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  1. 31.

    Note published in Labour (scholarly, collection UNB)

    Volume 84, 2019

    Digital publication year: 2019

    More information

    From 1 to 6 April 1971, over 600 women gathered to attend the Vancouver Indochinese Women's Conference (viwc), an international women's antiwar conference organized by women's liberationists in Vancouver. The conference was intended to bring women together under the banner of an international sisterhood, but this desired goal did not happen. Instead, tensions between American and Canadian women divided conference organizers and attendees, culminating in verbal and physical conflict. The viwc is useful for examining how Canadian women experienced interactions with American feminists and radical activists in attendance at the conference. Several women viewed the actions of American delegates as imperialistic. The experiences of conference organizers and attendees show how the viwc represents a moment in women's liberation where the limits to international feminism were particularly visible.

  2. 32.

    Centre de bibliographie historique de l'Amérique française

    Bibliographie d'histoire de l'Amérique française (publications récentes)

    Other published in Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 38, Issue 4, 1985

    Digital publication year: 2008

  3. 33.

    Note published in Revue d'histoire de l'Église de France (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 47, Issue 144, 1961

    Digital publication year: 2010

  4. 34.

    Other published in Langage et société (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 32, Issue 1, 1985

    Digital publication year: 2011

  5. 35.

    Note published in Revue française de science politique (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 19, Issue 2, 1969

    Digital publication year: 2008

  6. 36.

    Note published in Revue néo-scolastique de philosophie (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 40, Issue 54, 1937

    Digital publication year: 2010

  7. 37.

    Note published in Cahiers de linguistique - Asie orientale (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 9, Issue 1, 1981

    Digital publication year: 2007

  8. 38.

    Note published in Revue néo-scolastique de philosophie (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 40, Issue 54, 1937

    Digital publication year: 2010

  9. 39.

    Note published in Revue française de science politique (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 27, Issue 5, 1977

    Digital publication year: 2008

  10. 40.

    Note published in Journal de la Société des Africanistes (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 2, Issue 2, 1932

    Digital publication year: 2008