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Martin, Camille. "Migration and Economic Growth. A study of Great Britain and the Atlantic Economy, par BRINLEY THOMAS. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research. « Economic and Social Studies », no XII). Un vol., 6½ po. x 9¼, relié, 364 pages — CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS et THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, 70, rue Bond, Toronto 2, Ontario, 1954 ($7.15)." L'Actualité économique, volume 31, number 2, july–september 1955, p. 319–320.
Martin, C. (1955). Review of [Migration and Economic Growth. A study of Great Britain and the Atlantic Economy, par BRINLEY THOMAS. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research. « Economic and Social Studies », no XII). Un vol., 6½ po. x 9¼, relié, 364 pages — CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS et THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, 70, rue Bond, Toronto 2, Ontario, 1954 ($7.15)]. L'Actualité économique, 31(2), 319–320.
- Chicago
Martin, Camille "Migration and Economic Growth. A study of Great Britain and the Atlantic Economy, par BRINLEY THOMAS. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research. « Economic and Social Studies », no XII). Un vol., 6½ po. x 9¼, relié, 364 pages — CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS et THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, 70, rue Bond, Toronto 2, Ontario, 1954 ($7.15)". L'Actualité économique 31, no. 2 (1955) : 319–320.
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