- José Chabás,
- History of Astronomy,
- Medieval Mathematical Astronomy,
- Alfonsine and Parisian Astronomical Tables
- Chabás, J. 1991. “The Astronomical Tables of Jacob ben David Bonjorn”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences 42: 279–314.
- Chabás i Bergón, J. 1992. L’Astronomia de Jacob ben David Bonjorn. Barcelona. With the collaboration of A. Roca i Rosell and Xavier Rodríguez.
- Chabás, J. 1996. “Astronomía andalusí en Cataluña. Las tablas de Barcelona”. Pp. 477–525 in J. Casulleras and J. Samsó edd. From Baghdad to Barcelona: Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences in Honour of Prof. Juan Vernet. Barcelona.
- Chabás, J. 2002. “The Diffusion of the Alfonsine Tables: The Case of the Tabulae resolutae”. Perspectives on Science 10: 168–178.
- Chabás, J. 2019. Computational Astronomy in the Middle Ages: Sets of Astronomical Tables in Latin. Madrid.
- Chabás, J. and B. R. Goldstein. 2000. Astronomy in the Iberian Peninsula: Abraham Zacut and the Transition from Manuscript to Print. Philadelphia. Spanish translation by Chabás (2009).
- Chabás, J. and B. R. Goldstein. 2003. The Alfonsine Tables of Toledo. Dordrecht. Spanish translation by Chabás (2007).
- Chabás, J. and B. R. Goldstein. 2004. “Early Alfonsine Astronomy in Paris: The Tables of John Vimond (1320)”. Suhayl 4: 207–294.
- Chabás, J. and B. R. Goldstein. 2013. “Displaced Tables in Latin: The Tables for the Seven Planets for 1340”. Archive for History of Exact Sciences 67: 1–42.
- Chabás, J. and B. R. Goldstein. 2019. “The Master and the Disciple: The Almanac of John of Lignères and the Ephemerides of John of Saxony”. Journal for the History of Astronomy 50: 82–96.
- Chabás, J. and B. R. Goldstein. 2020. “The Lunar Cycle of 11,325 Days”. Pp. 343–358 in O. Elior, G. Freudenthal, and D. Wirmer edd. Gersonides’ Afterlife: Studies in the Reception of Levi ben Gerson’s Philosophical, Halakhic and Scientific Oeuvre in the 14th through 20th Centuries. Leiden/Boston.
- Chabás, J. and A. Roca. 1998. “Early Printing of Astronomy: The Lunari of Bernat de Granollachs”. Centaurus 40: 124–134.
- Chabás, J. and M.-M. Saby. 2022. The Tables for 1322 by John of Lignères. Turnhout.
- Goldstein, B. R.; J. Chabás, and J. L. Mancha. 1994. “Planetary and Lunar Velocities in the Castilian Alfonsine Tables”. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 138: 61–95.
- Goldstein, B. R. and J. Chabás. 2015. “Three Tables for the Daily Positions of the Moon in a Fifteenth-Century Hebrew Manuscript”. Aleph 15: 319–341.
- Saby, M.-M. 1987. Les canons de Jean de Lignères sur les tables astronomiques de 1321. Unpublished thesis. Paris, École Nationale des Chartes.
- Schöner, J. 1536. Tabulae resolutae astronomicae. Nuremberg.