc of the South Mountain Batholilh of southwestern Nova Scotia- It has a mean SiO> content of 75 8%, and contains accessory amounts of tourmaline, andalusite, and primary muscovitc. Ratios such as A-'CNK (- 1.25). Rb/K (-215), and NbH'a (- 3.5) show that the syenogranitc is not highly fractionated. Although binary clement plots for some elements show the same regular trend for both monzogranite and syenogranite, variations in trace elements such as Rb, Ha, Th and LRI'E show that the syenogranite is not derived from the monzogranite by fractional crystalli7ation, as the syenogranite has lower Eu and HREE compared with the monzogranite. Similarities in LREI', Nd isotope composition (eNJ - -2) and other geochemical indicators between monzogranite and syenogranitc suggest that they were derived by partial melting of a common source Both the Whale Lake monzogranite and the New Cornwall syenogranite then evolved independently by fractional crystallization and late fluids played only a minor role in the further evolution of the syenogranitc. This represents a third mode of development of mineralized Icucogranitc m the South Mountain Batholith, in addition to the previously recognized "associated" and "independent" Icucogranitc
Lc syenogranitc de New Cornwall constituc une intrusion de 1.7 kilometre carre" sur la limitc meridionale du granite monzonitique du lac Whale, lequcl fait panic du batholithe du mont South, dans lc sud-oucst dc la Nouvclle-Fcossc. II a une tcneur moyenne en Si02 de Ti.8 %, et renferme dcs quantitcs accessoires dc tourmaline, d'andalousite ct de muscovitc primairc. Lcs rapports d'A/CNK (- 1,25), de Rb'K (- 215) et dc Nb-Ta (- 3,5) revclcnt que le syenogranite n'est pas extrcmement fractionnc. Memc si lcs rcprcsenlaiions graphiqucs dcs elements binaires dc certains elements rcvclent la memc tendance reguliere dans le cas du granite mon/onitique ct du syenogranitc, lcs variations dcs elements traces commc lc Rb, lc Ba, lc Th ct les elements de terrcs rates legers signalcnt que le syenogranite nc provicnl pas du granite monzonitique par cristallisation fractionnairc, car lc syenogranitc possede dcs tencurs moindres en Fu ct en elements de terres rares lourds comparativement au granite mon/onitique Lcs similantes cxistantes en ce qui conccme les elements de terrcs rares legers, la composition en isotopes de Nd (i:»,j - -2) et d'autres mdicatcurs geochimiques entrc lc granite mon/onitique ct lc syenogranitc pcrmettent dc supposer qu'ils provienncnt d'unc fontc particlle d'unc source commune. Lc granite monzonitique du lac Whale ct le syenogranite dc New Cornwall ont ensuitc tous deux cvolue independamment par cristallisation fractionnairc et lcs fluidcs tardifs ont seulcment jouc un role secondaire dans ('evolution ultcneure du syenogranite. 11 s'agit la d'un troisieme mode dc developpemcnt du leucogranitc mineralise dans lc batholithe du mont South, qui s'ajoute aux leucogranites assoacs » et < independants » deja rcconnus
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Surface- and deep-water hydrography and meltwater events in the mid-latitude North Atlantic Ocean over the past 160,000 years
Myong-Ho Park, Thorsten Kiefer and Rainer Zahn
pp. 153–160
An investigation involving stable oxygen and carbon isotopes on core Ml5612 from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (445N, 26°W) shows that distinct negative S'^O anomalies punctuate the plank tonic isotope records and correlate with the icc-raftcd detritus (IRD) events. Within most IRD layers, detntal carbonate contributes between I and 13% and supports the contention thai the layers are the southern equivalents of the northern North Atlantic Ocean's Heinnch events Anomalies are strongest for the Neogloboquadrinapachyderma (sinistral coiling) isotope record. Systematic changes in the 6**0 offset between Globigerina bulloiJes and Giohorofalia inflata signify variations in the mid-latirudc thermocline structure. In conjunction with negative benthic 8nC anomalies, the data document a stronger contribution of an ''O-depleted, nutrient-rich water mass during the Hcinrich events. The 8MC amplitude of-~--l%© between 25 and 57 ka indicates changes between northern-source (North Atlantic Deep Water) and southern-source (Antarctic Bottom Water) water masses at this site. The Heinrich layers in the mid-latitude core arc correlative with those from a core off Portugal. This synchromcity may have resulted from common changes in a North Atlantic thermohaline switch.
Unc etude touchanl les isotopes lourds d'oxygene ct de carbonc du noyau M156I2 dc la ride medio-allantique (44=nord. 26° ouest) rcvclc que des anomalies negatives distinclcs dc 6I80 ponctucnt les enregistrcmcnts d'isotones planctoniqucs cl les rapprochent avec des phenomencs d'alimcntation en debris glaciels. I.a contribution du carbonate dclriliquc varic entre 1 et 13% a I'inteneur dc la majoritc des couches de debris glaciels, cc qui conforte la thcoric que les couches constituent les equivalents mendionaux des phenomenes de Hcinrich scptcntnonaux dc I'Atlaniique Nord Les anomalies sont les plus prononcccs dans le cas de 1'enregislrcmcnt d'isotopes de SeoRlohoauadrina pachvderma (cnroulcmcnt senestre). Les changetnents sysiematiqucs dans le dccalage de ^'"O cntrc le GUibigerma bulloidv* et le (ilobomlalia inflata tcmoignenl dc variations dans la structure dc la thermocline dc latitude moyennc. Conjointemenl a des anomalies dc 6''(' benihiqucs negatives, les donnees documenient unc contribution plus marquee d'une masse d'eau nchc en elements nutrilifs et a faible tcneur en IM0 pendant les phenomencs dc Heinrich. L'ampluudc dc 6' (.' de 'l%u entre 25 el 57 Ka revelent des changements entre les masses d'eau d'origme sepkntnonalc (caux profondes dc I'Atlaniique Nord) ct d'ongine mcndionale (caux dc fond dc I'Antartiquc) en cet emplacement Les couches de Heinrich du noyau dc latitude moyennc se rapprochent de cellcs d'un noyau au large du Portugal (eite synchronicitc pourrait decoulcr dc changenicnls communs dans unc substitution thermohaline de 1'Allantique Nord
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Geochemistry, provenance, and tectonic significance of sedimentary rocks of the Middle to Late Devonian McArras Brook and Visean Martin Road formations, Merigomish Subbasin, northern Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia
J. Brendan Murphy
pp. 161–173
The Merigomish Subbasin occurs along the southern Hank of the composite Laic Devonian Permian Maritimes Basin of Atlantic Canada. The subbasin consists predominantly of Visean to Westphalian clastic rocks that overlie Middle to Late Devonian basalt and continental clastic rocks of the McArras Brook Formation. The McArras Brook Formation is uneonformably overlain by a 120 meter thick Late Visean clastic sequence of the Manm Road Formation, which represents the oldest rocks deposited in the Merigomish Subbasin. Cieochemical and isoiopic attributes of representative samples of the clastic rocks in the McArras Brook and Martin Road Ibrmaiions were investigated in order to constrain their respective provenance and to investigate the regional tectonic significance of the angular unconformity that separates them. The clastic rocks selected for analysis have clast sizes ranging from 1 to 4 mm in diameter. The geochemistry and isotopic signatures of the clastic rocks in these formations arc so similar that they arc interpreted to have been derived from the same source region. Both formations are characterized by a limited range in Si(): (65 78 wt. %), wider ranges in other major elements such as MgO and Fe20,, relatively constant TVNb. moderate LREE enrichment (La'Smn - 3 6 1.1), relatively flat HRFF. patterns (Tb/Yb„ = 1.3-1.4) strongly negative (\j values (-6 5 to -7.7. calculated for a 320 Ma depositional age), and high Tdm values (ranging from ca.1.5 to 16 Ga) Taken together, the geochemical and isotopic signature of the McArras Brook and Martin Road formations suggest that they were predominantly derived from local Silurian siliciclaslic rocks of the Arisaig Group in the Antigonish Highlands Ihc isotopic data also suggest an important contribution from the Mcguma tcrranc to the south The data are compatible with local sources, and ihe geochemical similarity between ihc McArras Brwk and Martin Road formations suggests that ihc angular unconformity that separates them is of local, rather than regional, significance.
I.e sous-basstn dc Merigomish longe le flanc meridional du bassin composite du Devon ion tardif-Permicn des Maritimes dans les provinces de I'Atlaniique le .sous-bassin est principalement consume dc roches clastiques du Viscen au Weslphalicn recouvrant des roches clastiques contincnlalcs et des basaltcs du Devonian moyen a Uirdif de la Formation dc McArras Brook. La Formation de McArras Brook est recouverte de facon discordanlc d'une sequence clastique de 120 metres d'epaisseur du Viseen tardif de la Formation de Martin Road, qui rcprcscnte les roches les plus agees s'ctant deposees dans le sous-bassin de Merigomish On a analyse les attributs geochimiques et isolopiqucs d'cchantillons rcprcsentatifs des roches clasiiques des formations de McArras Brook et de Martin Road pour circonscrirc leurs provenances respectives el eludier la nortec tcctomque rcgionale de la discordance anyulairc les separant Les roches clastiques sclcctionnccs aux fins dc I'analysc prcscntent des clastes done la taille vane entre un el quatre millimetres de diametrc Les signatures geochimiques el isolopiques des roches clastiques dc ces formations sonl tcllcment similaires qu'on les intcrprele comme des roches provenant dc la meme region d'ongmc. Les deux formations se caracterisent par un ecart de valeurs limilc dc Si(>; (65 a "?s °„ pds), des ecarts de valeurs plus importants des aulres prinopaux elements comme 1c MgO et le 1c:():, une teneur relativemcnt constanle en Ti \b, un ennchisscment modcrc en elements de tcrres rares legers (LaStn,, 3.6 l,H. des concentrations rclativemcnt stables d'elcments de tcrres rares lourds (lb Yb„ 1.3 1.4). des valeurs de i:SJ fortement negatives (de 6.5 a 7.7. d'apres un age de sedimentation de 320 Ma), et des valeurs de Tini elevecs (vanani entre environ 1,5 el 1.6 (ia) 1 orsqu'on les considcre ensemble, les signatures geochimiques et isotopiques des fonnalions de McArras Brook el de Martin Road pennettent de supposer que le materiel des formations provient principalemenl de roches sihcoclastiqucs silunenne.s du groupe d'Ansaig dans les massifs d'Anligonish Les donnces isotopiques evoqucnl en outre une contribution importantc du icrrane de Mcguma au sud. Les donnces sonl compatibles avec les sources locales et la similanlc gcochinuque entre les formations de McArras Brook et de Manm Road laissc supposer que la discordance angulaire qui les separe a une portee locale plulot que regionale
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Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the East Branch Brook metagabbroic dykes in the Sawyer Brook fault zone, Clarence Stream gold prospect, southwestern New Brunswick
Kathleen G. Thorne and David R. Lentz
pp. 175–190
The I:asi Branch Brook (F.BB) metagabbroic dykes, hosl to a portion of the Clarence Stream gold deposit, are situated within the contact tnelamorphic aureole of the Middle Devonian I-type Magaguadavic Granite on the northwestern margin ot the post-orogcnic Saint George Bathohth. They are highly deformed, light- (type I), intermediate- (type 2) to dark-coloured (type .1) dykes containing auriferous quart/ veins thai occupy brittle to ductile northeast-trending shear /ones in shallow marine, homfclsed. voleaniclastic. scdimcniary rocks of the Silurian Wawcig and Oak Bay formations The shear zones parallel the regional structure as a result of proximity to the faulted boundary (Sawyer Brook fault) between the Ordovician St. Croix terrane to the northwest and the Silurian to Karly Devonian Mascarenc Basin to the southeast. Geochemical studies of the FBB dykes indicate that three pulses (Fc-rieh. intermediate, and Mg-rich) of subalkalinc to slightly alkaline continental tholeiitc magmas were generated in a transprcssional environment dunng the Parly Silurian to liarly Devonian Positive t:v, values indicate their derivation from a partially depleted mantle source during faulting and nft-related events
Although the geochemical data (Fc- and Ti-depletion) indicate eale-alkaline affinity for the nearby Boeabcc intrusive complex, ».,,, values and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagram patterns are similar to those of the FBB dykes In contrast, the St. Stephen Intrusion appears more primitive with wiihin-platc tholciitic to slightly alkalic affinity
I.es dykes mctagabbroique.s du ruisseau East Branch, qui abntent unc partie du gite aurifiere dc Clarence Stream, soni situees a I'intcneur de 1'aureolc de mctamorphismc dc contact du granite du Devonicn moyen de type I de MagaguadaMC sur la limiie nord-ouest du batholithe postorogenique de Saint George. II s'agit de dykes extremcmcni deformes de tcinte pale (type I) et intcrmediairc (type 2) a foneec (type 3) renfermant des filons de quart/ aurifere qui occupent des zones de cisaillement cassantes a deformables, orientccs ver\ Ic nord-est. dans des roches sedimcntaires volcanoclastiques a comeenncs marines peu profondes des formations silunenncs de Wawcig el d'Oak Bay. La proximile de la limite faillcc (faille du nnsseau Sawyer) enta* le terrane ordovicien de St. Croix, au nord-ouest. el le bassin du Silunen au Devonicn inferieur de Mascarenc. au sud-cst. a amene les zones du cisaillement a longer parallelcmcnt la structure regionale. Des eludes gcochimiques des dykes du ruisseau Fast Branch revelcnt que trois impulsions (composantc riche en fer. tomposante intcrmediairc ct composante riche en Mg) de magmas tholeuiiques continentaux, allant dc subalcalins a legcrement alcalms. sont survenues dans un environncmcnl transpressionncl pendani la periodc du Silurien inferieur au Devonien inferieur. Les vateurs positives de (;NJ lemoignent dc leur provenance d'un manteau particllement appauwi pendant la formation de failles et des phenomencs apparcntes a unc distension
Memc M les donnees (>ei>chimiques (appamnssemenl en Fc el en Ti) revelcnt unc affinile calcoalcalinc du complcxc intnisif proche de Bocabce. Ics valeurs de i\(1 ct les configurations de diagrammes en araignee normalisees du manleau prinntif soul analogues a cclles des d>kes du ruisseau last Branch Par eontrc, I'intrusion de Saint Stephen semblc plus primitive avce une affunte mira-plaques allant de tholenlique a legercment alealinc
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An Upper Carboniferous trigonotarbid, Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1884), from the Maritimes Basin (Euramerican Coal Province), New Brunswick, Canada
R. F. Miller and W. H. Forbes
pp. 191–196
A specimen of an aphantomartid trigonotarbid arachnid. Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1884), found in the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian C. Minio Formation) coalfields of New Brunswick, Canada, is only the second North American localily for this species Trigonotarbids are uncommon fossils in Carboniferous deposits, most described specimens being found in Europe Recent revision of the family Aphantomartidae identified only one genus with two species, which range from the Lower Carboniferous (Visean) lo the Lower Permian (Assclian). The specimen is the only aphantomartid trigonotarbid described from the Maritimes Basin of the Kuramencan Coal Province.
l.e specimen d'arachnide aphantomanidc tngonotarbidc Aphantomartus pustulatus (Scudder, 1884) decouvcrt dans dcs terrains houillers du Carboniferc supcricur (Formation du Westphalian C de Minto) du Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada, constitue la deuxicme localisation dc cet cspecc en AmeYiquc du Nord. Les trigonotarbides constituent dcs fossiles rarcs dans les gites du Carbonif'ere, la majorite dcs specimens dccrits ayant etc trouves en Huropc. Une revision rcccnic dc la famillc dcs Aphantomartidae a defini I'existcnce d'un scul genre comportant deux cspeccs, dont la presence s'etend du Carboniferc infericur (Viscen) au Permicn infericur (Asselicn) Lc specimen cite rcpnJscnie Ic scul irigonotarbidc aphanlomartidc decrit pmvenant du bassin dcs Mantimes de la province euramericainc
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Volume 37, 2000 Year-End Author Index
pp. 209–212