Aequitas Revue de développement humain, handicap et changement social Journal of human development, disability, and social change
Managing editor(s): Line Beauregard (Directrice de publication) / Editor(s): Patrick Fougeyrollas (Rédacteur en chef), Aurélie Petibon (Secrétaire de rédaction)
Journal preceded by Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement Social / Human Development, Disability, and Social Change
Aequitas Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change is a bilingual journal that focuses on the development and spreading knowledge on the personal and environmental determinants of the social participation of people with disabilities.
It values “interdisciplinary”, “transincapacité” (cross-disability) and “transgenerational” perspectives, with all disciplines, types of disabilities and age groups represented.
Aequitas Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change opens its columns to experienced researchers, graduate students, clinicians and advocacy organizations interested in sharing their research findings and knowledge transfer articles.
To send an article to AEQUITAS:
Aurélie Petibon
- Email:
- Phone: +1(418) 529-9141 ext. 46004
Réseau international sur le Processus de production du handicap (RIPPH)
525, boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel Est, local F-117.4
Québec (Québec) G1M 2S8, CANADA
The Editorial secretary will acknowledge receipt of the proposed articles within five working days and will respond to any requests for information on AEQUITAS and the activities of the International Network on the Disability Creation Process (INDCP).
AEQUITAS Open access on ERUDIT
All issues since 2009 of the AEQUITAS Journal, formerly the Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change are now freely available on open acces in the following tabs:
In addition, archives prior to 2009 can be consulted on the RIPPH website.
Paper Format
If you wish to obtain a paper number, please contact RIPPH at
Back issues (9 issues)
Permanent archiving of articles on Érudit is provided by Portico.
Editorial policy and ethics
Editorial guidelines
The Editorial Charter presents the nature of the obligations that authors and managers of the journal must respect in order to ensure the quality of AEQUITAS, Revue de Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement Social/ Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change.
Authors's Obligations
Any article submitted to the journal must respect the rules on copyright.
- Respect the conventions surrounding the right to quote by referring readers to all the sources used in writing the article.
- Obtain written permission to integrate any material that is not the work of the authors (photography, table, image, graphic, etc.)
- Mention the names of the co-authors or research assistants involved in the production or writing of the submitted article.
2. Rules of ethics and respect of difference
The authors will, if necessary, report to the Editorial Board on the investigative methods chosen and the techniques used to meet the official and customary ethical standards governing research practices in the chosen field. The Editorial Board also reserves the right to refuse any article if it contains sexual, racial, religious or difference-related prejudice.
Journal's obligation
conflict of interests
The journal commits to use all possible means to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest.
- Any expert asked to evaluate an article is required to declare to the editor if there is a possible conflict of interest.
- If a member of the Editorial Board submits an article to the journal, he or she will not participate in the evaluation process of that article.
- If an expert,for whatever reason, does not feel able to impartially judge the proposed article, he will have to inform the editor. He-she will be relieved of the responsibility of evaluating the article in question.
- Any use of personal influence in the evaluation process of submitted articles is formally prohibited
In the event that the editor finds that a member of the Editorial committee is using his position to modify the content of an issue to his advantage, he will be asked to cease immediately his activities for the journal. A temporary or permanent exclusion procedure may be initiated by the journal director and voted on by the editorial committee.
2. Respect for the anonymity of contributors
Members of the Editorial Board are required to respect the anonymity of articles, in order to ensure equal contributions and to promote a neutral evaluation process. Any reference or allusion to the author’s identity in the text will be removed for the evaluation.
Only members of the Editorial committee will know who the contributors are. They must not, at any time, provide information on the provenance of an article being evaluated.
Articles evalutation
Original articles submitted to AEQUITAS may be either a response to a call for a thematic issue or spontaneous proposals for publication in a varia issue. The journal’s will acknowledge receipt of the manuscripts to the authors. All article proposals are first examined by the editorial committee. The anonymised texts are then evaluated by at least two anonymous experts. The author will be informed of the results of the evaluation of his article by email from a member of the editorial committee responsible for monitoring the evaluation.
It is also possible that changes may be required by the editorial committee in order for the material submitted to appear in the journal. If these changes are not made within a reasonable time, we may not be able to publish the article for the issue chosen by the author.
3. Availability of evaluation results
After receiving the results of the evaluation (evaluation grid, comments from the evaluators and decision of the acceptance or refusal review), the author will be accompanied by the editor in the modification or improvement of his text, if necessary. At his request, he will be able to consult the entire anonymous evaluation grid completed by the evaluators.
4. Arbitration process
The journal AEQUITAS reserves the right at any time to accept or refuse an article submitted for publication.
However, if, an article is rejected after beeing evaluated without any modification requested by the two evaluators and the author considers that the article has been evaluated unfairly, he is invited to inform the editor. If the latter considers it appropriate, he may have two new experts re-evaluate the article in question. At the end of this second evaluation, it is up to the editor of the journal to decide in the last instance whether or not to publish the article in question
5. Advertising
The journal may agree to publish paid advertising under certain conditions :
- Come from other scholarly publications if benefits are expected in return for our publication.
- Announce conferences, symposia or other scientific events of interest to the journal and its readers.
- Ensure that the advertisements offered by companies or other organizations meet the principles of this editorial charter. No product, service or promotion may be advertised on the pages of the publication. Any insert will be considered paid advertising.
Editorial guideline
AEQUITAS is published by the International Network on the Disability Production Process (RIPPH). Therefore, it is important that its editorial guideline be consistent with the mission, objectives and values of RIPPH.
The mission :
The International Network on the Disability Production Process (RIPPH) is an international organization, based in Quebec (Canada), aimed at the exercise of the right to equality of persons with disabilities through the development and dissemination of knowledge, contributing to an inclusive society.
Its mission is to foster a more adequate response to the needs of people with all kind of disabilities through the promotion, application and development of the conceptual framework of the Human Development Model - Disability production process (MDH-PPH).
Goals :
- Supporting knowledge development
- Spreading knowledge
- Promoting human rights
- Networking at the international level.
Values :
- Respect, in all circumstances, for human dignitty, for individual autonomy, including the freedom to make one’s own choices.
- The full social participation of people of all ages with disabilities and the development of inclusive societies as fundamental principles.
- Recognition of the importance of environmental factors in creating disability situations.
- Non-discrimination and inclusive access as fundamental conditions for any society or habitat.
- Recognition of the transversality of disability and the relevance of approaches differentiated by gender, sexual orientation, age and linguistic, ethnic and cultural affiliation.
- The empowerment of all social actors in their fields of competence in the implementation of the right to equality and inclusive societies.
If an article is contrary to an objective or a value of RIPPH, this is a reason for refusing the section.
Themes and Directions
The journal focuses on the development and knowledge sharing on the social participation of people with disabilities, as well as on conceptual developments in the field of disability, advocacy, social representations and the prospects for social change. In short, the journal is open to all contributions that contribute to the achievement of RIPPH’s mission and objectives.
The review values the “interdisciplinary°”, cross-disability, “intersectional°” and “generational°” perspectives in all human and social sciences disciplines. whatever the forms of impairment and disability and whatever the causes, including aging. These principles include chronic diseases and persistent or episodic mental health problems.
Since the journal publishes scientific texts, it also wishes to open its columns to professionals working in the field from an intersectoral perspective. It also wants to give people living with disabilities or situations of disability an opportunity to speak out. Consequently, the journal publishes various categories of texts based on academic, experiential and professional knowledge, the descriptions of which can be found in the document “Instructions to authors”.
Terms definition
RIPPH is involved in promoting the Human Development Model – Disability Production Process. In this sense, it adheres to the conceptual definitions of this model and aims at their international dissemination. In order to avoid confusion due to the polysemy of terms or their translation, authors are asked to use these definitions.
However, it is necessary to clarify that this is required in order to increase the quality of the review and to facilitate readers' understanding. Under no circumstances is this intended to prevent the publication of texts that refer to other definitions of these terms. On the contrary, the review is open to articles that wish to discuss explicitly definitions of terms by questioning them, confronting them, criticizing them or proposing improvements.
The concepts that most often may be confusing and that we wish to avoid are the following:
- Ability: An ability is the ability of a person to perform a physical or mental activity. Ability can vary from total ability to perform an activity to complete inability to perform that activity. As a result, a person who is unable to perform motor, visual, auditory, intellectual, cognitive or behavioural activity experiences a disability.
- Lifestyle: A lifestyle habit is a common activity or a social role valued by the person or his socio-cultural context according to its characteristics (age, sex, socio-cultural identity, etc.). It ensures the survival and development of a person in his society throughout his life.
- Situation of social participation: A situation of social participation corresponds to the realization of habits of life, resulting from the interaction between personal factors and environmental factors.
- Disability situation: A disability situation corresponds to the reduction in the achievement of lifestyle habits, resulting from the interaction between personal and environmental factors.
Thus, the disability situation is always related to the interaction between personal and environmental factors. This implies that being disabled is never solely a matter of personal factors. A person can live with many disabilities and not be disabled, as soon as he carried out his life habits.
Nor can a person be “physically, mentally, intellectually, psychically, visually handicapped”… A disability situation is not a functional characteristic of the person, but rather the consequence of the encounter between the person with disabilities with physical and social environmental barriers.
Therefore, statements such as “handicap persons” or “persons living with an handicap” should be avoided as they create a common confusion between the designation of persons with disabilities and that of persons in handicap situation.
The use of terminologies derived from historically, culturally, and common works articles or other uses can be quoted, or better yet, explained in footnote.
Anti-plagiarism policy
The magazine defends an anti-plagiat policy aimed at protecting copyright and ensuring the original character of the texts it publishes.
The Aequitas journal does not accept plagiarism, even that of an author by himself.
In order to avoid any difficulties, authors must follow the redaction instructions.
Plagiarism is also part of the evaluation and control criteria in the evaluation process.
In case of plagiarism, the article is immediately removed from the publication process. The editorial committee will hear from the author before deciding what to do next. The committee may decide to go so far as to prohibit any further submission by the author.
Information for contributors
Instructions for authors
AEQUITAS, Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change/Revue de Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement Social is peer-reviewed bi-annual journal of human and social sciences, published by the International Network on the Disability Production Process (RIPPH) a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to promote and spreading knowledge aimed at social change for a better social participation of people with disabilities.
A bilingual (French-English) journal, hosted by a multidisciplinary and international editorial committee, it is open to all disciplines in the human and social sciences, and is interested in developing and spreading knowledge on the personal and environmental determinants of social participation of people of all ages with disabilities and in defending their rights, in all cultures and in all forms of disability.
The scope of the jouranl covers all approaches and social, economic and political issues related to disability. It opens its columns to researchers, students (master’s, PhD) wishing to share research results, original methodologies, theoretical proposals. The magazine also values the testimonies of people who want to share their experiences and analyses related to their disabilities or the disability of a loved one.
It is also open to the contributions of professionals and other field workers, as well as those of community organizations, who wish to share their method of intervention, their practices, field experiences or political and theoretical analyses.
I. Article categories
1. Original article
The original articles can come from three forms of knowledge: academic, experiential or professional. All original articles published by the journal, in English or French, are subject to an anonymous peer review (at least two experts).
Academic knowledge
Academic articles (from a scientific discipline) (8000 words maximum, excluding bibliography, figures and tables) refer to original, fundamental or applied research (survey results, critical analyses of practices, programs or policies, theoretical or conceptual proposals, etc.).
Experiential knowledge
These articles (4,000 words maximum) are intended to provide an opportunity for people with disabilities or their loved ones (volunteers, caregivers) to share an analysis of their experience, or a thorough reflection on a lived situation. These texts may aim to raise awareness of a particular situation, to demonstrate the need for action, to promote rights, to promote professional practice, to analyse the consequences of institutional change, etc.
professional knowledge
These articles (4000 words maximum) are intended to allow professionals (occupational therapists, doctors, social workers, managers and others) to share their analyses of their experience in the field, of the issues they encounter, the consequences of certain environmental changes (public policy, service organisation, budget cuts, etc.)
2. Community Feedback
This category of text offers the possibility of publishing brief reviews (up to 2,000 words) to inform readers of the journal of current research, recent publications or events of interest in the disability field. Depending on their purpose, these “community echoes” can be submitted under one of three headings:
- Research notes: They may relate to ongoing research (supervised by a scientific council) or recently supported doctoral thesis reports in the disability field.
- Reading notes: Reviews of publications (books, journal issues, etc.) recently published in the disability field.
- Events: Recent events related to the advancement of rights, the evolution of public policies, an associative initiative, an action of community organizations, etc.
The texts published in the Community Feedback section are not subject to peer review, but the Editorial Board reserves the right to publish or not the notes submitted to the journal based on their interest and quality.
II. conditions for publishing
- The editors only accept original articles and texts that have not been submitted to another publication.
- Any article accepted for publication in AEQUITAS journal becomes the exclusive property of RIPPH, which holds the copyright.
- Authors are required to sign a copyright assignment form for the entire article submitted and accepted by the journal. It is the responsibility of authors to inform the editor of the journal if an article proposed for publication contains a document(s) already published elsewhere and therefore likely to be subject to copyright.
Submit an article to the journal
By sending their article, the authors acknowledge that they have read and accepted the above-mentioned conditions of publication.
The article must comply with the following review presentation standards.
Presentation standards
Title page
- On the title page will be:
- Article title in English and French
- The first and last name of the author(s)
- The institutional affiliation of the author(s)
- The date of submission of the article
- The mailing and e-mail address, and the telephone number of the correspondent with whom the journal will be linked during the evaluation and publication process
- The “Author Note” (thanks, possible program funding, PhD thesis, etc.)
- The author’s correspondence address for readers.
Summaries and Keywords
Following the title page, include the title, followed by summaries both in English and French (200 words maximum each) and keywords (6 maximum) in both languages.
Text of Article
The text will start on a separate page.
The text will not exceed 8000 words for academic articles, 4000 words for articles from experiential knowledge and professional knowledge (excluding tables, graphs and references), and 2000 words for Community Newsbriefs (research note, reading note, event).
The text will be entered in WORD format, Arial font size 11, double line spacing, 4 constant margins of 2.5 cm, in A4 format.
The text will be paginated in the lower right corner.
They are intended to explain a concept or provide additional information.
They must be created using the Word “footnote” function (not manually), and continuously numbered throughout the article.
Bibliographic references should not appear in footnotes but at the end of the article.
Bibliographic references
References in the text and at the end of the text must comply with the standards of the APA, 7th edition.
Practical and detailed information can be found on the site:
At the end of the text, under the title «References», only the references cited in the text will be listed alphabetically by author name, without numbering.
Tables, Figures, Illustrations
Tables, figures and illustrations will appear in the body of the text and will be numbered in order of appearance in the text (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1, Figure 2).
Figures, tables, illustrations will meet the following presentation criteria:
Figures, tables and graphs:
- Format: Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif)
- Presentation: Include directly in the article
- Format: JPEG files (.jpg)
- Presentation: Minimum resolution: 72 dpi/ Minimum width: 400 pixels
Graphics (e.g. logos):
- Format: GIF (.gif)
- Presentation: Minimum resolution: 72 dpi/ Minimum width: 400 pixels
Web Links:
- Format: URLs to be included directly in the article
- Presentation: Provide URL’s for French and English supporting documents where possible
- Presentation: Authors wishing to submit material not included in this table are invited to contact the editorial secretariat
To submit an article:
Send it by email to the Editorial Secretariat:
Aurélie Petibon
- Courriel
- Téléphone: +1(418) 529-9141 ext. 46004
Réseau international sur le Processus de production du handicap (RIPPH)
525, boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel Est, local F-117.4
Québec (Québec) G1M 2S8, CANADA
The Editorial Secretariat will acknowledge receipt of the proposed articles within five working days and will respond to any requests for information on AEQUITAS and the activities of the International Network for the Disability Production Process (RIPPH).
Proposal of 3 reviewers without conflict of interest:
When sending the article, it is also possible to attach the names of 3 potential evaluators, without conflict of interest (experts in the field of writing not working in the same research centre or in the same team, having no interpersonal link with the author or authors). It will also be necessary to specify: the Universities of affiliation and the departments or disciplines of expertise for each.
Editorial board
Editorial Committee:
Maria ARENTSEN, Université de Saint-Boniface, Manitoba, Canada
Catherine BARRAL, Paris, France
Normand BOUCHER, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Patrick FOUGEYROLLAS, Université Laval, Québec, Canada (editor-in-chief)
Yan GRENIER, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
Elena PONT, Université de Genève, Suisse
Redaction Committee:
Jonas-Sébastien BEAUDRY
Émeline BRULÉ
Catherine DORISON
Sylvain FEREZ
Saba Ayon HADI
Sébastien KESSLER
Myreille ST-ONGE