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Bryant, Edward A. "A Comparison of Air Photograph and Computer Simulated Wave Refraction Patterns in the Nearshore Area, Richibucto, Canada and Jervis Bay, Australia." Atlantic Geology, volume 10, number 3, december 1974, p. 85–95.
Bryant, E. A. (1974). A Comparison of Air Photograph and Computer Simulated Wave Refraction Patterns in the Nearshore Area, Richibucto, Canada and Jervis Bay, Australia. Atlantic Geology, 10(3), 85–95.
- Chicago
Bryant, Edward A. "A Comparison of Air Photograph and Computer Simulated Wave Refraction Patterns in the Nearshore Area, Richibucto, Canada and Jervis Bay, Australia". Atlantic Geology 10, no. 3 (1974) : 85–95.
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