I address this letter to myself on November 25, 2014, the day after the non-indictment of Michael Brown’s murderer, when a resounding silence in my college physics class sparked a fire in me and a journey of awakening and action. Somewhere between a love letter and a condolence, a reassurance and a forewarning, these words serve to soften my stumble towards empowerment and insight as I grow as a young organizer in the Black Lives Matter movement.
- Black Lives Matter,
- abolition,
- community organizing,
- empowerment,
- youth,
- queer identities
- Decolonial Feminist Collective. 2021. Radicalizing + Decolonizing Feminism: Dr. Joy James, Jalessah T. Jackson, and Salome Ayuak. Charis Circle. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5Zwr25UXJc&t=4002s>. (Accessed: 5-March-2024).
- Ewing, Eve L (2019) Mariame Kaba: Everything Worthwhile is Done with Other People. Adi Magazine.
- Hilliard, David and Donald Weise. 2002. Speech Delivered at Boston College, 18 November 1970. The Huey P. Newton Reader. New York: Seven Stories Press. pp 60-180.
- Payne, Charles. 1989. Ella Baker and Models of Social Change. Signs 14(4): 885–899.