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Manby, Richard and D. A. Muise. "A Descriptive and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies in 1812 (with an introduction by D. A. Muise)." Acadiensis, volume 2, number 1, autumn 1972, p. 82–93.
Manby, R. & Muise, D. A. (1972). A Descriptive and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies in 1812 (with an introduction by D. A. Muise). Acadiensis, 2(1), 82–93.
- Chicago
Manby, Richard and Muise, D. A. "A Descriptive and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies in 1812 (with an introduction by D. A. Muise)". Acadiensis 2, no. 1 (1972) : 82–93.
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