Cite this article
Matchim, John R.H. "Towards a “Total Welfare” Approach: Duncan Neuhauser, the International Grenfell Association, and Rural-Remote Health Care in Labrador and Swedish Lapland, 1950s–1970s." Acadiensis, volume 49, number 2, fall 2020, p. 172–184.
Matchim, J. (2020). Towards a “Total Welfare” Approach: Duncan Neuhauser, the International Grenfell Association, and Rural-Remote Health Care in Labrador and Swedish Lapland, 1950s–1970s. Acadiensis, 49(2), 172–184.
- Chicago
Matchim, John R.H. "Towards a “Total Welfare” Approach: Duncan Neuhauser, the International Grenfell Association, and Rural-Remote Health Care in Labrador and Swedish Lapland, 1950s–1970s". Acadiensis 49, no. 2 (2020) : 172–184.
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