Article body
Joan Ritcey,
Newfoundland and Labrador.
John MacLeod,
Nova Scotia.
Sharon Clark,
Prince Edward Island.
We regret the editorial error that appears on p. 138 of Acadiensis, XXIX, 2 (Spring 2000). The original judgement of the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Marshall was released on 17 September 1999. A clarification was released on 17 November 1999.
- Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. 353 p. ill.
- L’Amérique du Nord française dans les archives religieuses de Rome, 1600-1922. Guide de recherche. Sous la direction de Pierre Hurtubise et al. Québec: Editions de l’IQRC et les Presses de l’Université Laval, 1999. 202 p.
- Amirault, David. IT and the knowledge economy in Atlantic Canada. Atlantic Canada in the 21st Century. Halifax: Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, 1999. [57] p. charts, tables.
- Atlantic Canada Newspaper Survey = Relevé des journaux des provinces canadiennes de l’Atlantique, May 2000. —
- The Atlantic provinces of Canada: a geography-based language study. Developed by Annelore Jaakson. Illustrations by Chao Yu. (Teacher-to-teacher). Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1998. var. p. ill. maps. — for second-language learners.
- Baum, Thomas G., et al. "Tourism and cold water islands in the North Atlantic." In Lessons from the political economy of small islands: the resourcefulness of jurisdiction. Edited by Godfrey Baldacchino and David Milne. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. pp. 214-229.
- Beale, Elizabeth. "View from Atlantic Canada." Canadian Business Economics 8, 1 (Feb. 2000): 18-19. — re federal budget.
- Beattie, Betsy. Obligation and opportunity: single Maritime women in Boston, 1870-1930. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. 176 p. ill.
- Beaulieu, Bertille. "Prépondérance du rire et du bon temps dans la littérature Acadienne." Dans Les littératures d’expression française d’Amérique du Nord et le carnavalesque. Sous la direction de Denis Bourque et Anne Brown. (coll. «Mouvange», no. 6). Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1998. pp. 255-283.
- Besson, Françoise. "L’Acadie déchirée signe d’union: l’essence du lieu retrouvée dans le paysage nommé." Anglophonia / Caliban. Revue d’études anglaises de l’Université de Toulouse II (1997): 133-141.
- Bible. N.T. Micmac 1998. Gelulg glusuaqan: gisiteget agnutmugsi’gw. Toronto: Canadian Bible Society, 1998. 801 p. ill. maps.
- Black, Fiona A. Book availability in Canada, 1752-1820, and the Scottish contribution. Ph.D. thesis, Loughborough University, 1999. 269 leaves.
- Le Blanc, Barbara. "Construction d’un paysage identitaire: Grand Pré et la collectivité acadienne." Material History Review 50 (automne 1999): 35-41.
- Boucher-Marchand, Monique. "L’enseignement du français en Acadie: langue maternelle ou langue seconde?" Dans Canada et bilinguisme. Sous la direction de Marta Dvorak. (Pluriel, no. 7). Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 1997. pp. 139-150. cartes.
- Boudreau, Raoul. "Les poètes acadiens et leurs langues." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 203-212.
- Bourbeau-Walker, Micheline. "Le récit d’Acadie: présence d’une absence." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 255-275.
- Bourque, Denis. "Théâtre de libération et théâtre carnavalisé: quelques réflexions sur l’évolution et la carnavalisation du théâtre acadien." Dans Les littératures d’expression française d’Amérique du Nord et le carnavalesque. Sous la direction de Denis Bourque et Anne Brown. (coll. «Mouvange», no. 6). Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1998. pp. 91-116.
- Bradley, Michael. Grail knights of North America. On the trail of the grail legacy in Canada and the United States. Toronto: Hounslow Press, 1998. [416] p. ill. — pp. 261-292. "The Case of the Acadian Coin."
- Brasseaux, Carl A. "Allons à la Louisiane: Acadian immigration, 1765-1769." In A refuge for all ages: immigration in Louisiana history. Edited by Carl A. Brasseaux. (The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial series in Louisiana History, v. X). Lafayette, La.: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies, 1996. pp. 125-137.
- _________. "England and France." In A refuge for all ages: immigration in Louisiana history. Edited by Carl A. Brasseaux. (The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial series in Louisiana History, v. X). Lafayette, La.: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies, 1996. pp. 158-160. — re Acadian diaspora.
- Brasseur, Patrice. "De l’ellipse du pronom personnel aux formes verbales non marquées dans les parlers acadiens." Dans Français d’Amérique. Variation, créolisation, normalisation. Actes du colloque: «Les français d’Amérique du Nord en situation minoritaire». Sous la direction de Patrice Brasseur. Avignon, France: Centre d’études canadiennes (CECAV), Université d’Avignon, 1998. pp. 75-92.
- Brown, Anne. "Zélika à Cochon Vert de Laurier Melanson ou le carnavalesque en Acadie." Dans Les littératures d’expression française d’Amérique du Nord et le carnavalesque. Sous la direction de Denis Bourque et Anne Brown. (coll. «Mouvange», no. 6). Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1998. pp. 117-141.
- Bruce, David, and Benjamin Black. Aging in community: the aging rural and small town population in Atlantic Canada. Sackville: Rural and Small Town Programme, Mount Allison University, 2000. 31 leaves. ill.
- _________, and Patricia Gadsden. Internet access and use in rural and small town Atlantic Canada. Sackville: Rural and Small Town Programme, Mount Allison University, 1999. 30 p. tables.
- Bruce, Harry. "Acadian triumph" = "Renaissance de l’Acadie." Imperial Oil Review = Revue de l’Impériale 82, 431 (Winter/hiver 1999): 24-30.
- Byfield, Mike. "I lose - you lose: a new idea is growing in eastern Canada - that Ottawa’s ‘generosity’ is killing them." Report Newsmagazine [National Edition] 26, 40 (25 Oct. 1999): 35-38.
- Cahill, Barry. "The Black loyalist myth in Atlantic Canada." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 76-87.
- Canada and Canadians in feature films: a filmography 1928-1990. Edited and compiled by Ian K. Easterbrook and Susan Waterman MacLean. Guelph: Canadian Film Project, University of Guelph, 1996. 820 p. — geographical listing pp. 639-681.
- Caverhill, Mike. "Nineteenth-century economic development in the Maritimes." TimePieces: A Journal of Undergraduate History at the University of New Brunswick 1 (2000): 5-7.
- Chandler, Richard E. "The St. Gabriel Acadiana: the first five months." In A refuge for all ages: immigration in Louisiana history. Edited by Carl A. Brasseaux. (The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial series in Louisiana History, v. X). Lafayette, La.: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies, 1996. pp. 149-157.
- Chiasson, Alselme. Anna Malenfant: gloire de l’Acadie et du Canada. Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1999. 156 p. ill.
- Chiasson, Herménégilde. "Rappel sur scène: naissance et évolution de la dramaturgie acadienne." ArtsAtlantic 17, 2 (Spring 2000): 48-50.
- Codignola, Luca. "Another look at Verrazzano’s voyage, 1524." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 29-42.
- _________. "Competing networks: Roman Catholic ecclesiastics in French North America, 1610-58." Canadian Historical Review LXXX, 4 (Dec. 1999): 539-584.
- _________. "La burocratie romaine face à la crise de la fin du XVIIIe siècle. La gestion du réseau missionnaire en Amérique du Nord, 1785-1815." Dans Papes et papauté au XVIIIe siècle. VIe colloque Franco-Italien. Société française d’étude du XVIIIe siècle, Université de Savoie. Chambéry 21-22 septembre 1995. Sous la direction de Philippe Koeppel. Paris: Honoré Champion Editeur, 1999. pp. 97-106.
- Cormier, Yves. Dictionnaire du français acadien. Saint-Laurent, Qué: Fides, 1999. 440 p.
- Côté, Serge. "Une Acadie inquiète." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 157-194.
- Cranston, Marla. "ECMAs: Bruce Guthro crowned ‘codfather.’" Chart 9, 9 (Apr. 1999): 9.
- Crowley, Brian Lee. "Atlantic Canada crippled by UI dole that punishes work and education." Canadian Speeches 14, 1 (Mar.-Apr. 2000): 33-38.
- d’Entremont, Clarence. "Premier enfant né en Acadie 1620." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 35-42.
- Daigle, Jean. "Acadia from 1604-1763: an historical synthesis." In A refuge for all ages: immigration in Louisiana history. Edited by Carl A. Brasseaux. (The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial series in Louisiana History, v. X). Lafayette, La.: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies, 1996. pp. 110-116.
- David, Paul-Emile. La croissance et les villes: une perspective complémentaire à l’étude du développement régional. Une application à la région du Canada atlantique. M.A. thesis, Université de Moncton, 1998. 129 p. MQ 33864.
- Donham, Parker Barss. "Lobster wars." Canadian Dimension 34, 1 (Feb. 2000): 26- 28. — Mi’kmaq fishermen’s grievances.
- Dubois, Sylvie. "La configuration dynamique des communautés cadiennes en Louisiane." Dans Français d’Amérique. Variation, créolisation, normalisation. Actes du colloque: «Les français d’Amérique du Nord en situation minoritaire». Sous la direction de Patrice Brasseur. Avignon, France: Centre d’études canadiennes (CECAV), Université d’Avignon, 1998. pp. 325-348.
- Elie, Catherine. "Cajuns n’ont pas dit leur dernier mot ... Louisiane a bien plus que sa nature et son folklore." Châtelaine 40, 4 (avr. 1999): 148-150.
- Finlayson, Judith. Against the current. Canadian women talk about fifty years of life on the job. Toronto: Doubleday Canada Ltd., 1995. 402 p. — includes chapters on women from New Brunswick (5), Newfoundland (8), Nova Scotia (8).
- Fischer, Lewis R. "Port policies: seaport planning around the North Atlantic, 1850-1939." In Harbours and havens: essays in port history in honour of Gordon Jackson. Edited by Lewis R. Fischer and Adrian Jarvis. (Research in Maritime History, no. 16). St. John’s: International Maritime Economic History Association, 1999. pp. 229-244.
- Fitzpatrick, Deanne. Hook me a story: the history and method of rug hooking in Atlantic Canada. Halifax: Nimbus, 1999. 86 p. ill.
- Fonteneau, Jean-Marie. Les Acadiens: citoyens de l’Atlantique. Rennes, France: Editions Ouest-France, 1996. 349 p. carte. — re les réfugiés acadiens à Belle-Ile-en-Mer, France.
- Francophonies minoritaires au Canada. L’état des lieux. Sous la direction de Joseph Yvon Thériault. Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1999. [578] p. ill., tableaux. — une chapitre sur «Acadie» dans chaque section: la géographie, l’histoire, la socio-économie, le politico-juridique, l’éducation et la culture. Publié en collaboration avec Regroupement des universités de la francophonie hors-Québec.
- Frank, David. "The Lowell connection." Newsletter of the Atlantic Association of Historians 35 (Winter 1998-99): 11-12. — re Lowell, Mass.
- Gale encyclopedia of Native American tribes. Volume 1: Northeast, Southeast, Caribbean. Edited by Sharon Malinowski and Anna Sheets. Detroit: Gale, 1998. ill. — see Maliseet, pp. 106-108; Micmac, pp. 134-141; Passamaquoddy, pp. 223-228; profiles of Anna Mae Aquash, Henri Membertou, John W. Stevens.
- Le Gallant, David. Histoire des Acadiens de Mont-Carmel: leurs débuts, leur communauté, leur heritage spirituel. Mont-Carmel, [Qué.]: auteur, 1998. 109 p. ill. — comprend du texte en anglais.
- Gérin, Pierre. "Théâtralité de Raconte-moi Massabielle de Jacques Savoie." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 143-153.
- Germain, Georges-Hébert. "Des morues et des hommes: sur les côtes atlantiques, de petites collectivités qui depuis des générations vivaient de la morue se demandent aujourd’hui si elles survivront." Actualité 25, 3 (1 mars 2000): 44-48, 50.
- Gerriets, Marilyn. "Economics and history: old texts and new approaches." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 146-156.
- Griffiths, N.E.S. "The formation of a community and the interpretation of identity: the Acadians, 1604-1997." British Journal of Canadian Studies 13, 1 (1998): 32-4.
- _________. "Subjects and citizens in the eighteenth century: the question of the Acadian oaths of allegiance." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 23-33.
- Halliday, Hugh A. "Duelling in Atlantic Canada." In Murder among gentlemen. A history of duelling in Canada. Toronto: Robin Brass Studio, 1999. pp. 76-111.
- Harring, Sidney L. "‘The Indians are a perseverant race’: Indian law in Quebec and Atlantic Canada." In White man’s law. Native people in nineteenth-century Canadian jurisprudence. Toronto: Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, in association with the University of Toronto Press, 1998. pp. 165-185.
- Heaman, E.A. The inglorious arts of peace: exhibitions in Canadian society during the nineteenth century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. 412 p. ill. — see Part II: Canada at the international exhibitions pre- and post-Confederation, in Europe and America.
- Heinl, Russ. Above Atlantic Canada. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 88 p. ill. — aerial photographs.
- Higgins, Mark. "Underground alliance: the hybrid created from the four Atlantic telcos, Aliant, isn’t making a mark on the region’s consumers on purpose." Marketing 105, 14 (10 Apr. 2000): 13-14.
- Hong, Karen E. "Acadia." Faces [New Hampshire] 16, 3 (Nov. 1999): 18-21.
- Horn, Michiel. Academic freedom in Canada: a history. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. 446 p. — references to University of New Brunswick, Dalhousie, Acadia and Mt. Allison.
- How, Douglas. "Fallout from the family tree." Beaver 80, 3 ( June-July 2000): 40- 44. — re Yorkshire migration to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick during the 18th century.
- "How effective are the regional offshore petroleum boards?" Atlantic Oil Works 8 (June-July 1999): 28-29.
- Howell, Colin. "Modernization theory and the traditional sporting practices of Native people in Eastern Canada." Journal of Comparative Physical Education and Sport 19, 2 (1997): 79-84.
- _________. "Two outs; or, Yogi Berra, sport and Maritime historiography." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 106-121.
- Huskins, Bonnie. "‘Tale of two cities’: boosterism and the imagination of community during the visit of the Prince of Wales to Saint John and Halifax in 1860." Urban History Review 28, 1 (Oct. 1999): 31-46.
- Jessome, Bill. Maritime mysteries and the ghosts who surround us. Halifax: Nimbus, 1999. 139 p. ill.
- Jobb, Dean. "Oil and water: an offshore oil and gas boom is dumping a ton of cash into Atlantic Canada’s economy." Canadian Lawyer 24, 2 (Feb. 2000): 26-28.
- Jordan, Paul. Living in Atlantic Canada, 1998; perceptions about life in rural and small towns. Sackville: Rural and Small Town Programme. Mount Allison University, 1998. 44 p. tables.
- Just fish. Ethics and Canadian marine fisheries. Edited by Harold Coward, Rosemay Ommer and Tony Pitcher. (Social and Economic Papers, no. 23). St. John’s: ISER, 2000. 300 p.
- Kaufmann, Eric. "Condemned to rootlessness: the loyalist origins of Canada’s identity crisis." Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 3, 1 (Spring 1997): 110-136.
- Kenny, James L. "Political culture in fin-de-siècle Atlantic Canada." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 122-137.
- Klingler, Thomas. "Français Acadien, créole des blancs et créole des noirs en Louisiane." Dans Français d’Amérique. Variation, créolisation, normalisation. Actes du colloque: «Les français d’Amérique du Nord en situation minoritaire». Sous la direction de Patrice Brasseur. Avignon, France: Centre d’études canadiennes (CECAV), Université d’Avignon, 1998. pp. 205-216.
- Knutson, Susan. "From Marichette to Rosealba and La Sagouine." Canadian Literature 157 (Summer 1998): 36-53.
- _________. "Interview avec Michel Thibault." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-del’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 169-174.
- _________. "The evolution of a community archetype: a look at the origins of Rosealba." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 165-168.
- Labelle, Ronald. "La transmission du patrimoine culturel familial: nouvelles orientations méthodologiques." Oral History Forum d’histoire orale 16-17 (1996-1997): 95-103.
- Labrie, V. "Going through hard times. A topological exploration of a folktale corpus from Québec and Acadie." Fabula 40, 1-2 (1999): 50-73.
- Lamothe, Maurice. "Calixte Duguay: entre la carrière au Québec et la notoriété en Acadie." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 241-252.
- Larin, Robert. "Prisonniers canadiens, déportées acadiens, expatriés républicains, à Philadelphie, et dans le New York." Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française 50, 2 (été 1999): 105-111.
- Lavoie, Laurent. "Les violences physiques et morales dans Le Djibou de Laval Goupil et dans Les Belles Soeurs de Michel Tremblay." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 193-200.
- Lawson, Barbara. Collected curios: missionary tales from the South Seas. (Fontanus Monograph Series). Montreal: McGill University Libraries, 1994. 313 p. ill. maps. — Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia missionaries on the South Sea island of Erromanga; the Gordon martyrs.
- LeBlanc, Marc. "Loisir chez les Acadiens: une histoire relativement jeune dont les enjeux sont importants." Parks & Recreation Canada 57, 4 (Nov.-Dec. 1999): 25.
- LeBlanc, Maurice. "A la découverte de nos peintres acadiens." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 105-113.
- LeBlanc, Réjeanne. "Evolution des moeurs et attitudes des jeunes Acadiens envers la religion: analyse d’une enquête lexicologique." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 309-321.
- LeBlanc, Robert G. "The Acadian migrations." In A refuge for all ages: immigration in Louisiana history. Edited by Carl A. Brasseaux. (The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial series in Louisiana History, v. X). Lafayette, La.: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies, 1996. pp. 117-124.
- Les littératures d’expression française d’Amérique du Nord et le carnavalesque. Sous la direction de Denis Bourque et Anne Brown. (coll. «Mouvange». no. 6). Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1998. 348 p.
- Lonergan, David. "Des vaisseaux, d’un orgueilleuse, et de quelques exils." Liaison 102 (mai 1999): 31-32.
- Lord-Wood, Dominica S. Rural women’s history, rural women’s folklore: a Gaelic perspective. S.C.A. thesis, California Institute of Integral Studies, 1998. 229 p. # 1394631. — includes Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
- Lovell’s gazetteer of British North America, 1873. (Canadiana Reprint Series, no. 01). Milton, Ont.: Global Heritage Press, 1998. 116 p.
- MacDonald, Bertrum, compiler. — a searchable database of the history of science and technology in Canada.
- MacDonald, George Edward. The garrison mentality: art and the military in the Maritimes, 1837-1871. Charlottetown: Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, 1999. 20 p. ill. — exhibition catalogue.
- MacDonald, Jane. "Law reporting in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland: a history." In Law reporting and legal publishing in Canada: a history. Edited by Martha L. Foote. (CALL Occasional Paper, no. 2). Kingston: Canadian Association of Law Libraries, 1997. pp. 118-126.
- McNiven, James D., et al. Atlantic Canada and the future: trends, challenges and opportunities. Halifax: North American Policy Group, 1997. 51 p.
- Marcil, Jeffrey. "Les notres": Franco-Américains, Canadiens français hors-Québec et Acadiens dans la grande presse montréalaise de langue française, 1905-1906. M.A. thesis, University of Ottawa, 1998. 158 p. MQ 36718.
- McKay, Ian, and Suzanne Morton. "The Maritimes: expanding the circle of resistance." In The workers’ revolt in Canada, 1917-1925. Edited by Craig Heron. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. pp. 43-86.
- Merritt, Susan E. Her Story III: women from Canada’s past. St. Catharines, Ont.: Vanwell Publishing Ltd, 1999. 200 p. ill. — for young adult readers; includes Georgina Fane Pope, pp. 102-114 and Mabel Penery French, pp. 115-128.
- Miedema, Baukje, and Evangelia Tastsoglou. "‘But where are you from, originally?’: immigrant women and integration in the Maritimes." Atlantis 24, 2 (Spring 2000): 82-91.
- Milne, David. "The federal model: Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island." In Lessons from the political economy of small islands: the resourcefulness of jurisdiction. Edited by Godfrey Baldacchino and David Milne. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. pp. 75-90.
- Mourby, Adrian. "Images of Acadia." History Today 47, 12 (Dec. 1997): 5-8. ill. map.
- Neill, Robin. "Institutional factors in colonial Maritimes economic development." Atlantic Canada Economics Association Papers 28 (1999): 272-288.
- Nicol, John. The all-red route: Halifax to Victoria in a 1912 Reo. Toronto: McArthur, 1999. 358 p. ill. maps.
- O’Keefe, Michael. Francophone minorities: assimilation and community vitality = Minorités francophones: assimilation et vitalité des communautés. (New Canadian Perspectives = Nouvelles perspectives canadiennes). Ottawa: Official Languages, Dept. of Canadian Heritage = Programmes d’appui aux langues officielles, ministère du Patrimoine canadien, 1998. 63; 67 p. tables; tableaux.
- Paquette, Stéphane. "Cooking outside the kitchen: Acadian music." Words & Music 7, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2000): 18-20.
- Paterson, Robert. "The primary sector: problem and opportunity for islands." In Lessons from the political economy of small islands: the resourcefulness of jurisdiction. Edited by Godfrey Baldacchino and David Milne. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000. pp. 159-171.
- Péronnet, Louise, and Sylvia Kasparian. "Vers une description du "français standard acadien": analyse des traits morphosyntaxiques." Dans Français d’Amérique. Variation, créolisation, normalisation. Actes du colloque: «Les français d’Amérique du Nord en situation minoritaire». Sous la direction de Patrice Brasseur. Avignon, France: Centre d’études canadiennes (CECAV), Université d’Avignon, 1998. pp. 249-260.
- Peters, Tom. "The Yellow brick road." Atlantic Progress 6 (Dec. 1999): 36-38. — re trade corridor for the Atlantic provinces.
- Pfeiffer, J. William. Roadkill on the information highway: the future of work in Canada. Toronto: Pfeiffer & Co., 1999. 248 p. ill.
- Pichette, Robert. "L’Acadie entre lis et léopards." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-del’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 43-60.
- Poirier, Léonie. My Acadian heritage. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 95 p. ill. — reprint of the 1985 edition.
- Poirier, Pascal. Les Acadiens à Philadelphie; suivi de, Accordailles de Gabriel et d’Evangéline . Texte établi et annoté par Judith Perron. Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1998. [129] p.
- Radcliffe-Rogers, B. Adventure guide to Canada’s Atlantic Provinces. Edison, N.J.: Hunter Pub. Inc., 1999. 672 p. ill.
- Rees, Ronald. Land of the loyalists. Their struggle to shape the Maritimes. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 146 p. ill.
- A refuge for all ages: immigration in Louisiana history. Edited by Carl A. Brasseaux. (The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial series in Louisiana History, v. X). Lafayette, La.: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies, 1996. 716 p.
- Les relations entre le Québec et l’Acadie, 1880-2000: de la tradition à la modernité. Sous la direction de Fernand Harvey et Gérard Beaulieu. Sainte-Foy, Qué.; Moncton: Editions de l’IQRC; Editions d’Acadie, 2000. 295 p. ill.
- Report on the Canadian Forces’ response to woman abuse in military families. Prepared by the Family Violence and the Military Community research teams of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research at the University of New Brunswick and the RESOLVE Violence and Abuse Research Centre at the University of Manitoba. Fredericton: Muriel McQueen Fergusson Family Violence Research Centre, May 2000. 62 p. — research data on New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
- Runte, Hans R. "L’Acadie regarde quatre pièces franco-ontariennes." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 155-164.
- Runte, Rosann. "Le mythe de la ville dans la littérature canadienne." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 229-239.
- SALTSCAPES. Canada’s east coast magazine (May 2000-) —
- Silman, Gordon, et al. The foundations of adult education in Canada. 2nd ed. Toronto: Thompson Educational Pub., 1998. 427 p. ill. — Chapter 8 includes a discussion of each province’s public policy on adult education, pp. 235-293.
- Simard, Jean-Maurice. De la coupe aux lèvres: un coup de couer se fait attendre. Le développement et l’epanouissement des communautés francophones et acadiennes: une responsabilité fondamentale du Canada = Bridging the gap: from oblivion to the rule of law. Development and vitality of the francophone and Acadian communities: a fundamental obligation for Canada. Ottawa: Sénat du/Senate of Canada, 1999. 136; 140 p. tableaux; tables.
- Vanderlinden, Jacques. "La réception des systèmes juridiques Européens au Canada. Regards d’un historien du droit sur ses origines." Revue de la common law en français 1, 1 (1996): 1-43.
- Vojnovic, Igor. "Municipal consolidation in the 1990s: an analysis of British Columbia, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia." Canadian Public Administration = Administration publique du Canada 41, 2 (Summer/été 1998): 239-283. — note: see also corrections in issue v. 41, 3.
- Winzerling, Oscar W. "The seven Acadian expeditions to Louisiana." In A refuge for all ages: immigration in Louisiana history. Edited by Carl A. Brasseaux. (The Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial series in Louisiana History, v. X). Lafayette, La.: University of Southwestern Louisiana, Center for Louisiana Studies, 1996. pp. 161-182.
- Words out there: women poets in Atlantic Canada. Edited by Jeannette Lynes. Foreword by Gwendolyn Davies. Lockeport, N.S.: Roseway, 1999. 232 p. Ill.
- Wright, Donald. "Gender and the professionalization of history in English Canada before 1960." Canadian Historical Review 81, 1 (Mar. 2000): 29-66.
- L’Acadie de l’Atlantique. Sous la direction de Maurice Basque, Nicole Barrieau et Stéphane Côté. Moncton: Centre d’études acadiennes, 1999. 146 p. cartes.
- Adams, Harold W. Trouble at sea: survivors and the widows and orphans of the victims of the Escuminac disaster tell their stories on the 40th anniversary. Miramichi, N.B.: Cadogan Publishing Ltd., 1999. 114 p.
- __________, "Across the Millennia on the Miramichi." Miramichi Weekend. January 28, 2000, pp. 1-32.
- "Albert Ward (Micmac). Eel Ground First Nation, New Brunswick." In In the words of elders. Aboriginal cultures in transition. Edited by Peter Kulchyski, Don McCaskill and David Newhouse. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. pp. 37-64. ill.
- Allard, Réal, and Rodrique Landry. "French in New Brunswick." In Language in Canada. Edited by John R. Edwards. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. pp. 202-225.
- Anderson, George. "Two new national historic sites." Loyalist Gazette 37, 1 (Spring 1999): 42. — re St. Andrews and Greenock Presbyterian Church.
- Armstrong, Christopher, and Herb Wyile. "Firing the regional can(n)on: liberal pluralism, social agency, and David Adams Richards." Studies in Canadian Literature 22, 1 (1997): 1-18.
- "Atlantic profiles: Eileen Travis. Interview by Jean Cunningham." APLA Bulletin 61, 5 (Mar.-Apr. 1998): 18-19. — retiring Chief Librarian, Saint John Regional Library.
- Beaulieu, Gérard. "Pascal Poirier, chef de file acadien (1852-1933)." Sur l’empremier 4, 4 (1999): 4-13.
- Belkhodja, Chedly. "Dimension populiste de l’émergence et du succès électoral du parti Confederation of Regions au Nouveau-Brunswick." Canadian Journal of Political Science 32, 2 (June 1999): 293-315.
- _________. "Downsizing parishes." Catholic Insight 7, 7 (Sept. 1999): 26.
- Belliveau, John Edward. "The Queen’s Wharf and Shediac Bay." Sur l’empremier 4, 2 (1997): 4-9.
- Bentley, D.M.R. "Literary sites and cultural properties in Canadian poetry." Studies in Canadian Literature 23, 1 (1998): 90-127. — references to Carman and Roberts; based on Pacey Memorial Lecture 1997-98.
- A Beulah journal: the first 50 years, 1894-1944. Compiled and edited by Bernard A. Mullen. Quincy, Mass.: The ENC Press, 1994. 222 p. ill. — re Baptist history in Brown’s Flat, Kings County.
- Bouchard, Gilles. "Sous-ministres du Nouveau-Brunswick: de l’ère des techniciens à l’ère des gestionnaires." Canadian Public Administration = Administration publique du Canada 42, 1 (Spring/printemps 1999): 93-107.
- Boucher, Michel. L’ouverture et la fermeture de la frontière canado-américaine au Madawaska entre 1870 et 1997. Vue à travers les mariages interfrontaliers. Mémoire de baccalauréat, Géographie. Université Laval, 1999. 76 p.
- Boucher, Neil. "Ethnie et église en Acadie: la création de l’archdiocèse de Moncton." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 93-103.
- Bourgeois, Angela. "Une école toute neuve ouvre ses portes." Brins d’histoire. Cahier de la Société historique de Grande-Digue 3 (nov. 1995): 5-18.
- Bourgeois, Florence. "Les anciennes écoles." Brins d’histoire. Cahier de la Société historique de Grande-Digue 3 (nov. 1995): 19-29.
- Bourgeois, Roy. La commercialisation de la mort à Moncton, 1856-1914. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval, 1999. 276 p.
- Bourgeois, Ulysse-J. "La paroisse du Cap-Pelé: distribution et location des familles vers 1877." Sur l’empremier 3, 4 (1994): 22-52.
- Bourque, Denis. "La veuve et la contrebandière: Mariaagélas d’Antonine Maillet et le carnavalesque." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 291-305.
- Bradley, Rhonda J. Making a place: the life and work of Lucy Jarvis as cultural educator and community catalyst in Atlantic Canada. M.A. thesis, Carleton University, 1997. 166 p. MQ 32354.
- Branch, Kimberley A. Charlotte: mother of Tabusintac. [Tabusintac, N.B.: author], 1995. 23 p. maps. — re Charlotte Howe Taylor, 1755-1840, Northumberland County.
- Brooks, Chris. The Gothic revival. London: Phaidon Press Ltd., 1999. 447 p. ill. — includes information on Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton.
- Brun, Régis. "L’armistice à Cap Pelé en 1918: un tir de canon sur l’effigie du Kaiser." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 79-80.
- _________. "Le fonds Edmond-P.-Melanson (1936-1980), au Centre d’études acadiennes." Sur l’empremier 4, 3 (1998): 15-18.
- _________. "Le fort de Chédaïque, 1749." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 4-10.
- _________. "Paroisse de Cap-Pelé. Rapport financier pour l’année 1923." Sur l’empremier 4, 1 (1996): 39-43.
- Caplan, Hart. "A law unto oneself": compulsory schooling and the creation of the student(’s) body in New Brunswick, 1850-1914. M.A. thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1998. 211 p. MQ 38364.
- Christian, William. "Canada’s fate: Principal Grant, Sir George Parkin and George Grant." Journal of Canadian Studies = Revue d’études canadiennes 34, 4 (Winter/hiver 1999-2000): 88-104.
- Colbert, Edwin H. William Diller Matthew, paleontologist. The splendid drama observed. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. 275 p. ill. —New Brunswick material in first three chapters re University of New Brunswick professor Loring Bailey.
- Cook, Jane Leigh. The furniture heritage of Saint John River valley communities: ethnicity and regional identity formation, 1763-1851. Ph.D. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1998. 229 p. AAT NQ 36575. DAI-A 60/03, p. 851 (Sept. 1999).
- Cormier, Alyre H. "L’ancienne université Saint-Joseph." Sur l’empremier 4, 3 (1998): 19-26.
- Cormier, Rhéal. "Ma contribution aux sports à Shippagan [sic]." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 85-94.
- Cormier, Ronald. "Il était une fois une guerre." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 74-78.
- Côté, Stéphanie. "Les études acadiennes à l’Université de Moncton: adoption d’un programme officiel ou prolongation d’un programme officieux?" ACS Bulletin AEC 19, 2-3 (Summer-Fall 1997): 10-12.
- Craig, Helen C. The Craigs of Harvey Settlement, Red Rock and the Pontiac. Fredericton: author, 1999. 803 p. loose-leaf ill.
- Crichton, Whitcomb. The Struan: from Saint John to Sand Lake. Halifax: Nimbus, 1999. 245 p. ill. — shipbuilding, St. John County.
- Cronin, Ray. "Changes and choices. The coming of age of Suzanne Hill." ArtsAtlantic 17, 1 (Winter 2000): 36-39.
- "Danskernes skole ikke moderne nok: Det Ny Danmark risikerer lukning." BT (3 marts 1996): 24-26. — New Denmark.
- Dean, Misao. "Political science: realism in Roberts’s animal stories." Studies in Canadian Literature 21, 1 (1996): 1-16.
- Delaney, Paul. "Les ancêtres de Joseph Guéguen de Cocagne." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 1 (mars 2000): 4-18.
- "Denis Cormier, Petit Rocher. Interviewé par Donat Robichaud." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 31-37.
- Desalvo, Jean-Luc. "L’écriture mailletienne ou le carnaval réussi." In Les littératures d’expression française d’Amérique du Nord et le carnavalesque. Sous la direction de Denis Bourque et Anne Brown (coll. «Mouvange», no. 6). Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1998. pp. 75-89.
- Desjardins, Richard, et assisté de Anelle Hébert. A la recherche des racines acadiennes. Une visite educative au Musée acadien de l’Université de Moncton pour les élèves du secondaire: trousse pédagogique. L’Assomption, [Qué.]: Editions le Prof, 1997. 112 p. ill.
- Devine, Nancy. "Sense of community developing in Fredericton." Anglican Journal 125, 8 (Oct. 1999): 18.
- Dickson, Vaughan, William J. Milne and David Murrell. "Who should pay for university education? Some net benefit results by funding source for New Brunswick." Canadian Public Policy XXII, 4 (Dec. 1996): 315-329.
- Donohue, Bernadette Marie. Voices past, present and future: Acadian social identity in the novels of Antonine Maillet. Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, 1999. 177 p. #9948098.
- "Dossier spécial: les habitations de 1945 de la «paroisse communautaire» de Grande-Digue." Brins d’histoire. Cahier de la Société historique de Grande-Digue 4 (mars 1997): 108 p. — voir le no. 5 (avr. 1998): 12-22 pour des corrections et ajouts.
- Doty, C. Stewart. Acadian hard times. The farm security administration in Maine’s St. John Valley, 1940-1943. Orono: University of Maine Press, 1991. 184 p. ill.
- Dubois, Lise. La traduction officielle au Nouveau-Brunswick: sa place et son rôle. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval, 1999. 361 p. NQ 43065.
- Duguay, Henri-Eugène. "Le cimetière de la honte." Sur l’empremier 4, 1 (1996): 4- 38. — re Barachois.
- Echoes in the rink: the Willie O’Ree story. Errol Williams, director. New Brunswick Filmmakers Co-op, 1997. video-recording. 26 min. 13mm, colour.
- "Eel Ground Indian Band v. New Brunswick." Canadian Native Law Reporter 3 (1999): 72-88.
- Ennals, Peter. "‘Business for ships is miserable dull’: a New Brunswick mariner confronts the waning days of sail." Northern Mariner 9, 1 (1999): 23-39. — re final voyage of Thomas Reese Anderson and the Albania.
- "Eric Swanick: recipient of the 1996 APLA Merit Award." APLA Bulletin 60, 1 (July-Aug. 1996): 1, 23.
- Estey, Perley. Ashley A. Colter 1888 to 1977. n.p.: [author], 1999. var. p. ill. — New Brunswick industrialist’s biography.
- Fawcett, Anne. Whistling banjoman: George Hector. Gagetown, N.B.: Otnabog Editions, 1999. 123 p. ill.
- de Finney, James. "La Sagouine, entre texte et médias." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-del’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 175-192.
- Forestell, Don. "New Brunswick" = "Nouveau-Brunswick." Canadian Parliamentary Review = Revue parlementaire canadienne 22, 3 (Autumn/automne 1999): 33-34; 31-32.
- Gagnon, Robert. "John et Phillip Thompson, orphelins d’Isidore Gagnon." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 7-19.
- Gamache, Edwige Lydie. The renewed presence of exotic otherness in the French and Francophone texts of the late twentieth century. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, 1998. 166 p. #9902074. — includes A. Maillet.
- Gauvin, Monique, Katherine Marcoccio et Alice Guérette-Breau. Le harcèlement sexiste, le harcèlement sexuel et l’agression sexuelle à l’ Université de Moncton. Moncton: Groupe de recherche et d’intervention sur le harcèlement sexuel et sexiste en milieu d’enseignement francophone, 1999. 197 p. tableaux.
- The Grand Jury recommend: a selection of entries in the Restigouche Grand Jury Book, 1858-1877. Edited by W.A. Clarke. Dalhousie, N.B.: Restigouche Regional Museum, 1995. 16 p. ill.
- Gravel Shea, Louise. L’influence de la frontière canado-américaine sur la population de Grande-Rivière Madawaska. M.A. thesis, Université Laval, 1999. 145 p. MQ 41915.
- Grell, Paul. Les jeunes face à un monde précaire: l’exemple canadien. Enquête sur la côte Est du Nouveau-Brunswick (1994-1995). Montreal; Paris: L’Harmattan Inc., 1999. 271 p.
- Guindon, René, et Pierre Poulin. Francophones in Canada: a community of interests = Les liens dans la francophonie canadienne. (New Canadian Perspectives = Nouvelles perspectives canadiennes). Ottawa: Official Languages. Canadian Heritage = Langues officielles. Patrimoine canadien, 1996. 48; 53 p.
- Hale, R. Wallace. Fort Havoc, vol. 1. Woodstock, N.B.: author, 2000. — compact disc; compilation of documents on loyalist history: extracts from the Winslow Papers, the Raymond Scrapbook, James Hannay’s History of New Brunswick, and selected papers from Acadiensis.
- Harley, Kathryn. "Bernard Lord. Beyond 200 days." Atlantic Business 11, 1 (2000): 12-14, 16, 18.
- Haywood-Faulkner, Etta. History of Victoria Corner. Then and now. Woodstock, N.B.: [author], 1996. 87 p. ill. maps.
- A history of the Hillsborouhgh [sic] Girls Choir. Canada’s embassadors [sic] of song. The early years. Compiled by Etta Haywood-Faulkner. Woodstock, N.B.: [compiler], 1995. var. p. ill.
- Hobbins, Alan J. "‘Dear Rufus’: a law student’s life at McGill in the roaring twenties from the letters of John P. Humphrey." McGill Law Journal 44, 3 (Nov. 1999): 753-778.
- Hoyt, Don. A brief history of the Liberal Party of New Brunswick. n.p.: n.p., [1999?]. 134 p. ill.
- _________, Bref aperçu de l’histoire du parti libéral du Nouveau-Brunswick. [Fredericton: n.p. 2000?]. 146 p. ill.
- Hyson, R.V. Stewart. New Brunswick’s electoral re-distribution of 1990-1994: a structural approach to re-distribution policy. Ph.D. thesis, Carleton University, 1999. 348 p. NQ 42794.
- «Il n’y a pas de limites». L’oeuvre d’Herménégilde Chiasson = "There are no limits." The work of Herménégilde Chiasson. Charlottetown: Galerie et Musée d’art du centre de la Confédération = Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, 1999. 175 p. ill. — texte en anglais et français.
- L’Italien, Francis, Samuel LeBreton and Louis Grignon. Seasonal workers and seasonal jobs: an overview based on the New Brunswick seasonal workers survey. (R-99-19E). [Hull, Qué.]: Human Resources Development Canada, 1999. 60 p. ill. — aussi disponible en français.
- Iverson, Alexander S. Artistic creativity and commodification: a sociological study of pictorial art practices in a provincial art world. M.A. thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1997. 162 p. MQ 23808.
- Jenson, Jane, with Sherry Thompson. Comparative family policy: six provincial stories. [Ottawa]: Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc., 1999. 67 p. tables.
- Johnson, Daniel F. Vital statistics from New Brunswick (Canada) newspapers, 1891-1892; v. 81. Saint John: author, 2000. 200 p.
- Johnson, Derek. "Merchants, the state and the household: continuity and change in a 20th-century Acadian fishing village." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 57-75. — Val-Comeau.
- Johnson, Laura C., and Julie Mathieu. Early childhood services for kindergarten-age children in four Canadian provinces: scope, nature and models for the future. Ottawa: Caledon Institute of Social Policy, 1998. 69 p. tables. — includes New Brunswick.
- Johnston, Wendy. Sur la lancée de l’an 2000: 20 ans au coeur de l’économie, 1979-1999. Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1999. 146 p. ill. — histoire du Conseil économique du Nouveau-Brunswick à l’occasion du 20e anniversaire.
- "Julian Forrest interviews Herménégilde Chiasson." ArtsAtlantic 17, 2 (Spring 2000): 32-35.
- Kelly, Kerry. "Burnt Church and broken promises: how a community can heal." Catholic New Times 23, 16 (31 Oct. 1999): 1, 10.
- Khan, Anwar N. "Hate propaganda and Canadian schoolteachers." Journal of Law and Education 26, 3 (July 1997): 49-62. — re David Attis v. New Brunswick School Board; Malcolm Ross case.
- Klein, Kim Marie. Acquisition of power: the membership of the New Brunswick Assembly, 1785-1837. Ph.D. thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 1999. 265 p. DAI-A 60/02, p. 515 (Aug. 1999).
- Koch, Edmond D., W. George Sinclair and Vincent Richard. Miramichi courthouse. Moncton: Architecture 2000 Inc., 1998. var. p. ill.
- Lamarche, Rodolphe, et Jean-Yves Daigle. L’industrie de la tourbe au Nouveau-Brunswick: naissance, développement et perspectives d’avenir. (Collection Maritimes, monographe no. 5). Moncton: Institut canadien de recherche sur le développement régional, 1999. 88 p. tableaux. — peat industry.
- Lambert, Stirling. Tales from a small island. [Stuartown, N.B.: author, 1999]. 60 p. ill. — Deer Island.
- Landry, Maurice. "Un vétéran se rappelle." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 45-47.
- Leavitt, Robert M. "Language in New Brunswick." In Language in Canada. Edited by John R. Edwards. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. pp. 372-383.
- LeBlanc, Albert. "Mes expériences de guerre. Présenté par Henri-Eugène Duguay." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 66-73.
- LeBlanc, Ronnie Gilles. "Un portrait de la jeunesse masculine de Cap-Pelé au début du siècle." Sur l’empremier 4, 1 (1996): 44-53.
- Leclerc, André, Mario Fortin et Claude Thivierge. "Rentabilité des caisses populaires acadiennes et développement coopératif." Dans Les régions fragiles face à la mondialisation. Sous la direction de Danielle Lafontaine et Nicole Thivierge. Rimouski, Qué.: GRIDEQ-GRIR, 1999. pp. 229-240. tableaux. — actes du colloque de l’ ACFAS, 1998, Université Laval.
- Léger, Claude. "Acadiens in excelsis: trois aviateurs acadiens, 1917-1918." Sur l’empremier 4, 2 (1997): 10-34.
- _________. "Anna Landry, et l’oeuvre de Poirier." Sur l’empremier 4, 4 (1999): 21- 26.
- _________. "Le 165e Bataillon d’infanterie d’outremer." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 18-44.
- _________. "Pascal Poirier et le Bataillon acadien. Une lettre de Pascal Poirier au Lieut.-Col. L.-C. D’Aigle, 1918." Sur l’empremier 4, 4 (1999): 14-20.
- Léger, Maurice. "Monseigneur Ernest Léger, 4e archevêque de Moncton." Sur l’empremier 4, 3 (1998): 9-14.
- Léger, Maurice A. "La grippe espagnole à Haute-Aboujagane en 1918." Sur l’empremier 4, 4 (1999): 48-52.
- _________. "Le crucifix de l’abbé Antoine Gagnon." Sur l’empremier 4, 3 (1998): 27-28.
- Léger, Yvon. "Laurence Légere: militaire et diplomate américain." Sur l’empremier 4, 4 (1999): 27-36.
- Légère, Martin. "Couvent de Caraquet — 125 années de dévouement." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 53-63.
- "Lettres du front. Présenté et annoté par Claude Léger." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 48-65.
- Linke, Rob. "Province without school boards: New Brunswick’s experience." Education Today 11, 1 (Winter 1998): 11.
- Lively, Robert J. Loyalist to liberal: the reform persuasion in New Brunswick politics, 1837-1857. Ph.D. thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1998. 236 p. #9914414.
- Logan, Dawn Bell. By the sound of the mill whistle: sawmilling in Stickney, New Brunswick. Woodstock, N.B.: Carleton County Historical Society, 1999. 166 p. ill.
- Lonergan, David. "Un souffle artistique sur la Petitcodiac." ArtsAtlantic 17, 1 (Winter 2000): 43-45. — précis en anglais, "Breath of fresh air on the Petitcodiac" p. 45.
- MacDonald, William Cameron. Memories from the pen of William C. MacDonald. Edited by M. Dawn Bremner and Marion G. Reicker. [Gagetown, N.B.]: Queens County Historical Society and Museum, Inc., 1991. 54 p. ill.
- MacGregor, Roger. When the chestnut was in flower. Inside the Chestnut canoe. Lansdowne, Ont.: Plumsweep Press, 1999. 340 p. ill.
- MacMillan, C. Michael. "Legislating language equality: New Brunswick." In The practice of language rights in Canada. C. Michael MacMillan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, [1998]. pp. 139-162.
- Maindron, André. "Sur les poésies de Robert Pichette." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-del’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 35-42.
- Mandeville, Donna. "Proper spheres and improper remuneration: the feminization of teaching in nineteenth-century Canada." TimePieces: A Journal of Undergraduate History at the University of New Brunswick 1 (2000): 31-36.
- Marshall, Joan. "Bitter harvest. Grand Manan — government approved exploitation of rockweed vs ecosystem and economic sustainability." Alternatives [University of Waterloo] 25, 4 (Fall 1999): 10-15.
- Maxwell, Arthur W. Beliefs concerning the doctrine of entire sanctification held by lay full members of the Atlantic District of the Wesleyan church. D.Min. thesis, Canadian Theological Seminary, 1997. 179 p. NQ 21871.
- McCarthy, A.J. Historic Bathurst on the Bay of Chaleur. (Images of our past). Halifax: Nimbus, 1999. 144 p. ill.
- McEvoy, John P., and Richard W. Bird. "Union of New Brunswick Indians v. New Brunswick." National Journal of Constitutional Law 10, 2 (Jun. 1999): 241-250. — re taxation of aboriginal peoples.
- McEwen, Alec. "The real St. Croix." Mercator’s World (July-Aug. 1999): 18-23.
- McNulty, Wendy. "Museum retail: strategy brings success in New Brunswick" = "Vente au détail dans les musées: succès d’une stratégie gagnante au Nouveau-Brunswick."Muse 17, 4 (Feb./fev. 2000): 24-28; 28-31.
- Meek, Jim. "Strangers in a strange land: the Irving clan’s economic might ... may have met their match in Andrew Rea." Canadian Business 72, 10 (11 June 1999): 47-48, 51+.
- Miedema, Baukje. Barriers and strategies: how to improve services for abused immigrant women in New Brunswick. (Research Paper Series, no. 1). Fredericton: Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research. University of New Brunswick, Nov. 1999. 18 p.
- _________. "Redesign or downloading of services? A critical examination of a restructuring program for foster care in New Brunswick." Resources for Feminist Research = Documentation sur la recherche feministe 27, 3-4 (2000): 71-82.
- Milton, Paul. "Various Persons Named Kevin O’Brien. Nowlan’s novel response to the critics." Studies in Canadian Literature 23, 2 (1998): 36-48.
- Myles, Diane Taylor. "Legislative reports: New Brunswick" = "Rapports législatifs: Nouveau-Brunswick." Canadian Parliamentary Review = Revue parlementaire canadienne 23, 1 (Spring/printemps 2000): 32-34; 33-35.
- Noël, Alphonse. "Mes souvenirs de la guerre, 1939-1945." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 27, 3 (sept.-déc. 1999): 3-112.
- O’Ree, Willie, with Michael McKinley. The autobiography of Willie O’Ree. Hockey’s Black pioneer. Toronto: Somerville House Publishing, 2000. 104 p. ill.
- Olmstead, David. "Challenges of legislative life: a New Brunswick perspective" = "Défis de la vie d’un législateur: une perspective néo-brunswickoise." Canadian Parliamentary Review = Revue parlementaire canadienne 22, 1 (Spring/printemps 1999): 5-7.
- Paroisse Saint-Georges de Grand-Sault, N.-B. 1950-2000. Publication souvenir. [Grand-Sault, N.-B.: n.p., 2000]. 120 p.
- Perley, Bonnie E. The use of Native spirituality in addiction treatment: a case study of the five New Brunswick Native treatment centres. M.A. thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1997. 127 p. MQ 23832.
- Perron, Judith. "L’histoire carnavalisée dans le théâtre d’Antonine Maillet." Dans Les littératures d’expression française d’Amérique du Nord et le carnavalesque. Sous la direction de Denis Bourque et Anne Brown. (coll. «Mouvange», no. 6). Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1998. pp. 49-74.
- Petchey, Helen M. Dorchester’s doctors ... from the beginning. n.p.: [author], 1998. 10 p. ill.
- Pike, Amy C. Provincial policy planning for municipal government restructuring in non-metropolitan areas: the contemporary cases of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick. M.C.P. thesis, University of Manitoba, 1997. 148 p. MQ 23456.
- Pilote, Annie. Ecole, démocratie et identité: le cas de l’école francophone au Nouveau-Brunswick. M.A. thesis, University of Ottawa, 1999. 168 p. MQ 38760.
- Profile of census divisions and subdivisions in New Brunswick = Profil des divisions et subdivisions de recensement du Nouveau-Brunswick. (No. 95-185). Ottawa: Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada, 1999. 512 p. tables. — 1996 census data.
- Proposed Saint John Lateral Pipeline Project. Prepared for Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline Management Ltd., Fredericton, by Washburn & Gillis Associates Ltd., Fredericton. n.p.: n.p., 1998. 3v. ill. maps. — Includes Environmental Assessment Report, Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Report, and Public Consultation Report.
- Quinlan, James Clarence. "Improvisational identity in Antonine Maillet’s Le huitième jour." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 277-289.
- "R. v. Paul." Canadian Native Law Reporter 4 (1997): 221-241. — re Thomas Peter Paul.
- "R. v. Tomah." Canadian Native Law Reporter 3 (1999): 311-317. — re Eric Tomah and Percy Sacobie and Maliseet fishing rights.
- Reid, Mark. "Angel at the centre of town — and controversy." Catholic New Times 23, 3 (14 Feb. 1999): 7. — re custody battle in Cap-Pelé over sculpture of an angel in town centre.
- "Return to Upper Woodstock: a portrait of a small village two decades later." Harrowsmith Country Life 23, 145 (Mar.-Apr. 1999): 14.
- Rhéaume, Ann. The professionalization of nursing: a study of the changing entry to practice requirements in New Brunswick. Ph.D. thesis, McGill University, 1998. 269 p.
- Richard, Chantal G. "La problématique de la langue dans la forme et le contenu de deux romans plurilingues acadiens: Bloupe de Jean Babineau et Moncton Mantra de Gérald Leblanc." Studies in Canadian Literature 23, 2 (1998): 19-35.
- _________. "Poèmes acadiens" de Napoléon-P. Landry: Edition critique par Chantal Richard. M.A. thesis, Université de Moncton, 1998. 224 p. MQ 33886.
- Robichaud, Armand. "Les Robichaud, la généalogie et la littérature." Sur l’empremier 4, 2 (1997): 35-[62].
- Robichaud, Armand G. "Dosithé Porelle (1840-1928): un acadien à la guerre civile américaine." Sur l’empremier 3, 5 (1995): 11-17.
- Robichaud, Donat. "Interview avec Gélas Robichaud (1914-1984)." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 21-29.
- _________. "Mme. Delphine Arseneau-Lockhart." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 43-51.
- Robichaud, Marguerite (Goguen). "Histoire de Cormier-Village." Sur l’empremier 4, 3 (1998): 4-8.
- Robichaud, Normand. "Dix-huit années déjà ... bilan des activités culturelles à l’église historique de Barachois." Sur l’empremier 4, 4 (1999): 37-47.
- Roger, Margarit [sic]. The maturing of a profession: an overview of workplace education practitioner development opportunities. Ottawa: National Literacy Secretariat. Human Resource Development Canada, 1999. — pp. 56-57 "Practitioner training in New Brunswick."
- Rogers, Susan. "Fundy family adventure: New Brunswick’s famous coast is a living museum." Canadian Living 24, 4 (Apr. 1999): 48-52.
- Rose, Jonathan W. "The selling of New Brunswick: fibre optics or optical illusion?" In Canada: the state of the federation, 1995. Edited by Douglas M. Brown and Jonathan W. Rose. [Kingston: Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, 1995]. pp. 171-187.
- Rotman, Leonard I. "Developments in aboriginal law: the 1997-98 term. Part II: Union of New Brunswick Indians v. New Brunswick (Minister of Finance)." Supreme Court Law Review. Second Series. 10 (1999): 1-3, 25-44.
- Savoie, Luc. "Une larme de grand-père Pierre." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 39-41.
- Ségalen, Jean. "Les ancêtres de l’abbé Jean-Louis Le Loutre." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 1 (mars 2000): 54-59.
- _________. "Les généalogies Le Loutre et Hesnard." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 1 (mars 2000): 60-64.
- _________, and Paul Delaney. "La généalogie ascendante de Joseph Guéguen de Cocagne." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 31, 1 (mars 2000): 19-53.
- Shanks, Jamie. "Recreation in New Brunswick: looking back & to the future." Parks & Recreation Canada 57, 4 (Nov.-Dec. 1999): 24.
- "Den sidste danske praest i New Denmark: Her taler Gud dansk." BT (2 marts 1996): 18-20. — New Denmark.
- The Shore Truth News (1999-) — St. Martin’s, New Brunswick; ed. by Rev. Peter Atkinson [].
- Slattery, Brian. "Some thoughts on Aboriginal title." University of New Brunswick Law Journal = Revue de droit de l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick 48 (1999): 19-40. — references the Peter Paul case, 1996.
- Social investment: it’s time to invest in New Brunswick’s children, families and communities. Prepared by Mary Simpson. (Policy Discussion Paper, no. 4). Halifax: Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Nov. 1999. 39 p. — aussi disponible en français.
- Soucoup, Dan. Glimpses of old Moncton. Halifax: Maritime Lines, 1999. 94 p. ill. — pictorial.
- Soucy, Conrad. "Histoire de la ferme Soucy." Revue de la Société historique du Madawaska 27, 1-4 (janv.-déc. 1999): 2-83. — re Saint-Basile; une chapitre sur la généalogie et sur les relations avec les Religieuses Hospitalières.
- Spalding, Donna. The invisible minorities: employment equity research project, Saint John, New Brunswick. Hampton, N.B.: Research Design Associates Inc., 1999. 53 p.
- Spray, William. "Irish famine emigrants and their reception in New Brunswick in 1847." Nashwaak Review 6-7 (Fall 1999): 147-156.
- Stanley-Blackwell, Laurie C.C. "The mysterious stranger and the Acadian Good Samaritan: leprosy folklore in 19th-century New Brunswick." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 75-91.
- Steuter, Erin Christine. Identifying ideology: media representations of the Irving Oil Refinery strike, 1994-1996. Ph.D. thesis, York University, 1998. 291 p. NQ 33552.
- Sutton, Susanne. Westfield. A history told by residents. Westfield, N.B.: Village of Westfield, 1997. 166 p. ill.
- Swanick, Eric. "Medley’s library: the reconstruction." APLA Bulletin 63, 1 (July-Aug. 1999): 18.
- "Tangibles and intangibles. Julian Forrest interviews Linda Rae Dornan." ArtsAtlantic 17, 1 (Winter 2000): 25-28. — re a Sackville artist.
- Taste of the Tantramar. Edited by Betty Dobson. Sackville, N.B.: Yorkshire 2000; Tantramar Heritage Trust, 1999. 101 p.
- Terlecki, William G. Bishop. The lost world of River de Chute. Dignity and honor due. St. Lazare de Vaudreuil, Qué.: n.p., 1999. 109 p. ill. maps.
- Thériault, Arthur. "Dominique Thériault, marchand général, et ses deux générations suivantes au Nouveau-Brunswick." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys 28, 1 (janv.-avr. 2000): 65-79.
- Thibodeau, Serge Patrice. "Devant la porte de la loi. Bilan: le 50e anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme et la torture." Dans La disgrâce de l’humanité: essai sur la torture de Serge Patrice Thibodeau. (Partis pris actuels). Montreal: VLB éditeur, 1999. pp. 61-65.
- Tumak, Edgar. "The way to the stars." Heritage [Heritage Canada Foundation] (Fall 1998): 10-13. — includes Jack Observatory at the University of New Brunswick.
- Turner, Philip Beaumont. A new day dawning: yet they hung her in Hartland. Fredericton: New Ireland Press, 1999. 162 p. ill. — historical novel.
- Uncle George. Rememberin’ people, places and happenin’s in Woodstock. Woodstock, N.B.: Henley Pub. Ltd, 1998. 96 p. ill.
- Underhill, Doug. Miramichi tales tall & true. Illustrations by Karen Wheaton. Saint John: Neptune, 1999. 127 p. ill.
- "Union of New Brunswick Indians and Tomah v. New Brunswick (Minister of Finance)." Canadian Native Law Reporter 1 (1997): 213-233.
- Wahl, Andrew. "Plugged in: the new college try." Canadian Business 72, 19 (26 Nov. 1999): 171-2, 174. — re Unexus University.
- Withers, Rosemary. A view of New Brunswick. Fredericton: Ventures Publications Inc., 2000. 64 p. ill. — pictorial.
- _________. Covered Bridges, New Brunswick, Canada. Fredericton: Ventures Publications Inc., 2000. 13 p. ill. — pictorial.
- _________. New Brunswick lighthouses. Fredericton: Ventures Publications Inc., 2000. 13 p. ill. — pictorial.
- Wright, Harold E. Lancaster. (Images of Canada). Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 1998. 128 p. ill.
- Anderssen, Erin. "The cod collapse." Unesco Courier 51 (July-Aug. 1998): 44-46.
- Anglin, Douglas George. Free French invasion: the St. Pierre and Miquelon affaire of 1941. Calgary: Penny Black Pub., 1999. 219 p. ill. maps.
- Archibald, Linda. If gender mattered: a case study of Inuit women, land claims and the Voisey’s Bay Nickel Project. [Ottawa]: Status of Women Canada, 1999. 46 p. — also in French.
- Ayers, P.K. On stony ground: a celebration of the 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Anglican Church in Newfoundland and Labrador. [St. John’s: Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, 1999]. 48 p. — text of a dramatic presentation regarding the history of the Cathedral at St. John’s.
- Badgley, Kerry. "‘Rigorously applied in practice’: a scorched earth policy for Canada and Newfoundland during the Second World War." Archivist 116 (1998): 38.
- Baggs, William. Billowing sails and mares’ tails. Edited by Margaret Rose. Grand Falls-Windsor, Nfld.: author, 1999. 114 p. ill. maps.
- Bailey, Chris Howard. The Royal Naval Museum book of the Battle of the Atlantic: the corvettes and their crews: an oral history. Wiltshire, [England]: Wrens Park, 1998. 156 p. ill. maps.
- Baker, Melvin. "Memorial University of Newfoundland: a retrospective." Luminus 25 (Fall 1999): 10-11, 23.
- _________. "J.R. Smallwood: labour and socialist leader." Newfoundland Quarterly 93 (Fall 1999): 2.
- _________. "Presidents of Memorial University College and Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1925-1999." Newfoundland Quarterly 93 (Fall 1999): 2-5.
- _________. "Tribute - George Morley Story (1927-1994)." RLS: Regional Language Studies 16 (June 1999): 22-23.
- Ballesteros Gaibrois, Manuel. Juan Caboto. (Cuadernos colombinos, 21). Valladolid: Casa Museo de Colon; Seminario Americanista de la Universidad de Valladolid, 1997. 286 p. ill.
- Barbour, E.W. St. Stephen’s Church of England marriage register (1840-1906), Greenspond, Bonavista Bay. [Greenspond, Nfld.?: author], 1998. [50] p.
- Bassler, Gerhard P. Alfred Valdmanis and the politics of survival. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. 472 p. ill.
- The Battle of the Atlantic and signals intelligence: U-boat situations and trends, 1941-1945. (Publications of the Navy Records Society; 139). Edited by David Syrett. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt.: Published by Ashgate for the Navy Records Society, 1998. 629 p. ill.
- "Baytona." Downhomer 12 (Aug. 1999): 112-113.
- Beaulieu, Jacqueline. Localization of the aboriginal nations in Québec: land Transactions. [Québec]: Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des ressources naturelles du Québec, 1998. 168 p. maps. — updated.
- Beckel, Annamarie L. All gone widdun. St. John’s: Breakwater, 1999. 385 p. — historical fiction.
- Bergersen, Robert. Vinland bibliography: writings relating to the Norse in Greenland and America. Tromso: Universitetsbiblioteket i Tromso, 1997. 411 p.
- Biles, Wesley. My town, my province, my country and I. St. Anthony, Nfld.: Bebb Publishing, [1998?]. 146 p. ill.
- Boas, Franz. Franz Boas among the Inuit of Baffin Island, 1883-1884: journals and letters. Edited by Ludger Mueller-Wille. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. 298 p. ill.
- Bouzane, Lillian. In the hands of the living God: a novel. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1999. 308 p. maps. — fictional diary of Mathye Cabot, wife of John Cabot.
- Boyce, W. Douglas. One and a half centuries of paleontological research: a selective bibliography of Newfoundland and Labrador fossils. [St. John’s: Geological Survey, 1998?]. [57] leaves. — available online:
- Bradley, Peter T. British maritime enterprise in the New World: from the late fifteenth to the mid-eighteenth century. (Studies in British history, v. 57). Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 1999. 600 p. ill.
- Bruce, David. Quality of life in rural and small town Newfoundland. Sackville, N.B.: Rural and Small Town Programme, Mount Allison University, 1999. 26 leaves ill.
- Burzynski, Michael. Gros Morne National Park. St. John’s: Breakwater Books, 1999. 229 p. ill.
- Byrne, Cyril J. "The penal laws in Newfoundland." An Nasc 12 (Winter 1999): 7-12, 37. — [journal of D’Arcy McGee Chair of Irish Studies, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax.]
- Byrne, Pat. "Booze, ritual, and the invention of tradition: the phenomenon of the Newfoundland screech-in." in Usable pasts: traditions and group expressions in North America. Edited by Tad Tuleja. Logan, Utah: Utah State University Press, 1997. pp. 232-248. ill.
- Cartographic encounters: perspectives on Native American mapmaking and map use. (The Kenneth Nebenzahl Jr. Lectures in the History of Cartography). Edited by G. Malcolm Lewis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. 318 p. ill. maps — includes Labrador Inuit mapmaking.
- Chauveau, Jean-Paul. "La disparition du subjonctif à Terre-Neuve, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon et en Bretagne: propagation ou récurrence?" Dans Français d’Amérique. Variation, créolisation, normalisation. Actes du colloque: «Les français d’Amérique du Nord en situation minoritaire». Sous la direction de Patrice Brasseur. Avignon, France: Centre d’études canadiennes (CECAV); Université d’Avignon, 1998. pp. 105-120.
- Church, Elizabeth. "Who are the people in your family? Stepmothers’ diverse notions of kinship." Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 31 (1999): 83-105. — results of a Newfoundland survey.
- Claireaux-Gervain, Thérèse. Du pilotage aux îles Saint Pierre et Miquelon, 1861-1935. [Saint Pierre?: SPM Consultant?], Halifax: Halcraft Printers, 1999. 68 p. ill. — includes Newfoundland history.
- Community-based coastal resource inventories in Newfoundland and Labrador: procedures manual. St. John’s: Fisheries and Oceans, Marine Environment and Habitat Management Division, 1998. 65 p. ill. maps.
- "Community of the month: Appleton." Downhomer 11 (May 1999): 120-121.
- "Community of the month: Port au Choix." Downhomer 12 (Sept. 1999): 112-113.
- Convegno Internazionale de Studi "Giovanni Caboto e le Vie Dell’Atlantico Settentrionale. Giovanni Caboto et le vie dell’Atlantico settentrionale: atti del Convegno Internazionale di studi, Roma, 29 settembre-1 ottobre 1997. A cura di Marcella Arca Petrucci, Simonetta Conti. Genova: Brigati, 1999. 579 p. — conference proceedings.
- Cranford, Garry. Tidal wave: a list of victims and survivors. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 1999. — re 1929 tsunami.
- Crosbie, John C. "Government of Canada whistles past the northern cod graveyard in the dark: Part 1." Atlantic Business 10, 4 (1999): 54.
- _________. "Government of Canada whistles past the northern cod graveyard in the dark: Part II." Atlantic Business 10, 5 (1999): 54.
- Crossroads country: memories of pre-Confederation Newfoundland, at the intersection of American, British and Canadian connections. (Newfoundland history series, 10). Edited by Malcolm MacLeod. St. John’s: Breakwater Books, 1999. 344 p. ill.
- Cuff, Harry. "Michael Francis Harrington, C.M. [1916-1999; tribute]." Newfoundland Quarterly 92 (Winter 1999): 2-4.
- Cumming, John. "Inco, Newfoundland government spent 1998 at loggerheads." Northern Miner 84 (Jan. 1999): 3.
- Cunliffe, Tom. Topsail & battleaxe: a voyage in the wake of the Vikings. Suffolk, England: Seafarer Books; Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Sheridan House, 1998. 182 p. ill. maps.
- Dalton, Mary. "To capture the sound of water: some thoughts on a language denied." In Language(s)/prison(s), 1998: with texts. Edited by Nela Rio et al. (Living archives of the Feminist Caucus of the League of Canadian Poets series). Toronto: Feminist Caucus of the League of Canadian Poets, 1999. pp. 54-68.
- Dankowich, Stephen, and G. Pascal. "Land before jobs and money, declare Innu." Catholic New Times 23 (Mar. 1999): 10.
- Daurelle, Florence. "Terre-Neuve: terre-renouvellée à ré-explorer, dans ‘The Shipping News’ (1993) d’E. Annie Proulx, et ‘The Afterlife of George Cartwright’ (1992) de John Steffler." Canadian Studies 46 (1999): 131-141.
- Davidge, Marilyn. Descendants of John Davidge and Sarah Jane Guy who were married September 1848 in Burgeo, Newfoundland. Calgary: author, 1997. 235 p. ill.
- Davis, David. "A meeting on cultural heritage." Newfoundland Ancestor 15 (Winter 1999): 202-203. — re Oct. 1999 meeting of cultural heritage interest groups.
- DeMont, John. "Fifty years of confederation: after a half-century as a province Newfoundland is on the cusp of change." Maclean’s 112 (Mar. 1999): 18-23.
- Dewitt, Barbara. "On the edge of the earth." Travel & Leisure (Aug. 1999): 100-106, 128-130. — re trip through St. John’s area, Bonavista Bay, St. Anthony and Labrador.
- Dewling, Clarence B. "Words, phrases and pronunciations used in Trouty (Trinity Bight, Trinity Bay)." Edited by G. Shorrocks. RLS: Regional Language Studies 16 (June 1999): 2-21. map glossary.
- Dickenson, Victoria. Drawn from life: science and art in the portrayal of the New World. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998. 320 p. ill.
- Dictionary of Newfoundland English. Edited by G.M. Story, W.J. Kirwin and J.D.A. Widdowson. 2nd ed. with supplement. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. 770 p.
- Dubin, Lois Sherr. North American Indian jewelry and adornment: from prehistory to the present. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1999. 608 p. ill. maps.
- Dunmore, Spencer. In great waters: the epic story of the Battle of the Atlantic, 1939-45. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1999. 342 p. ill.
- Durand, Michel G. The health and vitality of the culture sector in Newfoundland and Labrador: Prototype report [rev. ed]. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics, 1999. 254 p.
- Earle, Karl McNeil. "Cousins of a kind: the Newfoundland and Labrador relationship with the United States." American Review of Canadian Studies 28 (Winter 1998): 387-411.
- Earle, Neil. "Remembering Joey." Luminus 25 (Fall 1999): 24.
- Eaton, John P., and C.A. Haas. Titanic: a journey through time. New York: W.W. Norton, 1999. 248 p. ill. maps music.
- "Environmental assessment hailed." Catholic New Times 23 (May 1999): 2. — Voisey’s Bay mining.
- Etchegary, Victoria. "Great big alumni for 1999." Luminus 25 (Fall 1999): cover, 14-15. — Great Big Sea music group.
- Euskal Herriko untzigintza = La construccion naval en el Pais Vasco. (ITSAS memoria, 2 ). Donostia-San Sebastian [Spain]: Untzi Museoa-Museo Naval, 1998. 620 p. ill.
- "Features: 1919 Hawker and Grieve’s Atlantic flight." Canadian Aerophilatelist 15 (Mar. 1999): 10-14.
- Fifty Plus Festival Committee. Thank God I’m fifty. Prepared by a sub-committee of the Fifty Plus Festival Committee. [St. John’s: The Committee, 1987]. 77 p. ill.
- Finnie, Ross. Interprovincial mobility in Canada: a longitudinal analysis. (Working papers. Human Resources Development Canada. Applied Research Branch; W-98-5E.a). [Hull, Qué.]: Human Resources Development Canada, Applied Research Branch, 1998. 79 p. ill.
- Fischer, Lewis R. "Gerald E. Panting (1927-1998)." Argonauta (Jan. 1999): 4-6.
- Fisher, Amy E. "William Carson: the great reformer." National Library News 31 (May 1999): 14.
- Fishing places, fishing people: traditions and issues in Canadian small-scale fisheries. Edited by Dianne Newell and Rosemary E. Ommer. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. 374 p. ill. maps.
- Fisk, Alan. Forty testoons. St. John’s: Breakwater, 1999. 286 p. — historical fiction.
- "Founding of Hebron." Kinatuinamot Illengajuk (Fall 1999): 8-12.
- From the dig. Ferryland, Nfld.: Colony of Avalon Foundation, 1996. — irregular.
- Froschauer, Karl. White gold: hydroelectric power in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999. 322 p. ill. maps.
- Gage, S.R. "Stone pillars, lava pillows." Explore 96 (Mar.- Apr. 1999): 56. — re hiking in Gros Morne National Park.
- Granatstein, J.L., and N. Hillmer. "Canada’s century: choosing the ‘Canadian Wolf.’" Maclean’s 112 (July 1999): 36-37.
- _________. "Canada’s century: the cod were gone, the fishery closed." Maclean’s 112 (July 1999): 52.
- Grand Falls-Windsor Task Force on Economic Development. Gateway to the new millennium: report. [Grand Falls-Windsor: City of Grand Falls-Windsor?, 1998]. 33 p. ill.
- Great Britain. Commonwealth War Graves Commission. 1914-1918, the war dead of the Commonwealth: Royal Newfoundland Regiment. [Maidenhead, England: Commonwealth War Graves Commission], 1998. 106 p.
- Hann, Jordy. "Summerside, Bay of Islands." Downhomer 12 (Oct. 1999): 112-113.
- Hanrahan, Maura. "Mining for community benefits." Alternatives Journal 25 (Summer 1999): 4-5.
- Harvey, Janice, and David Coon. Beyond crisis in the fisheries: a proposal for community-based ecological fisheries management. Fredericton: Conservation Council of New Brunswick Inc., 1997. 59 p. ill.
- Hébert, Michel. La pêche de la morue à Terre-Neuve et en Islande: raconté par la carte postale ancienne. Condé-sur-Noireau, [France]: Editions Charles Corlet, 1997. 207 p. ill. maps — pictorial work.
- Henderson, Robert K. "Make tea from a bog, instead of a bag!" Countryside & Small Stock Journal [Waterloo, Wisconsin] 80 (July-Aug. 1998): 66-67. — native plants of Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Hickman, T. Alex. "Special sitting of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, Trial Division, Greenspond, Nfld., Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1999, at 12 noon." Newfoundland Quarterly 93 (Fall 1999): 13-15.
- Hillier, Stanley. 1849-1963, part of the story of 114 years: Church of St. Mary the Virgin, parish of Lamaline. [3rd ed.] [Nfld.: St. Mary the Virgin Parish, 1999]. 42 p. ill.
- Hiscock, Philip. "Jiggs dinner — Newfoundland term?" Downhomer 11 (Nov. 1998): 33.
- _________. "Making soap." Beaver 79 (Feb.- Mar.1999): 6-7.
- "History of Bell Island." Newfoundland Ancestor 15 (Fall 1999): 158-161.
- Hollett, Robert. "Preserving the pronunciations of Newfoundland place names: a case study of Bauline East." Linguistica Atlantica 20 (1998): 85-107.
- Holly, Donald H., Jr. "An archaeological survey of Fogo Island, Newfoundland." Northeast Anthropology 56 (Fall 1998): 69-74.
- _________. "Environment, history and agency in storage adaptation: on the Beothuk in the 18th century." Canadian Journal of Archaeology 22 (1998): 19-30.
- _________. "Tales of extinction." Anthropology Newsletter (Nov. 1998): 11.
- Hunston, Dorothy M. "The Hunston Titanic log." Titanic Communicator (Titanic Historical Society Inc.) 22 (Oct. 1998): 28-29.
- International Congress of Maritime History (2nd: 1996: Amsterdam and Rotterdam, Netherlands). Frutta di Mare: evolution and revolution in the maritime world in the 19th and 20th centuries; proceedings of the Second International Congress of Maritime History, June 5-8, 1996, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands. [Edited by] Paul C. van Royen, Lewis R. Fischer and David M. Williams. Amsterdam: Batavian Lion International, 1998. 222 p. ill.
- Invest in ourselves: private business investment in Newfoundland & Labrador. Mount Pearl, Nfld.: Mount Pearl CCIP Inc., [1999]. 16 p. ill.
- Janzen, Olaf Uwe. "A Scottish sack ship in the Newfoundland trade, 1726-1727." Scottish Economic & Social History 18 (1998): 1-18.
- _________. "A Scottish venture in the Newfoundland fish trade, 1726-1727." Research in Maritime History 15 (1998): 133-153.
- Kaplan, William. Presumed guilty: Brian Mulroney, the Airbus Affair, and the government of Canada. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1998. 376 p. ill.
- Keough, Willeen. "Bringing ordinary lives out from the shadows: court records, oral history, and Irish women on the southern Avalon." Newfoundland Ancestor 15 (Winter 1999): 181-192.
- Khouri, Malek. "‘John and the Missus’. Progress, resistance, and ‘Common sense.’" CineAction 49 (1999): 2-11.
- Labrador Creative Arts Festival handbook. [Labrador: Labrador Creative Arts Festival?, 1999?]. 53 p. — includes history of the festival with brief summaries of festival activities, 1975-1998.
- Lefebvre, Madeleine, and Robert Lanari. Sheshatshiu-atanukana mak tipatshimuna. Edited by José Mailhot. St. John’s: Labrador Innu Text Project, 1999. — myths and tales from Sheshatshit. Collected by Madeleine Lefebvre and Robert Lanari in 1967, edited by Jose Maihot.
- Lingard, Mont. Next stop, St. John’s: chats, stats, and snaps of the Newfoundland Railway. Grand Falls-Windsor, Nfld.: M. Lingard Pub., 1999. 128 p. ill. map.
- Lowe, Mick. Premature bonanza: standoff at Voisey’s Bay. Toronto: Between The Lines, 1998. 222 p. ill.
- Lowery, Dave. "Hiking the Eastern Edge." Explore 6 (May- June 1999): 24, 29-31. — re East Coast Trail.
- Lynes, Jeanette. "Is Newfoundland inside that T.V.?: regionalism, postmodernism, and Wayne Johnson’s Human Amusements." In A sense of place: reevaluating regionalism in Canadian and American writing. (Textual studies in Canada, 9). Edited by Christian Riegel [et al.]. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press; Kamloops, B.C.: Textual Studies in Canada, University College of the Cariboo, 1998. pp. 81-94.
- McCarthy, Paddy. "The wreck of the S.S. Florizel." Downhomer 12 (Sept. 1999): 70. ill.
- McGrath, Carmelita. Stranger things have happened. St. John’s: Killick Press, 1999. 176 p.
- McKibben, Bill. "Ocean solitaire." Utne Reader 87 (May-June 1998): 60-65, 102-105.
- Maes, Y.M. The cannibal’s wife: a memoir. New York: Herodias, 1999. 265 p. — victim’s memoir of sexual abuse by clergy.
- Mannion, John. "Transatlantic disaffection: Wexford and Newfoundland, 1798-1800." Journal of Wexford Historical Society 17 (1998-1999): 30-60 — re factional uprising in St. John’s.
- Marsden, Jim. The Town of Ramea. Stephenville, Nfld.: Long Range Regional Economic Development Board, 1998. 45 leaves.
- Martinez, Andrew J. Marine life of the North Atlantic: Canada to New England. 2nd ed. Edited by Candace Storm Martinez. Camden, Me.: Down East Books, 1999. 272 p. ill. map.
- May, Brock. "Struggle and the sea: the people of coastal Labrador fight hard to survive on the uncertain bounty of a tough, timeless place." Canadian Living 24 (Feb. 1999): 28-31.
- Melady, John. Heartbreak and heroism: Canadian search and rescue stories. Toronto: Dundurn, 1997. 217 p. ill.
- Mellin, Robert. "Fogo Island: last chance for authentic outport culture." Heritage 2 (Summer 1999): 10-13. — also in French.
- _________. "Memorial College and University: photos from the past." Newfoundland Quarterly 93 (Fall 1999): 10-12, 32.
- Métis messenger: a publication of the Labrador Métis Nation. [Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador]: The Nation, 1998. Available online:
- Miller, Jennifer. "Geology of the Baccalieu Trail." Downhomer 11 (May 1999): 90- 91.
- Milne, Mike. "Unique radio voice: church-owned VOWR [radio] station is an old friend to St. John’s listeners." United Church Observer 62 (June 1999): 10-11.
- Milner, Marc. Canada’s navy: the first century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. 356 p. ill. maps
- Mitchell, John S. "All gone widdun (‘asleep’/died) was Shawnadithit right? A speculative approach." Newfoundland Quarterly 93 (Fall 1999): 39-41.
- Mooney, Al. "The light stations and keepers of Point La Haye." Downhomer 12 (Sept. 1999): 86-87.
- Morry, Howard. "The old stone house — Ferryland. Edited by E. O’Brien." Newfoundland Ancestor 15 (Spring 1999): 13. — written in 1954.
- Mowat, Farley. The farfarers: before the Norse. Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1998. 377 p. ill. map.
- Mullaly, Kris. "The beaten path: the Discovery Trail." Downhomer 12 (Aug. 1999): 65. map.
- Mullett, Emily Wicks. Making connections: a fictional and factual account of my ancestors and how they lived in Bonavista Bay North. Corner Brook, Nfld.: Making Connections, 1999. 114 leaves. ill.
- "New Bonaventure." Newfoundland Ancestor 15 (Winter 1999): 230.
- "The New Found Land." in The spirit of Canada. Edited by Barbara Hehner. Toronto: Malcolm Lester Books, 1999. pp. 12-19.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information. Community and integrated health boards health status report, 1993-1998. St. John’s: Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Health Information, 2000. 218 p. graphs tables.
- Newfoundland Confederate. Portugal Cove, Nfld.: Caboto Publishing, [1999-]. — published weekly.
- "Newfoundland’s twin celebrations." History Today 49 (Dec. 1999): 7-8. — re 50th anniversary of Confederation, and Viking exploration anniversary.
- Obed, A.E. "From Nutak to now." Kinatuinamot Illengajuk (Fall 1999): 44-47. — re life at Hopedale, St. Anthony orphanage and Inuit self-government.
- O’Brien, Andrea. "‘There’s nothing like a cup of tea in the woods’: continuity, community and cultural validation in rural Newfoundland boil-ups." Ethnologies 21 (1999): 65-83.
- O’Brien, Peter. Looking to a positive future from the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. [Halifax?: Canadian Federation of Independent Business], 1999. 25 p.
- Osmond, Sherman, et al. Lewisporte, the war years. [Lewisporte, Nfld.]: Lewisporte Green Team, [1999]. 17 leaves. ill. map.
- Outrageous seas: shipwreck and survival in the waters off Newfoundland, 1583-1893. (Carleton library series, 189). Edited by Rainer K. Baehre. Montreal and Kingston: Published for Carleton University Press by McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999. 392 p. ill.
- Peach, Brad. Medical collections in Newfoundland and Labrador museums and archives. St. John’s: MANL, Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999. 55 p. ill. maps.
- Pigott, Paul. "Tracking a phantom grizzly." Equinox 17 (Jan. 1999): 64-65, 68-74. — re grizzly skull at Okak; fur trade; trader J. McLean.
- Pocius, Gerald. "La recherche en culture matérielle: objets et valeurs esthétiques." Dans Ethnologies francophones de l’amérique et d’ailleurs. Sous la direction de Anne-Marie Desdouits et Laurier Turgeon. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1997. pp. 239-252.
- Powell, Shawn. St. John’s harbour scientific data summary 1969-1997. St. John’s: St. John’s Harbour ACAP, 1998. 1 v. var. p. graphs.
- Prendergast, Maurice. "Plate XIV: Revere Beach." Magazine Antiques (Jan. 1999): 186-187.
- Pritchard, Jim. "Jacques Cartier’s haven." Argonauta 16 (Oct. 1999): 6.
- Profile of census divisions and subdivisions in Newfoundland = Profil des divisions et subdivisions de recensement de Terre-Neuve. (No. 95-182). Ottawa: Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada, 1999. 604 p. tables. — 1996 census data.
- Pumphrey, Marilyn, and Ron Pumphrey. Who’s who in & from Newfoundland & Labrador: a living history. [St. John’s: authors, 1998]. 142 p. ill.
- Raffan, James. Bark, skin and cedar: exploring the canoe in Canadian experience. Toronto: HarperPerennialCanada, 1999. 273 p. ill. maps. — includes references to Gander Bay exploration and to Cartier’s voyages, pp.1-34.
- Ralph, Wayne. Barker VC: William Barker, Canada’s most decorated war hero. Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1997. 308 p. ill. — WWI aviation history.
- Reid, Wes. "Merchant princes." Oilweek 50 (June 1999): 29-31. — re A. Harvey & Co.
- Reinhartz, Dennis. "Cartography, literature and empire: Herman Moll, his maps, and his friends." Mercator’s World 4 (Mar.- Apr. 1999): 32-39.
- "Remembering Gilbert [Higgins]." ANLA Bulletin 15 (Winter 1999): 4-12. — tributes by various authors.
- Renouf, M.A.P. Ancient cultures, bountiful seas: the story of Port Au Choix. St. John’s: Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999. 64 p. ill. maps.
- Rich, Len. "The demise of the Gander river boat." Atlantic Salmon Journal 48 (Spring 1999): 36-38.
- Rideout, Brian. A Habs fan from Newfoundland. St. John’s: Flanker Press, [1998]. 145 p. ill.
- Rider, Peter E. "Swiling and Newfoundland’s identity." In Nation, ideas, identities. Essays in honour of Ramsay Cook. Edited by Michael D. Behiels and Marcel Martel. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2000. pp. 73-85.
- Rodgers, Gordon. A settlement of memory: a novel. St. John’s: Killick Press, 1999. 243 p.
- Rowe, Malcolm, and Vivian Randell. "Newfoundland and Labrador’s strategic social plan." In Collaborative government: is there a Canadian way? Edited by Susan Delacourt and Donald G. Lenihan. (New Directions, no. 6). Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 1999. pp. 81-91.
- "Rushoon." Downhomer 12 (Oct. 1999): 112-113.
- Sanger, Chesley W. Signal Hill, St. John’s, Newfoundland. (Agenda paper. Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada). [Ottawa: Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, 1998]. [92] leaves ill. maps.
- Saunders, Gary. "Part surgeon, part seamstress: a fly-tying memoir." Atlantic Salmon Journal 48 (Spring 1999): 75-76. — history of sport fishing in Newfoundland, 1945-1999.
- Sawyer, Don. Tomorrow is school and I’m sick to the heart thinking about it. Rev. ed. [Mill Bay, B.C.]: Bendall Books, 1998. 218 p. — high school teacher’s autobiography.
- Schuyler, Lynne. "Chopper down." Reader’s Digest. Canada 152 (June 1998): 50- 57. — re the 1996 crash of Goose Bay rescue helicopter while on a mission to Resolution Island.
- Sharpe, Christopher. "Heritage conservation and cultural landscape: a view from St. John’s." Heritage 2 (Summer 1999): 4-9.
- "Skipper Jimmy Guy and four others survive Halifax Explosion." Newfoundland Quarterly 92 (Fall 1998): 24.
- Smallwood, Joseph R. "The lady and the pirates." Canadian Forum 78 (July 1999): 4-5. — piracy and kidnapping incident near Cuba in 1825.
- Smith, Charles H. "William Logan’s 1850 history of the Geological Survey of Canada." Geoscience Canada 26 (Sept. 1999): 111-120. — includes references to Alexander Murray, Newfoundland’s first geological surveyor.
- Snowblind and seal finger: stories of early Labrador medicine. Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador: Them Days, 1998. 80 p. ill.
- Sparkes, Paul. Forty years of caring: the Agnes Pratt Home, 1958-1998. [St. John’s: Agnes Pratt Home], 1999. 114 p. ill. — history of a St. John’s nursing home.
- Special delivery: the quarterly newsletter of the Midwivery Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s: Midwivery Coalition of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1999.
- Spencer, Karen. "The legend of the Kelligrews Soiree lives on." Downhomer 11 (May 1999): 75-77.
- Staples, Walter. The North Bay narrative. Portsmouth, N.H.: P.E. Randall, 1998. 194 p. ill. maps.
- Stewart, Robert Scott. "Tayloring the self: identity, articulation, and community in Proulx’s The Shipping News." Studies in Canadian Literature 23, 2 (1998): 49-70.
- Stover, Catherine, and L. Lynch. A finding aid to the Rockwell Kent papers, ca.1840-1993. Washington, D.C.: Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1998. 232 p. ill. — lists papers relating to the artist’s Newfoundland period.
- Stuart, Julia. "Icy horrors of the man-eating crew; a passenger’s notes from Hell." South Wales Evening Post (1 Oct. 1998): 22-23. — re 1867 wreck at Gull Island, N.D.B.
- Suthren, Victor J.H. To go upon discovery: James Cook and Canada, from 1758 to 1779. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2000. 224 p. ill. map.
- Takenaka, Yutaka. "John Cabot and Newfoundland: myths and traditions." Journal of American and Canadian Studies 16 (1998): 49-67.
- Taking care of business: stories of Canadian women entrepreneurs. Edited by Heather Robertson. Bolton, Ont.: Fenn, 1997. 234 p. ill. — profile of Doris Tobin, owner of Ship Cove Creamery, pp. 119-130.
- Tales of Fogo Island. Edited by Della Coish. (Readers for new literates). Fogo Island, Nfld.: Fogo Island Literacy Association. 239 p. ill.
- Thibodeau, Marc. "Un monument de 7000 ans: mystère de pierre." Québec Science 36 (juil.- âout 1998): 17-18. — re archaeology of L’Anse Amour, Newfoundland.
- Tulk, Ken A. A guide to the Archives of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. [St. John’s: Archives of the Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador], 1998. 71 leaves, finding aids 1-6.
- Understanding violence against women: a peer education manual for preventing violence against women in Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s: Provincial Strategy Against Violence, Women’s Policy Office, [1998]. 121 p. ill.
- Vincent, Mary. "Ancient whaler." Canadian Geographic 118 (Nov.- Dec.1998): 55- 57. — re restoration of a circa 1550-1600 whale boat.
- Walsh, Patrick. "Joey Smallwood." Newfoundland Ancestor 15 (Spring 1999): 46.
- Warren, Bill. "Lone wolf of the north." Mercator’s World 4 (Sept.- Oct. 1999): 24- 31. — re V. Stefansson; includes 1913-1914 Karluk incident.
- Watermarks: Newfoundland and Labrador’s online magazine. Bay of Islands, Nfld.: Wildcove Online Publishing, 1999.
- What you told us. North West River, Labrador: Labrador Inuit Health Commission, 1999. — also in Inuktitut.
- Will, Gavin. "A slick trick on the high seas." Equinox 17 (Oct.- Nov.1998): 12. — re oil dumping, Placentia Bay.
- Wolves within the fold: religious leadership and abuses of power. Edited by Anson Shupe. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1998. 245 p. — includes references throughout to Newfoundland clergy abuse cases.
- Woodrow, Maureen. "A case study of fisheries reduction programs during the northern cod moratorium." Ocean and Coastal Management 39 (1998): 105-118.
- "Wreck of the S.S. Marsland." Newfoundland Quarterly 92 (Summer 1998): 13. — re 1933 grounding off Fort Amherst.
- Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador. Cultural Agenda Action Committee. Report on Newfoundland and Labrador Public Library System. [St. John’s: WANL], 1999. [12] leaves.
- Young, Grant. "Ice age monsters." Downhomer 11 (July 1998): 8-10.
- Young, Jack. "Newfoundland — the start of a love affair." Downhomer 11 (June 1998): 18.
- Young, Ron. "Between the boulevard and the bay." Downhomer 12 (Oct. 1999): 80- 82. — re Noel Murphy’s encounters with J.R. Smallwood.
- 150 years of service: Sisters of Charity — Halifax. Edited by Susan Corning. Halifax: Communications Office, Sisters of Charity — Halifax, 1999. 38 p. ill.
- Barlow, Maude, and Elizabeth May. Frederick Street: life and death on Canada’s Love Canal. Toronto: HarperCollins, 2000. 227 p. ill.
- Bird, Will R. Ghosts have warm hands: a memoir of the Great War, 1916-1919. Nepean, Ont.: CEF Books, 1997. 192 p. — originally published in 1930 as And we go on; reprint, with new preface, of 1968 Clarke Irwin ed.
- Boudreau, R.L. The man who loved schooners. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 164 p. ill.
- Bruce, Harry. "All the news that’s fit to sprint." Beaver 79, 4 (Aug.-Sept. 1999): 27- 32. — re Halifax-Digby pony express.
- _________. "The gentle giant . . . Ron Caplan . . . the voice of Cape Breton." Imperial Oil Review 81, 426 (Autumn 1997): 14-17.
- "Bulldozers and babies. Glenn Walton interviews playwright George Boyd." ArtsAtlantic 17, 1 (Winter 2000): 40-42.
- Burchell, Gladys G. Lighting the way: 25th anniversary, Hillside Wesleyan Church, 1974-1999. Dartmouth, N.S.: Hillside Wesleyan Church, 1999. 15 leaves.
- Cahill, Barry. "Birth of a lawyer: James McGregor Stewart and the Halifax bar on the eve of the Great War." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 22-32.
- Cameron, James. "And Martha served": history of the Sisters of St. Martha, Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 352 p. ill.
- Cameron, Silver Donald. "The passion for place." Queen’s Quarterly 107, 1 (Spring 2000): 28-29. — re Nova Scotia Acadians.
- Cape Breton shipwreck stories. Collected by Ron Caplan. Wreck Cove, N.S.: Breton Books, 1999. 135 p. ill.
- Chiasson, Anselme. "Le parler des Chéticantins." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-del’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 323-327.
- Chute, Jane E. "Frank G. Speck’s contributions to the understanding of Mi’kmaq land use, leadership and land management." Ethnohistory 46, 3 (1999): 481-540.
- _________. "Halifax’s new South End, the North West Arm Land Company and a parkland legacy." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 33-53.
- Clairmont, Donald H. Africville: the life and death of a Canadian Black community. 3rd ed. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1999. 307 p. — includes a new chapter: "Deconstructing Africville."
- Davidson, Heather. "Sterling silver." Beaver 79, 2 (Apr.-May 1999): 44-46. — re Hantsport artist Francis da Silva.
- Desserud, Donald A. "An outpost’s response: the language and politics of moderation in eighteenth-century Nova Scotia." American Review of Canadian Studies 29, 3 (Fall 1999): 379-405.
- Donaldson, Laura E. "Writing the talking stick: alphabetic literacy as colonial technology and postcolonial appropriation." American Indian Quarterly 22, 1-2 (1998): 46-62. — draws on Isabelle Knockwood’s Out of the Depths on the Shubenacadie residential school.
- Donovan, Kenneth. "Mary Grace Barron and the Irish of Ingonish, Cape Breton, 1822-1999." Nashwaak Review 6-7 (Fall 1999): 177-237.
- Eastern eye: a Nova Scotia filmography, 1899-1973. Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management. Halifax : Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 2000. 470 p. ill.
- Elliott, C. Russell. As the twig is bent. Wolfville, N.S.: Gaspereau Press, 1999. 176 p. ill. — Anglican priest revisits his youth in New Ross, Nova Scotia.
- Elliott, Robbins. Those waiting dreams. Wolfville, N.S.: author, 1999. 106p. ill. — re war veterans of King’s County, Nova Scotia.
- Farley, John. "Building a school of nursing with Rockefeller money: three Nova Scotians at the University of Toronto." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 85-104.
- Fingard, Judith. "The North End City Mission: building use in the old North End." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 1-21.
- Gebbia, Alessandro. "Marc Lescarbot, the Theatre of Neptune in New France e le origini del teatro Canadese." Rivista di Studi Canadesi 11 (1998): 103-111.
- Gerrits, G. H. They farmed well. The Dutch-Canadian agricultural community in Nova Scotia, 1945-1995. Kentville, N.S.: Vinland Press, 1996. 183 p. ill.
- Gibson, John G. "The pedigree of the Blind Piper of Gairloch." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 192-201.
- _________. Traditional Gaelic bagpiping, 1745-1945. Edinburgh: NMS Publishing Ltd.; Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1998. 406 p. ill.
- Gottlieb, Georg Andreas. "Travels of a Rhinelander through the North American states in Nova Scotia, 1807." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 124-133.
- Haigh, Elizabeth. "They must cultivate the land: Abraham Gesner as Indian Commissioner, 1847-1853." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 54-71.
- Hairr, John. "Colonel Fanning’s grave." Beaver 79, 5 (Oct.-Nov. 1999): 13-14.
- Haliburton, Gordon MacKay. Family ties: the ancestral and familial connections of Thomas Chandler Haliburton. Wolfville, N.S.: Stoney Hill Pub., 1996. 141 p. ill.
- Hamilton, William B. "Yorkshire settlement beyond Chignecto." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 134-152.
- Harris, Carol E. A sense of themselves. Elizabeth Murray’s leadership in school and community. Halifax: Fernwood, 1998. 192 p. ill. — re educator Elizabeth K. Murray, 1917-1996.
- Harris, Graham. Oak Island and its lost treasure. Halifax: Formac, 1999. 200 p. ill.
- Hay, Eldon. "Reverend William James Clarke: Chignecto covenanter castaway." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 175-191.
- Honsberger, Fred. "Nova Scotia custody configuration project." In Privatizing correctional services. Edited by Stephen T. Easton. Vancouver: Fraser Institute, 1998. pp. 139-147.
- Hyson, Stewart. "Nova Scotia and the ‘problem’ of minority government." Canadian Parliamentary Review 21, 4 (Winter 1998-99): 11-15.
- Learment, Don. "Soldier, POW, partisan. My experiences during the Battle of France, June-September 1944." Canadian Military History 9, 2 (Spring 2000): 91-104. — re the North Novas regiment.
- LeBlanc, Barbara. "Construction d’un paysage identitaire: Grand Pré et la collectivité acadienne." Material History Bulletin 50 (Autumn 1999): 35-41.
- Leger, Don. Swiss Air down. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 176 p. ill.
- Long, Heather. "The Almons of Halifax and their descendants." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 202-216.
- Luthi, Gaston. "La question de la rentabilité sociale de l’enseignement du français en Nouvelle-Ecosse." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 329-347.
- MacKenzie, Angus A. The Irish in Cape Breton. Wreck Cove, N.S.: Breton Books, 1999. 152 p. — includes a new essay on Cape Breton’s Irish music by Paul M. MacDonald.
- MacLaren, Roy. African exploits: the diaries of William Stairs, 1887-1892. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1998, 423 p. ill.
- MacLennan, Jennifer. 100 years of Scotsburn. A century of growth and innovation. Pictou, N.S.: Advocate Printing & Publishing Co., 2000. 130 p. ill. — Scotsburn Dairies and Scotsburn Co-Operative Services Ltd.
- MacLeod, Mary K. Marconi: the Canada years 1902-1946. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 136 p. ill. — previously released in 1992 as Whisper in the air.
- MacNeill, Blair H. Fact and fancy: history and recollections of a Nova Scotia coastal village. Guelph, Ont.: Pronto Print, 1999. 157 p. ill. — re people and events in Freeport, Nova Scotia, 1934 to the present.
- "Margaret Paul (Passmoquady)[sic] St. Mary’s First Nation, Nova Scotia." In In the words of elders. Aboriginal cultures in transition. Edited by Peter Kulchyski, Don McCaskill, and David Newhouse. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. pp. 3-36. ill.
- Martheleur, Ray. Fifty years photographing Cape Breton. Sydney: Steeltown Publishing, 1999. 64p. ill.
- McCann, Larry. "Seasons of labor: family, work, and land in a nineteenth-century Nova Scotia shipbuilding community." History of the Family 4, 4 (Winter 1999) : 485-527.
- McTague, Bill. Ghostly haunts: living with spirits. Merigomish, N.S.: [author], 1999. 119 p. — haunted houses in Pictou County.
- Millward, Hugh, and Trudi E. Bunting. "A tale of two CBDs II: the internal retail dynamics of downtown Halifax and downtown Kitchener." Canadian Journal of Urban Research 8, 1 (1999): 1-27.
- Morton, Suzanne. "‘To take an orphan’: gender and family roles following the 1917 Halifax explosion." In Gendered pasts: historical essays in femininity and masculinity in Canada. Edited by Kathryn McPherson, Cecilia Morgan and Nancy M. Forestall. (Canadian Social History Series). Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 1999. pp. 106-112.
- Moulaison, Glenn. "L’Evangéline (1895-1898) et les paradoxes Marichette." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 63-73.
- NovArchives: a guide to the archival records of the Government of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, 1998. 263 p.
- Parker, Nancy Kay. Reaching a verdict: the changing structure of decision-making in the Canadian criminal courts, 1867-1905. Ph.D. thesis, York University, 1999. 485 p. AAT NQ39299. DAI-A 60/08, p. 3145 (Feb. 2000). — focuses on London, Halifax and Victoria.
- Patterson, Stephen E. "Anatomy of a treaty: Nova Scotia’s first Native treaty in historical context." University of New Brunswick Law Journal = Revue de droit de l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick 48 (1999): 41-64.
- Plummer, Kevin. "‘Thunder gusts’ and winter mutiny: a comparison of the motivations of the popular disturbances in the early French regime and the mutiny at Louisburg in 1744." TimePieces: A Journal of Undergraduate History at the University of New Brunswick 1 (2000): 9-10.
- Profile of census divisions and subdivisions in Nova Scotia = Profil des divisions et subdivisions de recensement de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. (No. 95-184). Ottawa: Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada, 1999. 240 p. tables. — 1996 census data.
- Punch, Terrence M. "‘Hörte Ich dass...’: travels of a Rhinelander in Nova Scotia in 1807." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 105-123.
- Rainville, Maurice. Le rassembleur: Leger Comeau (1920-1996). Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 2000. 415 p. ill.
- Rajotte, Pierre. "‘Un pélerinage au pays d’Evangéline’ [de Henri-Raymond Casgrain]: l’entrecroisement de l’histoire et de la fiction." Présence francophone 49 (1996): 71-92.
- Rawlyk, George A. Yankees at Louisbourg: the story of the first siege, 1745. Wreck Cove, N.S.: Breton Books, 1999. 205 p. ill. — reprint, originally published by University of Maine Press (at Orono) in 1967.
- Rommel-Ruiz, W. Bryan. Atlantic revolutions: slavery and freedom in Newport, Rhode Island and Halifax, Nova Scotia in the era of the American Revolution. Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, 1999. 416 p. AAT 9938521. DAI-A 60/07, p. 2651 (Jan. 2000).
- Ryan, Robert. "Des manifestations d’économie formelle et sémantique observées au sein du système adverbial du parler franco-acadien de la Baie Sainte-Marie (Nouvelle-Ecosse)." Dans Français d’Amérique. Variation, créolisation, normalisation. Actes du colloque: «Les français d’Amérique du Nord en situation minoritaire». Sous la direction de Patrice Brasseur. Avignon, France: Centre d’études canadiennes (CECAV); Université d’Avignon, 1998. pp. 93-104.
- Samson, Danny. "Industrial colonization: the colonial context of the General Mining Association, Nova Scotia, 1825-1842." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 3-28.
- Sandalack, Beverly, and Andrei Nicolai. Urban Structure — Halifax. (Documents in Planning in Canada). Halifax: TUNS Press; Dalhousie University, Faculty of Architecture, 1998. 72 p. ill.
- Saney, Isaac. "The Black Nova Scotian odyssey: a chronology." Race & Class 40, 1 (1998) : 78-9.
- The sea in my blood; the life and times of Captain Andy Publicover. James and Marlene Richards with Eric Hustvedt. Halifax: Nimbus, 2000. 125 p. ill.
- Shenstone, Susan Burgess. So obstinately loyal: James Moody, 1744-1809. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000. 340 p. ill.
- Smith, Jennifer, and Ronald G. Landes."Entitlement versus variance models in the determination of Canadian electoral boundaries." International Journal of Canadian Studies 17 (1998) : 19-36.
- Smurthwaite, Cynthia. "Slouching towards Slickville: Sam Slick’s chilly reception." Studies in Canadian Literature 22, 2 (1997): 39-55.
- St. Clair, James O. The MacCallum house, 1798. (Following the path: highland village series). Sydney, N.S.: UCCB Press, 1999. 71 p. ill.
- Sutherland, David A. "Nova Scotia’s response to the Crystal Palace: the Provincial Industrial Exhibition of 1854." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 72-84.
- Tennyson, B.D., and Roger Sarty. Guardian of the gulf: Sydney, Cape Breton, and the Atlantic wars. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000. 495 p. ill.
- Urquhart, Peter. "‘The Glace Bay Miners’ Museum’ / ‘Margaret’s Museum’: adaptation and resistance." CineAction 49 (1999): 12-18.
- Viau, Robert. "Le théâtre à Pointe-de-l’Eglise: subercase ou les dernières années de la domination française en Acadie." Dans Les abeilles pillotent: mélanges offerts à René LeBlanc. Sous la direction de Edouard Langille et Glenn Moulaison. (Langue, littérature et histoire d’Acadie). Pointe-de-l’Eglise, N.-E.: Revue de l’Université Ste.-Anne, 1998. pp. 119-141.
- Vojnovic, Igor. "Fiscal distribution of the provincial-municipal service exchange in Nova Scotia." Canadian Public Administration 42, 4 (Winter 1999): 512-541.
- Walker, James W. St.G. "Myth, history and revisionism: the Black Loyalists revisited." Acadiensis XXIX, 1 (Autumn 1999): 88-105.
- Wilson, Isaiah W. A geography and history of the County of Digby, Nova Scotia. Digby, N.S.: Admiral Digby Library & Historical Society & Admiral Digby Museum, 1999. 471 p. — originally published in 1900.
- Young, Susan. "Eugene Meuse’s carding bee: portrait of an Acadian village." Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 3 (2000): 153-174.
- — Acadian Church Records: Port LaJoye, Ile St. Jean, 1749-1758.
- L’Acadie des comptés de Queen’s et King’s. — Acadian heritage site.
- Another century — another era: memories & recollections of the 20th century on Prince Edward Island. Edited by Dorothy Griffin-Farish. Richmond, P.E.I.: Creative Communications P.E.I., 2000. 148 p. ill. — short stories, poems, and commentaries.
- Ascroft, Sheila. "Judgement expected on P.E.I. Courthouse this spring." Heritage 3, 1 (Winter 2000): 15. — Prince County Court house in Summerside.
- Baglole, Harry. "Islands of influence: peripheral regions of Europe can teach Atlantic Canadians how to build successful economies in small places." Atlantic Progress 7, 1 (Jan.- Feb. 2000): 28, 30.
- Boylan, Doug. "A Prince Edward Island political primer." Canadian Parliamentary Review 23, 2 (Summer 2000): 2-5.
- Boyle, Wendell. "Orwell Corner Historic Village." Muse 17, 4 (2000): 58.
- Bumsted, J.M. "Sic Transit Gloria ..." Island Magazine 47 (Spring/Summer 2000): 13-14. — re Sir Louis Henry Davies.
- Burwash, W.J., and R.A. Montgomery. "Foundation design aspects of the Confederation Bridge." Canadian Geotechnical Journal 35, 5 (Oct. 1998): 750-768 .
- Ceraldi, Gabrielle. "Lucy Maud Montgomery and the aftermath of the Great War." In Message in a bottle: the literature of small islands. Edited by Laurie Brinklow, Frank Ledwell and Jane Ledwell. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, 2000. pp. 247-263.
- Crossley, John. "The career public servant in Prince Edward Island: evolution and challenges." In Government restructuring and career public service in Canada. Edited by Evert A. Lindquist. (Monographs on Canadian public administration, 23). Toronto: Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 2000. pp. 208-230.
- Cruickshank, Tom "A princely pedal: Confederation Trail Prince Edward Island." Equinox, 111 (June-July 2000): 74-75.
- A Cultural Tourism Strategy for Prince Edward Island. [Charlottetown]: Island Matrix Consulting Group, January 2000. 84 p.
- Dewar, Katherine. "Letter from the Gold Rush." Island Magazine 47 (Spring/Summer 2000): 15-19. — Islanders in California during the 1800s including the family of John Hubbard Norton.
- Doyle, Donnie. Along Lot Seven shore: folksongs and other writings. Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2000. 120 p.
- Epperley, Elizabeth."Ten years later: an(other) interview with cousins Dave and Kate Macdonald." Kindred Spirits (Spring 2000): 10-11.
- Genealogical resource for Georgetown, P.E.I.: vol. 1, vital statistics from island newspapers: 1792-1950. Compiled by Nathan H. Mair. [n.p.: n.p.], 2000. 96 p.
- Georgetown stories: 1786-1950. Edited by Nathan H. Mair. [n.p.: n.p., 2000]. 122 p. ill.
- Highfield Cemetery: the history and it’s people. [Charlottetown]: Highfield Cemetery Trust, Inc., 2000. 1 v. ill. — includes: "An appreciation of Island cemeteries" by J. Russell and Waldron H. Leard.
- "Historic landing at Scotchfort." P.E.I. Genealogical Society Newsletter 24, 1 (February 2000): l. — re Capt. John MacDonald; originally appeared in the Charlottetown Guardian, June 16, 1955.
- History through the headlines. Charlottetown: The Guardian, 1999. 1 vol. ill. — supplement to the Guardian, December 1999. Consists of 10 chapters each dealing with Prince Edward Island and world history from the 1900s to the 1990s.
- "Islanders away: Macdonald’s who enter Port of Boston 1848-1891." P.E.I. Genealogical Society Newsletter 24, 1 (Feb. 2000): 19-21. — consists of a list of names, occupations, ship names, and dates of entry.
- Ives, Edward. "The schooner Gracie Parker." Canadian Forum 79 (Mar. 2000): 6-7. — excerpt from Drive dull care away: folksongs from Prince Edward Island.
- Johnston, Ian G. Changes in the island landscape. Dartmouth, NS: Brigus Books, 2000. 66 p. ill.
- Le Gallant, David. Tignish roots, 1799-1999. [Tignish, P.E.I.]: Comité historique acadien Prince-Ouest, 2000. 75 leaves ill. — previously published in the Journal-Pioneer.
- Lockerby, Earle. "Colonization of Ile St-Jean: charting today’s Evangeline Region." Island Magazine 47 (Spring/Summer 2000): pp. 20-30.
- McCabe, Shauna. Destination Prince Edward Island. Photography by Anne MacKay. Halifax : Nimbus, 2000. 54 p. ill.
- _________. The narrative landscapes of A.L. Morrison. Charlottetown: Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, 2000. 101 p. ill. — published in conjunction with the exhibition: "The Narrative Landscapes of A. L. Morrison," Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, May 10-Sept. 24, 2000.
- MacCormac, Barbara. "Garden of the Gulf Museum." Muse 17, 4 (2000): 60.
- McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown. All about provinces and territories: Prince Edward Island (All About Series). Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1999. 27 p. ill. — juvenile literature.
- _________. All about - capital cities: Charlottetown. (All About Series). Edmonton: Reidmore Books, 1999. 27 p.; ill. — juvenile literature.
- Macdonald, Maggie. "Genealogy at the Clan Donald Library." Island Magazine 47 (Spring/Summer 2000): 31-35. — Macdonald genealogy and the Isle of Skye.
- MacIsaac, Kay. The way it was. Charlottetown: n.p., 2000. 179 p. ill. — re Kings County.
- MacKinnon, Frank. "The Island knight: A sketch of the Rt. Hon. Sir Louis Davies." Island Magazine 47 (Spring/Summer 2000): 3-12.
- MacQuarrie, Kate. "Protecting Prince Edward Island." Parks and Recreation Canada 57, 6 (Jan.- Feb. 2000): 18-19.
- Message in a bottle : the literature of small islands. Edited by Laurie Brinklow, Frank Ledwell and Jane Ledwell. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, 2000. 284 p.
- Millennium milestones: a glimpse of the past. The Journal-Pioneer. Summerside: The Journal-Pioneer, 1999. 54 p. ill.
- Morrison, James C. Along the north shore: a social history of Township 11, P.E.I., 1765-1982. 2 vol. St. Eleanor’s, PEI: author, 1984; Summerside: Crescent Isle, 1999. 639 p.
- Munro, Margaret Findlay. Forward in faith: establishing the School of Nursing at the University of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: School of Nursing, University of Prince Edward Island, 2000. 140 p.
- Nagarajan, Ali P., and Wimal Rankaduwa. "Structure and growth of the PEI economy: an analysis of employment, and income (1978-1997)." Atlantic Canada Economics Association Papers 28 (1999): 343-359.
- Neill, Robin. "The history of island roads." Atlantic Canada Economics Association Papers 26 (1997): 30-46.
- Norton, Erin. Encouraging island graduates to return/remain home 1999: report #2. Charlottetown : PEI Dept. of Education, Continuing Education and Training, 2000. 49 p. ill.
- Nurse, Donna B. "Inn keeping with our heritage: CA revives historic Charlottetown inns." CA Magazine 133, 2 (Mar. 2000): 12.
- Osberg, Lars, and Kuan Xu. "Poverty intensity: how well do Canadian provinces compare?" Canadian Public Policy XXV, 2 (June 1999): 179-195. — includes Ontario and Prince Edward Island.
- Pendergast, Reginald. Close to the folks: folk stories and ballads of Prince Edward Island. Prince George, B.C.: Tabor Pub., 2000. 83 p. ill.
- A place to stay? The report of the Prince Edward Island Population Strategy ‘99 Panel. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island, 2000. 206 p. — includes: "Statistical Backgrounder, Population and demographic trends on Prince Edward Island" by Wendy MacDonald. pp.119-137. Electronic format:
- "Pioneer days in P.E.I." P.E.I. Genealogical Society Newsletter 24, 1 (Feb. 2000): 14. — originally appeared in the Guardian, Feb. 3, 1950, p. 2.
- Pottie, Laura. Their dreams, never ending: a history of Women’s Institutes in PEI. Charlottetown: Federated Women’s Institute of PEI, 2000. 270 p ill.
- Pound, Faye. "The Indian Head Lighthouse or Summerside Light." The Guiding Light IV, 3 (Jan. 2000): 1-3. — originally published in the Journal-Pioneer, Nov. 25, 1998.
- http.// Prince Edward Island wills data base.
- Profile of census divisions and subdivisions in Prince Edward Island = Profil des divisions et subdivisions de recensement de l’Ile-du-Prince-Edouard. (No. 95-183). Ottawa: Statistics Canada = Statistique Canada, 1999. 240 p. tables. — 1996 census data.
- Robertson, Ian Ross. "Sir Andrew MacPhail and Prince Edward Island as a way of life: a Canadian critic of industrialization." In Message in a bottle: the literature of small islands. Edited by Laurie Brinklow, Frank Ledwell and Jane Ledwell. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, 2000. pp. 203-213.
- Robertson, Ian S. "Prince Edward Island stamps: ugly, but few and complete country." Canadian Stamp News 24, 22 (March 14-27, 2000): 5, 19.
- Rossiter, Mary Juanita. Couldn’t wait for institute night: the Women’s Institutes of Prince Edward Island, 1913-1939. B.A. report, Acadia University, 1996.
- "School days : provincial examinations." P.E.I. Genealogical Society Newsletter 24, 1 (Feb.2000): 15-17. — originally appeared in the Island Guardian 23 Aug. 1889; contains a list of candidates, their communities, and marks, for entrance to Normal School and Prince of Wales College
- Sibbald, Barbara. "Queen Tut of the Island." Canadian Nurse 95,1 (Jan. 1999): 59- 60. — re Vernita Gallant who helped found nurses’ union in 1972.
- Smith, Ron. Expectations and outcomes: a follow-up to the April 1998 survey of PEI grade 12 students. [Charlottetown: PEI Dept. of Education, Continuing Education and Training, 2000] 18, 6 leaves. ill.
- Smith, H.M. Scott. The historic houses of Prince Edward Island. Halifax: S.S. Publications, 2000. 175 p. ill. — reprint of 1990 edition.
- Tuck, Robert C. "Robert loves Bessie." Golden Times (Spring 2000): 32, 33, 35, 37- 39. — re Robert Harris and Bessie Putnam.
- Watertson, Elizabeth. "The iconography of islands: Margaret Atwood and Lucy Maud Montgomery." In Message in a bottle: the literature of small islands. Edited by Laurie Brinklow, Frank Ledwell and Jane Ledwell. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, 2000. pp. 265-276.
- Weeks, Alden. "The Prince Edward Island Potato Museum." Muse 17, 4 (2000): 59.