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Martin, Camille. "Designing and Administering a Regional Economic Development Plan, with Specific Reference to Puerto Rico, par ALVIN MAYNE. (Collection « Problems of Development »). Une brochure, 6 po. x 9¼, 66 pages. — ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 2, rue André-Pascal, Paris (16e), France, novembre 1961." L'Actualité économique, volume 38, number 2, july–september 1962, p. 328–328.
Martin, C. (1962). Review of [Designing and Administering a Regional Economic Development Plan, with Specific Reference to Puerto Rico, par ALVIN MAYNE. (Collection « Problems of Development »). Une brochure, 6 po. x 9¼, 66 pages. — ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 2, rue André-Pascal, Paris (16e), France, novembre 1961]. L'Actualité économique, 38(2), 328–328.
- Chicago
Martin, Camille "Designing and Administering a Regional Economic Development Plan, with Specific Reference to Puerto Rico, par ALVIN MAYNE. (Collection « Problems of Development »). Une brochure, 6 po. x 9¼, 66 pages. — ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT, 2, rue André-Pascal, Paris (16e), France, novembre 1961". L'Actualité économique 38, no. 2 (1962) : 328–328.
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