Atlantic Geology

Volume 30, Number 1, March 1994

Table of contents (8 articles)


  1. Thoughts on the evolution of modern oceans
  2. Comparison of clast and matrix dispersal in till: Canterbury area, New Brunswick
  3. A Lower Palaeozoic 'onychophoran' reinterpreted as a pelmatozoan (stalked echinoderm) column
  4. Potential field interpretation of the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland, utilizing constraints from Lithoprobe East Seismic line 89-13
  5. Phycodes templus isp. nov. from the Lower Devonian of northwestern New Brunswick, eastern Canada
  6. Petrology, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of plutonic rocks in the North Mountain area, west-central Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
  1. D/H in beetle chitin from the late-glacial Lismore site in eastern Canada: supplementary note


  1. Abstracts

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