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2901.More information
The studies on human capital, carried out to date, have clearly shown its importance for organizations. However, its construction in the workplace remains little explored. Even research on its model is scarce. To understand the variables to be prioritized, a study of Chadian HRM practitioners and theorists was carried out. We applied the mixed methodology. Data was generated through 11 semi-structured interviews and 178 surveys. The step-by-step deconstruction approach of the human capital construction process, from reception to permanence, was used. The results showed that at the stage of welcoming human capital in the organizational environment, coaching practices promote the skills to perform tasks in a structured manner. Then, at the integration stage, coaching practices and investments in training are two effective levers. Finally, during the permanence phase, we have seen an undeniable contribution from investments in training, but it is above all the opportunities for experience and the agile environment that promote the building of the best talents in the workplace. This article is useful for researchers who will find a renewed definition of human capital with new proven variables and items that appear to be more relevant. Managers and consultants will find new variables to effectively enhance and value human capital in the workplace. This article is in line with the theory of resources and the theory of skills and suggests that there is a differentiated relational contingency in each phase of the construction of human capital.
Keywords: Formation, agilité, expérience, capital humain, investissement
2902.More information
To understand how the distance education context resulting from COVID-19 is associated with adolescents’ academic motivation, we surveyed high school 3rd, 4th and 5th graders (14 to 17 years old) using two independent cohorts: one of 601 students, recruited in June 2020 and taught online; and the other of 3335 students, recruited in February 2021 and whom have received online education on alternating days for most of the school year. We compared the scores of these two cohorts with those of similar-aged students from a classroom study conducted in 2010 (n = 896). The results indicate significant differences between online and face-to-face teaching in terms of perceived competence, intrinsic motivation, identified extrinsic motivation and sense of belonging to their school. In addition, an eight-month follow-up with the June 2020 cohort shows that the differences increase over time.
Keywords: motivation, motivation, COVID-19, COVID-19, perception de compétence, perceived competence, distance learning, enseignement à distance, teenagers, adolescents
2903.More information
The study of criminal careers has made it possible, up until now, to identify the mechanisms that lead a person to commit crimes. However, although it is well documented that the vast majority of offenders will one day cease their criminal activities (reference to the crime-curve), only in recent years have scholars focused on the last phase of these criminal careers: the moment at which they end. While desistance processes have been studied for probationers and prisoners, little is known about the desistance process of offenders on conditional sentence. At the present time, there are three main theories of desistance in the literature on which no consensus has been reached. Highlighting the limitations of these theories, this paper offers a new conceptual angle with which to understand desistance from crime. By applying this new conceptual framework to qualitative data collected from 29 offenders on conditional sentence in Quebec, the paper brings to light three separate processes (the convert, the repentant and the rescued) that contribute to stopping criminal behavior.
Keywords: désistement du crime, emprisonnement avec sursis, changements identitaires, réalisme critique, desistance from crime, identity, critical realism, conditional sentence, house arrest
2904.More information
Creativity, in various forms, proves to be a crucial factor of development and performance of SMEs. It appears interesting to identify the processes of creativity in exacerbated contexts. One of these contexts is that of hypergrowth (HG) SMEs, in which the rhythm of development invites the company to exploit its resources in a permanent urgency. We privileged an organizational view of creativity in order to raise two questions : which are the conditions favoring creativity in HG SMEs ? Is creativity enough to generate, then to maintain rapid growth ? Data resulting from ten case studies, adding up 48 interviews are mobilized to answer these questions. A work of location in these talks of the principal terms related to creativity is carried out, supplemented by the examination of secondary sources which made it possible to know in-depth the studied cases. Two central results concerning creativity in HG SME are proposed : (1) The leader plays a central role to organize the conditions favoring creativity ; (2) Creativity is necessary, but nonsufficient. Hypergrowth requires creativity processes to be curbed by processes of stabilization/rationalization. Then, that hypergrowth is generated by the paradoxical management of the couple creativity-routine.
Keywords: Hypercroissance, PME, Créativité, Routine, Paradoxe, Hypergrowth, SMEs, Creativity, Routine, Paradox, Hiper-crecimiento, PyME, Creatividad, Rutina, Paradoja
2905.More information
This paper aims to explore the paradoxical tensions that are present in sustainability-driven and high-growth SMEs, and the practices implemented to deal with such tensions. This research is based on a single-case study within a French SME, a pioneer in the organic sector. The study findings reveal four major paradoxical tensions that progressively deepen in the course of high-growth periods : normative and utilitarian identities, organic and external growth, exploration and exploitation, disorganization and structuring. They also suggest a set of strategic keys, allowing to manage paradoxical situations through the perspectives of dialogue and differentiation.
Keywords: Croissance, Développement durable, Paradoxe, PME, Étude de cas, Growth, Sustainable development, Paradox, SME, Case study, Crecimiento, Desarrollo sostenible, Paradoja, PyME, Estudio de caso
2906.More information
The cognitive dimension of governance extends shareholder theories by introducing other resources necessary for the development of the firm: cognitive resources. It is through the board of directors that these resources can be mobilized. Using the resource dependence theory, we consider this contribution in the case of risk management in an innovative context. Our longitudinal case study provides several illustrations. It shows that the Boeing Company has conducted a dynamic approach to the strategic management of the board of director resources for 24 years. In doing so, it gradually deprived itself of a key resource that it sorely lacked in the development of the 787 and 737 MAX programs. The lack of diversity on its board may partly explain the setbacks encountered by the company.
Keywords: Cognitive governance, Gouvernance cognitive, risk management, gestion de risques, board innovation, conseil d’administration, competencies, innovations, compétences
2907.More information
Quality of working life (QWL) is presently creating growing interest both because of the human and financial costs without it, and because of the benefits it can bring. Within the public sector, the numerous reforms undertaken in recent decades have resulted in work intensification and quality of life deterioration, that are factors that do not contribute to helping public organizations face their own challenges, particularly in terms of change management. In response to these issues, some organizations have supplemented their organizational changes with QWL improvement strategies that go beyond meeting legal or regulatory constraints. While research mainly focuses on the analysis of QWL for the individual, this qualitative study resorts to the stakeholder theory to better understand and explore QWL strategies within Quebec public organizations. The data provided by 33 semi-structured interviews and internal and external documents, were collected from three organizations. The results enable to identify the stakeholders involved in these QWL strategies, and to analyse their role and their reasons. They emphasize that the employer state should think about the stakeholders and the reasons for implementing a QWL strategy, and also think about the role of the Treasury Board Secretariat in establishing and supporting such strategies, and in the management of related change.
Keywords: Qualité de vie au travail, stratégie, parties prenantes, secteur public, gestion du changement
2909.More information
Social inequalities in health services (SIHS) include several challenges that governments and civil society actors are trying to address. Confronted with the complex situations experienced by the populations that are affected by them, intersectoral and territorial interven-tions are an avenue to be explored. This paper looks at the integrated community care in the Centres intégrés de santé et services sociaux (CISSS) and the Centres intégrés universitaires de santé et services sociaux (CIUSSS), and its contribution to reducing SIHS through a practice that acts on the social determinants of health. Four intersectoral and territorial interventions in Quebec are examined to understand how practitioners are involved in identifying these determinants that contribute to SIHS, and how they act on these determinants. The discussion raises issues of governance of the health and social services network in relation to the disparity of powers and the erosion of public services in general.
Keywords: Integrated community care, Intervention de proximité, social determinants of health, déterminants sociaux de santé, social inequality in health, inégalité sociale de santé, gouvernance, governance, population responsibility, responsabilité populationnelle
2910.More information
As a result of recent developments in AI, data-based school governance is undergoing profound changes in its implementation, the consequences of which are difficult to anticipate in detail. This is particularly the case for school systems such as Quebec's which have been late to embark on data-based school governance and whose ins and outs are largely still to come. Other school systems, notably the Anglo-Saxon countries and some Western European countries, are more advanced along this path. These studies offer interesting insights to better understand current changes in school governance, as well as the issues at stake and their consequences for school systems, and to guide managers in their implementation of data-based school governance, which is particularly timely in the case of the Quebec school system since it is in its infancy. The aim of this paper is to provide a synthesis of what we know about data-based school governance in the age of AI.
Keywords: gobernanza escolar, gestão educacional, gouvernance scolaire, school governance, school data, dados escolares, données scolaires, datos escolares, informatização, datificación, datafication, infrastructure de données, intelligence artificielle, infra-estruturas de dados, data infrastructure, infraestructura de datos, inteligência artificial, mise en données, inteligencia artificial, artificial intelligence