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M., C. "Entrepreneurs of Lebanon (the role of the business leader in a developing economy), par YUSIF-A. SAYIGH et introduction de EDWARD-S. MASON. Un vol., 5¾ po. x 8½, relié, 181 pages — S.-J. REGINALD SAUNDERS AND COMPANY LIMITED. Toronto, 1962 ($5.10)." L'Actualité économique, volume 39, number 1, april–june 1963, p. 153–154.
M., C. (1963). Review of [Entrepreneurs of Lebanon (the role of the business leader in a developing economy), par YUSIF-A. SAYIGH et introduction de EDWARD-S. MASON. Un vol., 5¾ po. x 8½, relié, 181 pages — S.-J. REGINALD SAUNDERS AND COMPANY LIMITED. Toronto, 1962 ($5.10)]. L'Actualité économique, 39(1), 153–154.
- Chicago
M., C. "Entrepreneurs of Lebanon (the role of the business leader in a developing economy), par YUSIF-A. SAYIGH et introduction de EDWARD-S. MASON. Un vol., 5¾ po. x 8½, relié, 181 pages — S.-J. REGINALD SAUNDERS AND COMPANY LIMITED. Toronto, 1962 ($5.10)". L'Actualité économique 39, no. 1 (1963) : 153–154.
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