Volume 1, numéro 1, 1966 Sherbrooke 1966
Sommaire (16 articles)
Presidential Address*
The Nature, Composition, and Functions of the Canadian Bourgeoisie, 1729-1748
Metropolitanism and Toronto Re-Examined, 1825-18501
French-Canadian Nationalism and the Challenge of Ultramontanism
The Canadianization of the Protestant Churches
Some French-Canadian Interpretations of the British Conquest: une quatrième dominante de la pensée canadienne-française
Seward and the Secession Winter of 1860-1861
A Case of Minority Rule: The Cape Colony, 1854-1898
Anglo-India and the Defence of Authority: The Challenge of the Western-Educated Indian
Music as an Ideological Weapon in the French Revolution
The Liberals and the Crisis of the First Restoration in France
The Political Ideas of Russian Right Radicalism
Histoire et sociologie : le point de vue d’un historien
In Defense of Jargon*
A Regional Approach for New England and the Atlantic Provinces
List of Members/Liste des membres