Alternative francophone Pour une francophonie en mode mineur
Managing editor(s): Sathya Rao (Directeur et co-éditeur), Chris Reyns-Chikuma (Co-éditeur)
Alternative francophone aims to rethink the notion of francophonie along the following lines: 1) consider French as a minor language rather than as a universal language or language of exception, 2) promote exchanges between all francophonies, 3) explore the diversity of cultural and identity configurations produced in the francophone context, 4) implement a francophonie of resistance against linguistic and cultural totalitarianism of any kind.
Founded in 2012 and housed at the University of Alberta, Alternative francopone is a multidisciplinary journal that welcomes articles exploring multiple aspects of the francophonie in the humanities (in particular, literature, linguistics, French education, translation and cultural studies). Alternative francophone regularly publishes special issues.
Alternative Francophone is indexed in several databases, including Cite factor, DOAJ, EBSCO, mir@bel, MLA and ROAD.
Alternative Francophone is indexed in several databases, including Cite factor, DOAJ, EBSCO, mir@bel, MLA and ROAD.
Alternative francophone
Sathya Rao
Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
217 B Arts building
AB T6G 2E6, Edmonton
Back issues (8 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Alternative francophonie welcomes contributions on themes related to the editorial line, as well as for special issues. Contributors wishing to propose a special issue are asked to contact the co-editors by e-mail (srao@ualberta/
Articles submitted to the journal are blind reviewed by two experts in the field. Evaluations are communicated to the author usually within 4 to 5 weeks. Submission via the journal's website ( is strongly recommended. Articles that do not respect the journal's editorial protocol will be returned to the authors. Alternative francophone does not accept articles previously published in other journals.
Authors wishing to include images must first obtain copyrights.
Information for contributors
Authors wishing to publish in Alternative francophone must comply with the publication protocol available at the following link :
The publication acceptance rate is 20% (2018-2022)
Editorial board
Editorial Committee:
- Sathya Rao (University of Alberta)
- Chris Reyns-Chikuma (University of Alberta)
International Scientific Committee:
- Sylvie André, Université de la Polynésie française, French Polynesia
- Véronique Bonnet, Université Paris 13, France
- Vincent Bruyère, Emory University, United States
- Martine Cavanagh, University of Alberta, Canada
- Nicole Coté, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
- Ana Paula Coutinho Mendes, Université de Porto, Portugal
- Esfandi Esfandiar, Université de Téhéran, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Bernadette Hoefer, Ohio State University, United States
- Aurélia Klimkiewicz, York University, Canada
- Denise Merkle, Université de Moncton, Canada
- Marie-Annick Montout, Université d'Angers, France
- Ursula Moser, Université d'Innsbruck, Austria
- Francoise Naudillon, Concordia University, Canada
- Corinne Noirot-Maguire, Virginia Tech, United States
- Marie-José Nzengou-Tayo, Université de West Indies, Jamaica
- Jean Ouedraogo, College of the Holy Cross, United States
- Yolaine Parisot, Université Rennes 2, France
- Natasa Raschi, Université di Peruglia, Italy
- Naoki Sakai, Cornell, Université, United States
- Sherry Simon, Concordia University, Canada
- Jon Solomon, Université Lyon 3, France
- Stéphanie Tsai, Tamkang University, China
- Eugenia Vilela, Université de Porto, Portugal
- Jerry White, University of Saskatchewan, Canada