Volume 20, Number 1, Spring 1984
Table of contents (4 articles)
Systematic ichnology of the Middle Ordovician Trenton Group, St Lawrence Lowland, eastern Canada
D. Fillion and R. K. Pickerill
pp. 1–41
Carbonate sediments of the upper Middle Ordovician Trenton Croup between Montreal and Quebec City in the St. Lawrence Lowland, eastern Canada, contain a diverse and abundant trace fossil assemblage consisting of Arenlcolltes sp., ?Calycraterion sp., Chondrites spp., Circullchnls montanus, Clem at is-chnla sp., ?Conoatlchniu sp., Cruzlana problematical Cruz tana sp., cf. Dlpllchnltes sp., Furculosus car-pathlcus, Helmlnthopsis hieroglyphlca, Helminthopsis sp., Oichnus parabololdes, Palaeophycus tubularis, Palaeophycus sp., ?P!ag1ogmus sp., Planolltes beverleyensls, P. montanus, Planolltes sp., ?Rhlzocorallium cf. R. Irregulare, ?Rossella sp., Scalar 1 tuba mlsourlensls, Scolicla sp., Skolithos linearis, Skolithos sp„ Teichichnus rectus, Teichichnus sp., Trichichnus sp., Trypanltes weisei, Vermlforichnus clarkel and Zoo-phycos sp. as well as informally diagnosed loop, oblique and pronged burrows and bryozoan borings. Of these forms, only Chondrites spp., Palaeophycus tubularis, Palaeophycus sp., Planolltes spp., Teichichnus spp. and Trypanltes weisei are abundant; the remainder are rare to only moderately common. Nevertheless, in this paper we describe all the trace fossils in detail and in doing so attempt to resolve several current and controversial problems of nomenclature regarding certain ichnogenera.
Sediments of the Trenton Group were deposited Initially In lagoons followed in turn by offshore "bar", shallow and, finally, deeper offshore shelf environments. The trace fossils do not exhibit significant variation with respect to these broad depositlonal regimes and, Instead, each environment Is characterized by assemblages typical of the Cruzlana ichnofacies as recognized in clastic sequences. The major factor primarily limiting the spatial and temporal trace fossil distribution was substrate and its primary characteristics, in turn a reflectance of food availability and environmental energy levels.
Dans les Basses Terres du St-Laurent de I'Est canadlen, les calcalres du Groupe de Trenton (Ordovicien moyen supeTieur) renferment, entre Montreal et Quebec, un assemblage d'ichnofossiles abondants et varies comprenant: Arenlcolltes sp., ?Calycraterion sp., Chondrites spp., Circullchnls montanus, Clema-tischnia sp., ?Conostlchnus sp., Cruzlana problematics, Cruzlana sp., cf. Dlpllchnltes sp., Furculosus carpathicus, Helminthopsis hieroglyphlca, Helminthopsis sp., Oichnus paraboloides, Palaeophycus tubularis, Palaeophycus sp., ?PIagiogmus sp., Planolltes beverleyensls, P. montanus, Planolltes sp., ?Rhizo-corallium cf. R. Irregulare, ?Rosselia sp., Scalarituba mlssourlensis, Scolicia sp., Skolithos linearis, Skolithos sp., Teichichnus rectus, Teichichnus sp., Trichichnus sp., Trypanites weisei, Vermlforichnus clarkel et Zoophycos sp. On y trouve egalement des galeries en boucle et fourchues, des terriers obliques ainsi que des perforations de bryozoaires, tous identifies de facon informelte. De toutes ces formes, seules les suivantes sont presentes en abondance: Chondrites spp., Palaeophycus tubularis, Palaeophycus sp., Planolltes spp., Teichichnus spp., et Trypanltes weisei; les autres sont rares ou peu communes. Nean-moins, nous decrlvons en detail toutes les traces fossiles et tentons par le fait mfime de resoudre plusfeurs problemes de nomenclature chez certains Ichnogenres qui font a l'heure actuelle t'objet de debats.
Le depOt des sediments du Croupe de Trenton s'est inltie dans un milieu de lagune puis de barre, de plate-forme de haut-fond et, flnalement, de plate-forme d'eau profonde. Les traces fossiles ne varient pas de facon significative d'un environnement de deposition a l'autre. On remarque plutot que chaque environnement se caracterlse par des assemblages typiques de I'lchnofacfes a Cruzlana tel qu'on I'observe dans les sequences detrltlques. Le substrat et ses caracterlstiques de base, qui refletent la disponibllite de la nourrlture et les conditions energetiques du milieu, constituent ('element majeur qui a, avant tout, limite la distribution spatiale et temporelte des traces fossiles.
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Granitoid rocks and associated coper skarn, Whycocomagh Mountain, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
Sandra M. Barr, R. Yip Choy, J. A. Colwell and H. S. Oldale
pp. 43–55
Mineralized (Fe-Cu-W-Mo) skarn in the Whycocomagh Mountain area is associated with a small pluton of Devonian (402*20 Ma) age, which intruded predominantly metasedimentary rocks of the Hadrynian George River Group. The pluton consists largely of granite porphyry with a marginal granodlorite to dlorlte zone, and minor porphyritlc granodlorite to monzodlorite dykes and pegmatite. The suite is calc-alkalic with I-type characteristics. Although weakly mineralized, the Whycocomagh Mountain pluton has features typical of plutons associated with porphyry-type Cu-Mo deposits. Calc-silicate rocks derived from marbles of the George River Group are the chief hosts for magnetlte±chalcopyrlte±schee-lite±molybdenite±pyrite which occur In velnlets along fractures and as disseminated grains In adjacent alteration envelopes. Characteristics of the pluton and the skarn minerals suggest that the deposit is a copper skarn.
Un skarn mineralise (Fe-Cu-W-Mo), situe dans la region de la montagne Whycocomagh, est associe a une petite intrusion ignee d'flge Devonien (402*20 m.a.) qui penetre des roches, principalement des metasediments, du groupe George River (Hadrynien). Le pluton consiste surtout en un granite porphyri-que accompagne d'une zone marginale (granodlorite a diorite), de dykes mineurs (granodlorite a monzodlorite porphyrique) et de pegmatite. L'ensemble ^st calco-alcalln et de "type I". Blen que faiblement mineralise, le pluton Whycocomagh Mountain possede lea caracterlstiques typiques des plutons associes aux depots porphyrlques de type Cu-Mo. Les calco-sfllcates derives des marbres du groupe George River sont les notes principaux du cortege magnetlteichalcopyritetscheelltetmolybdeniteipyrite que I'on retrouve dans des veinules le long des fractures et dlssfimines dans les enveloppes d'alteratlon volsines. Les caracterlstiques du pluton ainsi que la mineralogle du skarn font croire qu'll s'agit d'un depot de skarn cuprifere.
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A note on the Upper Carboniferous bivalve Curvirimula Corvosa Rogers from Chimney Corner, Nova Scotia, Canada
G. M. Vasey
pp. 57–60
The type specimens of Naladites mytlloides Dawson and Curvirimula corvosa Rogers from the Rivers-dale Group of Chimney Corner have been re-examined. Both morphospecies can not be referred unequivocally to the genus Curvirimula Weir. The holotype of Naladites mytlloides is so poorly preserved as to make this morphospecies almost undefinable, however, the types of Curvirimula corvosa are well preserved.
On a r6exami£ les specimens - types de Naladites mytlloides Dawson et Curvirimula corvosa Rogers provenant du Croupe de Riversdale a Chimney Comer. On peut maintenant attribuer hors de tout doute ces deux espSces au genre Curvirimula Weir. La pitoyable preservation de 1'holotype de Naiadites mytlloides rend cette especa morphologigue presque IndCfinissable; par contre, les types de Curvirimula corvosa sont tous bien preserve's
[Traduit par le journal)
Index to Volume 19
pp. 61–63