Documents found

  1. 2892.

    Other published in Annuaire français de droit international (scholarly, collection Persée)

    Volume 35, Issue 1, 1989

    Digital publication year: 2017

  2. 2893.

    Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie

    Activités scientifiques 1995-1996

    Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur la science et la technologie


  3. 2894.

    CIRPÉE - Centre interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques économiques et l'emploi


  4. 2895.

    Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO)


  5. 2896.

    Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle, Genin, Émilie and Di Loreto, Martine

    Le congé parental et les autres congés familiaux : un droit ou un privilège ?

    Chaire de recherche sur les enjeux socio-organisationnels de l'économie du savoir


  6. 2897.

    Chaire de recherche sur les enjeux socio-organisationnels de l'économie du savoir


  7. 2898.

    Article published in McGill Journal of Education (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 55, Issue 3, 2020

    Digital publication year: 2020

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    The term “creativity” is used in a wide variety of ways in professional, technological, socio-economical and educational contexts. In this paper, an exploratory literature review of the French-language scientific literature in educational sciences was conducted, revealing the fields of knowledge that mobilize the creativity concept. Both a descriptive and a categorical content analysis were employed. The results of these analyses allowed us to situate the context of creativity and to identify five fields of knowledge: 1) teaching and personal development, 2) problem solving and computational thinking, 3) artistic approach, 4) training and/or educational programs, and 5) creativity development factors.

    Keywords: 21st century skills, creativity, educational innovation, education, creative teaching, creative pedagogy, créativité, pédagogie créative, enseignements créatifs, éducation, innovation pédagogique, compétences du 21e siècle

  8. 2899.

    Article published in McGill Journal of Education (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 53, Issue 3, 2018

    Digital publication year: 2018

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    The purpose of this article is to describe second-year elementary school teachers’ implementation of invented spelling in the classroom. The Essential Supports for Emergent Writers model was adapted to analyze the invented spelling of five teachers who were observed twice during the school year. The results show that in the context of invented spelling, students are able to verbalize their knowledge of the language and that teachers provide spelling explanations based on their conceptions. Invented spellings therefore seem to offer adequate conditions of effectiveness for developing writing skills in the context of teaching at the primary level.

    Keywords: invented spelling, emergence of writing, teaching practice, condition efficiency, elementary, orthographes approchées, émergence de l’écrit, pratique enseignante, condition d’efficacité, primaire

  9. 2900.

    Article published in McGill Journal of Education (scholarly, collection Érudit)

    Volume 57, Issue 1, 2022

    Digital publication year: 2022

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    Professionalization is often defined as the implementation of actions enabling continuous and situated development of skills through and within work situations. This definition does not differentiate professionalization from work-based training. It is toward what ends they are used that distinguishes professionalization from training. Training is generally focused on the ability to act, while professionalization focuses on the power to act. In this perspective we use the capabilities framework understood as a power to act, in order to consider professionalization approaches, modalities, practices, systems or situations, and to question the capability to professionalize oneself. We first define terms related to capabilities and then describe the capabilities framework. Finally, we will analyze how this theoretical approach can be used to interpret professionalization.

    Keywords: Apprentissage, Professionalization, Professionnalisation, Capabilities, Capabilités, Professional development, Développement professionnel, Power to act, Pouvoir d'agir