Palaeophycus bolbitermilus, a new ichnospecies of Palaeophycus Hall, is described from lurbidilic strata of the l,owcr Silurian Upsalquitch Formation of northern New Brunswick, eastern Canada. The ichnospedes is unbranched. ihinly lined. smooth and unsculptured. and in contrast to previously defined ichnospedes of Palaeophycus is characterized by a consistently developed bulb-like termination at one extremity.
I.e Palaeophycus bolbitermilus, unc nouvclle tchnoespecc de Palaeophycus Hall, a £\i relevc' dans des slratcs turbiditiques de la Formation du Siluricn infcricur d'Upsalquiich dans Ic Nord du Nouveau-Brunswick. dans FEsl du Canada. Cettc ichnoespece est non ramificc, die est marquee de Hgnes fines, die est unic ct sans relief, et. par opposition aux ichnocspeces prdcedemment definies de Palaeophycus. die se caracterise par unc lerminaison ptriformc un (forme" men I devdoppee a une extremite.
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