Volume 17, Number 2, Summer 1981
Table of contents (3 articles)
Editor's Note
Editor's Page
R. K. Pickerill and G. E. Pajari
pp. i–v
Joints, tensile strength and preferred fracture orientation in sandstones. New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, Canada
E.Z. Lajtai and P. Stringer
pp. 70–87
The orientations of tensile fractures in Upper Devonian, Carboniferous and Lower Permian sandstones of southern New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island show correlation at the submicroscopic scale of microcrack alignments, the macroscopic scale of joints, and the megascopic scale of airphoto lineaments. Planes of minimum tensile strength and planes of preferred fracture, induced in visibly unfractured sandstone test-samples by line-loading and point-loading tests, are identified as microcrack alignments. The joints and airphoto lineaments have microcrack alignments parallel to them, but not all microcrack alignments are represented at the macroscopic and megascopic scales.
Deformed Carboniferous sandstones east of Saint John have two prominent orthogonal Joint systems with microcrack alignments parallel to the four joint sets. The airphoto lineaments are parallel to only three joint sets. Southeast and northeast striking joints in one orthogonal system are tentatively interpreted as planes of extension and release respectively, related to the direction of compression during the Variscan-Appalachian orogeny. The other orthogonal system, with joint sets striking close to 010° and 100°, is interpreted as post-Triassic in age, possibly related to the presently acting crustal stresses in eastern North America.
II y acorrespondance dans les gres du Devonien superieur, du Carbonifere et du Permien inferieur du aud du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l'ile du Prince-Edouard entre l'orientation des fractures de tension a dlverses echelles: microscopique — alignement des microfissures; macroscopique — dia-clases; et megascopique — lineaments observes a partir de photographies aeriennes. On reconnait comrae alignements de microfissures les plans de force de traction minimale et les plans de fracture preferentlelle occasionnes par des essais de charges lineaires et ponctuelles sur des echan-tillons types de gres prealablement exempts de fractures apparentes. Bien que parallelement aux diaclases et aux lineaments on retrouve des alignements de microfissures, ce ne sont pas tous les alignements de microfissures qui s'expriment aux echelles macroscopique et megascopique.
A l'est de Saint-Jean, les gres deformes du Carbonifere possedent deux systemes distincts de diaclases orthogonales accompagnes d'alignements de microfissures paralleles aux quatre ensembles de diaclases. Les lineaments observes sur photographie aerienne ne sont paralleles qu'a trois ensembles de diaclases. On interprete provisoirement les diaclases de direction sud-est et nord-estdansl'un des systemes orthogonaux comme, respectlvement, des plans d'extension et de relache-ment relies a la direction de compression durant l'orogenese varisque-appalachienne. Des orientations se rapprochant de 010" et 100° caracterisent l'autre systeme orthogonal qui serait d'Sge post-triasique et peut etre relie aux forces de tension contemporaines agissant sur 1'ecorce terrestre dans l'est de l'Amerique du Nord.
[Traduit par le journal]
Age and regional significance of Brachiopods from the Temiscouata Formation of Madawaska County, New Brunswick
C. St. Peter and A.J. Boucot
pp. 70–87
The Lower Devonian Temiscouata Formation of Madawaska County, northwestern New Brunswick forms part of a more extensive slate belt that extends from eastern Gaspe Peninsula to Long Island Sound. The age of the basal beds of slates correlated with the Temiscouata Formation has been previously dated as New Scotland (late Gedinnian). Until now, the youngest age assigned to the slates has been Oriskany (late Siegenian) based on the brachiopod Leptoooelia flabellites. The discovery of two previously unreported genera in New Brunswick — Eodevonaria and Plioanoplia-and the taxonoraic reclassification of Leptoooelia flabellitee indicates that the Temiscouata Formation extends upwards into the Esopus or Schoharie (early to middle Emsian). Regional correlation fixes the upper age of the Temiscouata as pre-Onondagan (pre-Eifelian). The new age assignment allows the lower age limit of the Acadian Orogeny in this part of the Appalachians to be raised to post-Esopus or Schoharie time.
D'age devonien inferieur, la formation de Temiscouata (nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick, comtede Madawaska) fait partie d'une vaste bande d'ardoises qui a'etend de l'est de la peninsulegaspesienne jusqu'au detroit de Long Island. Auparavant, on datait leB couches d'ardoises basales,correlatives avec la formation de Temiscouata, comme etant d'age new Scotland (gedinnien tardif).Jusqu'a present, base sur la presence du brachiopode Leptoooelia flabelliteSt le plus jeune ageattribue aux ardoises etait oriskany (siegenien tardif). La decouverte de deux genres precedem-ment inconnus au Nouveau-Brunswick, Eodevonaria et Plioanoplia, ainsi que la reclassificationtaxonomique de Leptoooelia flabellites, prouvent que la formation de Temiscouata remonte jusqu'auxSges esopus ou Schoharie (bas a moxen emsien). Une correlation regionale fixe l'age superieur dela formation de Temiscouata comme pre-onondagien (pre-eifelien). L'attribution de ce nouvel agepermet d'elever la limite d'Sge inferieure de l'orogenese acadienne dans cette partie des Appalachesjusqu'aux temps post-esopus ou schoharie.
[Traduit par le journal]