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Friedman, Gerald M. and John E. Sanders. "Integrated Continental-SheIf and Marginal Marine Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity." Atlantic Geology, volume 6, number 1, april 1970, p. 26–29.
Friedman, G. M. & Sanders, J. E. (1970). Integrated Continental-SheIf and Marginal Marine Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity. Atlantic Geology, 6(1), 26–29.
- Chicago
Friedman, Gerald M. and Sanders, John E. "Integrated Continental-SheIf and Marginal Marine Environmental Research Program: Sediments, Organisms, and Waters in New York Bight and Vicinity". Atlantic Geology 6, no. 1 (1970) : 26–29.
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